Framework7 Tabs - vue.js

<f7-toolbar tabbar>
<f7-link icon-f7="compass_fill" tab-link="#tab-1"></f7-link>
<f7-link icon-f7="drawers_fill" tab-link="#tab-2" tab-link-active></f7-link>
<f7-link icon-f7="pie_fill" tab-link="#tab-3"></f7-link>
<f7-tab id="tab-1">
<f7-view url="/tab1/"></f7-view>
<f7-tab id="tab-2" tab-active>
<f7-view url="/tab2/"></f7-view>
<f7-tab id="tab-3">
<f7-view url="/tab3/"></f7-view>
I really dont know why, but my Views are not Displayed? Does anyone know why they are not displayed?

let me give you an unprofessional advice but it works. goto to
and you will just copy and paste the tabs template then edit.
From what i can see yours are not working because i cant seem to see the class .f7-toolbar but its simply using the class .toolbar.
From the look of your current code every class with a prefix .f7- is not gonna work unless if you are using a version which is not v2


Clicking through a jquery dropdown menu using VBA / href=javascript:void(0)

I'm trying to make a macro that logs into a website, and starts pulling reports. Problem is, as I'm parsing through the html, I see a button exactly like the one on this page:
where the href is a java void and the class is a generic "chzn-single" same as that website's button.
Any suggestions?
I'm trying this but no luck:
Set Clickme = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("chzn-single chzn-default")(0)
Also, which I don't think makes much sense:
IE.Document.getElementById("typeSelector").Value = "Revenue"
IE.Navigate "javascript:void(0)"
You haven't provided any HTML to go with this. If it is like that which you are showing in the other link then IE.document.getElementsByClassName("chzn-single chzn-default")(0) won't work because the class name is incorrect. It should be just chzn-single.
For the page you have linked, there are two clickable links with class of chzn-single.
I would use a CSS class selector to target them:
For the first:
For the second:

How can I charge number line of dropdownmenu using #shoutem/ui?

I try to used #shoutem/ui! In my project, I define 1 Component with header is NavigationBar of #shoutem/ui, in NavigationBar I try define rightComponent is an DropDownMenu, but when long content, navigation bar will made 2 line and I don't want that way! I'm still want it pingleline!
That's what I'm facing:
Please Help.
It seems that this PR solves it, so please check if you are using the latest version of #shoutem/ui.

Make Text Field item as Read Only in APEX 5.0

I have some text field page items on my APEX 5.0 page and I want to make the textboxes as read only/non-editable. During the page load I want to use these text boxes for only the data display on the page and should be non-editable.
Can somebody advice on how to do that? What attributes need to set for this?
This answer is a bit late to the party, but I found myself confronted to this problem and I wanted to share the solution I came up with.
In fact you just need to create your item as a text area, let say P1_Text_Area and you give it a readonly attribute using JavaScript. Write thoses 2 lines in the "Function and Global Variable Declaration" of your page:
var disItem = document.getElementById('P1_Text_Area');
disItem.readOnly = true;
Hope this helps someone in need.
in item properties find the
Read Only group
and set Read Only Condition Type as Always
or the option that suits to you
You can use disabled + save session state ==> read only

django-autocomplete-light doesn't show 'add-another' button

I wasted a lot of time trying to solve this problem but didn't find any solution. I wanted to use django-autocomplete-light in Admin-interface not only selecting values existing in another table but adding new values. If I use it like this:
class MeaningAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin):
form = autocomplete_light.modelform_factory( Meaning)
everything is Ok and I can see and use 'add-another'-button on the form, but when I use it like following:
class MeaningAdmin( admin.ModelAdmin):
form = MeaningForm
'add-another'-button disappears. Does anybody know how to force get this button back in the 2nd case?

Change Text "Titanium.UI.iPhone.SystemIcon.BOOKMARKS"

Is there a way to change the title of the tab I have a title of 'Library' set but I still see bookmarks as the title can someone explain why this doesn't work or better yet how to fix it.
try tab.setTitle('Library');
demo here