When i set typeaheadMultipleSearch=true, it doesn’t work with Angular13, ngx-bootstrap 8 - ngx-bootstrap

I set up [typeaheadMultipleSearch]="true" to input in my component like in the expample of https://valor-software.com/ngx-bootstrap/#/components/typeahead?tab=overview but it doesn’t work.
I use Angular 13 and ngx-bootstrap8
Would be grateful for any suggestions whz it doesn’t work.
Thank you!


Framework7 Tabs

<f7-toolbar tabbar>
<f7-link icon-f7="compass_fill" tab-link="#tab-1"></f7-link>
<f7-link icon-f7="drawers_fill" tab-link="#tab-2" tab-link-active></f7-link>
<f7-link icon-f7="pie_fill" tab-link="#tab-3"></f7-link>
<f7-tab id="tab-1">
<f7-view url="/tab1/"></f7-view>
<f7-tab id="tab-2" tab-active>
<f7-view url="/tab2/"></f7-view>
<f7-tab id="tab-3">
<f7-view url="/tab3/"></f7-view>
I really dont know why, but my Views are not Displayed? Does anyone know why they are not displayed?
let me give you an unprofessional advice but it works. goto to http://framework7.io/docs/tabs.html
and you will just copy and paste the tabs template then edit.
From what i can see yours are not working because i cant seem to see the class .f7-toolbar but its simply using the class .toolbar.
From the look of your current code every class with a prefix .f7- is not gonna work unless if you are using a version which is not v2

How can I charge number line of dropdownmenu using #shoutem/ui?

I try to used #shoutem/ui! In my project, I define 1 Component with header is NavigationBar of #shoutem/ui, in NavigationBar I try define rightComponent is an DropDownMenu, but when long content, navigation bar will made 2 line and I don't want that way! I'm still want it pingleline!
That's what I'm facing:
Please Help.
It seems that this PR https://github.com/shoutem/ui/pull/216/files solves it, so please check if you are using the latest version of #shoutem/ui.

Math.js is not working on jsfiddle

I'm new to jsfiddle so it's probably something obvious but I cannot get the CDN for Math.js to work.
Here is my html code
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjs/1.6.0/math.js"></script>
and here is my javascript
When I run the code it gives me NaN which is what it should give if Math.js has not loaded because Math.js is supposed to support imaginary numbers. Any help is appreciated
Here's the URL for the fiddle:
And here is the website for Math.js
You should use lowercase math instead of uppercase Math:
alert(math.sqrt(-4)); // 2i
Actually, Math.sqrt() returns NaN for negative values. Change your javascript to,
And you'll see Math.js is loading fine.

How to replace getColumnModel() function - EXTJS 4

I'm new to EXTJS. I didn't find getColumnModel() in EXTJS4.
Here is my code snippet:
grid.getColumnModel().on('hiddenchange', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
How can I replace the same in EXTJS 4?
Can anyone help me in this?
Thanks in advance!
In Ext JS 4 Ext.grid.Panel have columnhide and columnshow events which you can use instead of Ext JS 3 Ext.grid.ColumnModel hiddenchange event.
So you can rewrite your code like this:
grid.on('columnhide', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
grid.on('columnshow', this.verifyLayout, this, {delay:1});
Also if your verifyLayout method process event parameters you will have to modify it.

extjs4 treepanel childnode editing

In extjs4 , I would like to click treepanel child node, you can directly edit , and update , but I have no way to do for a long time ,. I am trying a lot on this issue.Please help me.
Help would be appreciated.
Oh ... ... I solve this problem, in the "plugins" to add plug- in Ext.create ('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {clicksToEdit: 2 ,})",
most important thing is there must be Ext.override (Ext.data . AbstractStore, {indexOf: Ext.emptyFn});