Does anybody know any good materials on learning about testing jetpack compose animations? - android-animation

I am really struggling to find in-depth guides on running test on animations in jetpack compose. Does anybody know any good material? The only relevant materials I have is from here but it doesn't contain much depth.
Note: This is to help me understand and solve an issue I am having here. It has 80+ views but no answers as of yet.


How To I Share A Programming Technique?

I have developed (with vb2010) a technique to add several bullet styles to a Rich Text Box in addition to the built-in Dot Bullet. The technique is available to anyone who needs that capability at no cost. I am just interested in giving it to anyone to help in their programming. So my question is how best to make people aware of this package. I have a example demo for anyone who is interested.
Have searched the internet but have not found an answer to my question.

How to use Leaflet in React-Native?

Note for people before deleting my topic without even looking at it:
Of course, I've searched for similar topics on StackOverflow. I could only find one that isn't related to my problem: How to use react-native-webview-leaflet?
Hello everyone,
I'm kind of new to React Native (only got to learn navigators and basic components such as Text, View, FlatList, getting my data from my own API, etc) and I didn't learn to React at all as a first step.
Today, I'm a student in a kind of school collaborating with some big science research center linked to my government and I have to make a map app for them. They have one non-negotiable criterion that the project must not use any of Google technology in it. I would like to use Leaflet inside React Native because it allows me a lot of customization about map markers and animations I will need to use.
After spending hours searching for some tutorials, the "biggest" thing I've found is this on Github: and this person even made a video example of a working project with Leaflet inside React-Native: Despite it being exactly what I'm looking for, I'm 100% confused about how to use it in terms of code (I'm not even able to display the basic background map) and I can't find any real help in form of a tutorial.
Would any people know something about it? I would be so grateful to you.
Thanks a lot and if you don't know about it, at least thanks for spending time to read.

Vue architecture example for inspiration

TL;DR; Please share really complex, clean and well structured vue project.
Hello and thanks for reading!
I have been using react for quite a while. I know how to cook complex application and keep it simple and well structured.
I have learned Vue and feel I can handle any task. But I am always thinking: Am I using the best solution? Do that code will cause problems in future? etc. Official docs provide list of projects. But there are a lot and most of them either simple or messy.
So I'm looking for vue code samples (not basic and simple), and just good idea of what to use and what I should avoid. I am interested in code architecture, how should I split files, folders etc. And I would be gratitude for any good and real live experience you are ready to share.
Thanks in advance!
Hi you may want to check this collection of awesome stuff with Vue, in particular the projects section

Distributed rendering in a CAVE system

I am currently working with CAVE systems and I'm looking into hooking up a pre-exisiting game engine in one. I know this is possible through Unity and the Unreal Engine as there is already research out there showcasing that it has been done.
Right now, I have not decided upon one game engine to use and I'm currently looking around and researching if it is possible with the likes of CryEngine and Valve's Source Engine. The one issue that I am going to face, however, is getting the image to correctly render across all four of the monitors / screens.
Thusly, as a result I have two questions:
1.Does anyone know of any good research / books on distrubuted rendering? It doesn't need to be specificly for games, just the topic in general would be very useful
2.Does anyone know if other developers have managed to get Source and the CryEngine to run in a CAVE system? Through all my research I haven't been able to find anything on this, but then my google skills aren't the greatest.
If anyone could spare the time to answer these questions, I'd be extremely greatful.
too late for an answer, but still, you might want to have a look at
(and a few more referenced in related publications, websites)

Sencha touch app building

I was put in charge of learning this and well I have read and tried to understand it all. I am lost in how to get it started and optimized. I need to achieve a window at startup that is menu based and takes you to different components. I think I have the photo galleries sorted out just now sure how to link to the startup window.
I used this tutorial when I was trying to learn -
The learning curve is quite steep but once you understand it it's a really good bit of kit to know your way around.
If you don't already understand the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture then it's going to be a bit tricky but the tutorial explains it all pretty well.
My advice would be start following the tutorial. Stick to it, get it working and THEN adapt it.
Good luck.
With Sencha Touch 2, the team have created a bunch of guides which hopefully help ease the pain when trying to learn the framework.
I suggest you first take a look at the Getting Started Guide, and then move onto the Building your first App Guide. These both should give you a kick start on where to start.
After that, I would definitely recommend you take a look at the code of their various examples, and then try modifying it. When I was first learning the framework (and JavaScript in general) I found that taking existing code and modifying it was definitely the easiest way of learning. Obviously this varies from person-to-person, but it is always a good step.
Much of their documentation have previews and examples which you can actually edit the code inline, which I have found very useful in the past. You can view an example of this here.
The Touch Forums are very active. Almost all topics get responded to within hours, and I have never seen a post which was never responded to.