Removing the .0 from a pandas column - pandas

After a simple merge of two dataframes the following X column becomes an object and an ".0" is being added at the end for no apparent reason. I tried replacing the nan values with an integer and then converting the whole column to an integer hoping for the .0 to be gone. The code runs but it doesn't really change the dtype of that column. Also, I tried removing the .0 with the rstrip command but then all it really does is it removes everything and even the values that are 249123.0 become NaN which doesn't make sense. I know that is a very basic issue but I am not sure what else could I try at this point.
Age ID
22 23105.0
34 214541.0
51 0
8 62341.0
Desired output:
Age ID
22 23105
34 214541
51 0
8 62341
Any ideas would be much appreciated.

One of the ways to get rid of the trailing .0 in an object column is to use pandas.DataFrame.replace :
df['ID'] = df['ID'].replace(r'\.0$', '', regex=True).astype(np.int64)
# Output :
Age ID
0 22 23105
1 34 214541
2 51 0
3 8 62341


Pandas how to get row number from datetime index and back again?

I have great difficulties. I have read a csv files, and set the index on "Timestamp" column like this
# df = pd.read_csv (csv_file, quotechar = "'", decimal = ".", delimiter=";", parse_dates = True, index_col="Timestamp")
# df
XYZ PRICE position nrLots posText
2014-10-14 10:00:29 30 140 -1.0 -1.0 buy
2014-10-14 10:00:30 21 90 -1.0 -5.0 buy
2014-10-14 10:00:31 3 110 1.0 2.0 sell
2014-10-14 10:00:32 31 120 1.0 1.0 sell
2014-10-14 10:00:33 4 70 -1.0 -5.0 buy
So if I want to get the price of 2nd row, I want to do like this:
df.loc [2,"PRICE"]
But that does not work. If I want to use df.loc[] operator, I need to insert a Timestamp, like this:
df.loc["2014-10-14 10:00:31", "PRICE"]
If I want to use row numbers, I need to do like this instead:
which sucks. The syntax is ugly. However, it works. I can get the value, and I can set the value - which is what I want.
If I want to find the Timestamp from a row, I can do like this:
Question) Is there a more elegant syntax to get and set the value, when you always work with a row number? I always iterate over the row numbers, never iterate over Timestamps. I never use the Timestamp to access values, I always use row numbers.
Bonusquestion) If I have a Timestamp, how can I find the corresponding row number?
There is way to do this .
First use df = df.reset_index() .
"Timestamp" will be new column added to df , now you get new index as integer.
And you access any row element with df.loc[] or df.iat[] and you can find any row with specific element .

Pivoting with grouby?

I wonder if you can help me to find a solution for the following problem. Given a data frame df1 like this
and two dictionaries to define grouping over columns and rows
I wanted to aggregate over columns as a first step. Applying
results in
but I wanted to keep the 'L' column for the next step row-wise aggregation, i.e. the result should be a dataframe df2 more like this:
What do I need to code to make this happen?
As a next step, I want to aggregate df2 over the rows using the dctRowGroups dictionary
to get a final result like this:
In what way can I do all these steps in as few lines of code as possible?
Appreciate your advice on this.
Thanks a lot
You can do:
Firstly create df2 and insert 'L' column by using insert() method:
df2.insert(0,'L',df1['L']) #use this only when the order matters
#OR(use anyone of the method either insert or assign)
df2=df2.assign(L=df1['L']) #otherwise use this
Finally use assign() ,map() and groupby() method:
0 aaa 4 6
1 bbb 12 14
2 ccc 20 22
3 aaa 28 30
4 bbb 36 38
5 ddd 44 46
A 52 58
B 92 98

Unexpected groupby result: some rows are missing

I am facing an issue with transforming my data using Pandas' groupby. I have a table (several million rows and 3 variables) that I am trying to group by "Date" variable.
Snippet from a raw table:
Date V1 V2
07_19_2017_17_00_06 10 5
07_19_2017_17_00_06 20 6
07_19_2017_17_00_08 15 3
01_07_2019_14_06_59 30 1
01_07_2019_14_06_59 40 2
The goal is to group rows with the same value of "Date" by applying a mean function over V1 and sum function over V2. So that the expected result resembles:
Date V1 V2
07_19_2017_17_00_06 15 11 # This row has changed
07_19_2017_17_00_08 15 3
01_07_2019_14_06_59 35 3 # and this one too!
My code:
df = df.groupby(['Date'], as_index=False).agg({'V1': 'mean', 'V2': 'sum'})
The output I am getting, however, is totally unexpected and I am can't find a reasonable explanation of why it happens. It seems like Pandas is only processing data from 01_01_2018_00_00_01 to 12_31_2018_23_58_40, instead of 07_19_2017_17_00_06 to 01_07_2019_14_06_59.
Date V1 V2
01_01_2018_00_00_01 30 3
01_01_2018_00_00_02 20 4
12_31_2018_23_58_35 15 3
12_31_2018_23_58_40 16 11
If you have any clue, I would really appreciate your input. Thank you!
I suspect that the issue is based around Pandas not recognizing the date format that I've used. A solution turned out to be quite simple: convert all of the dates into UNIX time format, divide by 60 and then, repeat the groupby procedure.

How to delete "1" followed by trailing zeros from Data Frame row values ?

From my "Id" Column I want to remove the one and zero's from the left.
That is
1000003 becomes 3
1000005 becomes 5
1000011 becomes 11 and so on
Ignore -1, 10 and 1000000, they will be handled as special cases. but from the remaining rows I want to remove the "1" followed by zeros.
Well you can use modulus to get the end of the numbers (they will be the remainder). So just exclude the rows with ids of [-1,10,1000000] and then compute the modulus of 1000000:
print df
0 -1
1 10
2 1000000
3 1000003
4 1000005
5 1000007
6 1000009
7 1000011
keep = df.Id.isin([-1,10,1000000])
df.Id[~keep] = df.Id[~keep] % 1000000
print df
0 -1
1 10
2 1000000
3 3
4 5
5 7
6 9
7 11
Edit: Here is a fully vectorized string slice version as an alternative (Like Alex' method but takes advantage of pandas' vectorized string methods):
keep = df.Id.isin([-1,10,1000000])
df.Id[~keep] = df.Id[~keep].astype(str).str[1:].astype(int)
print df
0 -1
1 10
2 1000000
3 3
4 5
5 7
6 9
7 11
Here is another way you could try to do it:
def f(x):
"""convert the value to a string, then select only the characters
after the first one in the string, which is 1. For example,
100005 would be 00005 and I believe it's returning 00005.0 from
dataframe, which is why the float() is there. Then just convert
it to an int, and you'll have 5, etc.
return int(float(str(x)[1:]))
# apply the function "f" to the dataframe and pass in the column 'Id'
df.apply(lambda row: f(row['Id']), axis=1)
I get that this question is satisfactory answered. But for future visitors, what I like about alex' answer is that it does not depend on there to be exactly four zeros. The accepted answer will fail if you sometimes have 10005, sometimes 1000005 and whatever.
However, to add something more to the way we think about it. If you know it's always going to be 10000, you can do
# backup all values
foo =
#now, some will be negative or zero = - 10000
#back in those that are negative or zero (here, first three rows)
df.if[df.if <= 0] = foo[ <= 0]
It gives you the same as Karl's answer, but I typically prefer these kind of methods for their readability.

SSRS Chart with Grouping like in Excel

I wasnt able to find anything like this yet... but here is what i need to do:
I have a query result like this:
ID Data1 Data2 Data3 Data4 ... Data7
1 12 13 15 1 ... 12
2 12 13 15 1 ... 12
3 12 13 15 1 ... 12
4 12 13 15 1 ... 12
I need to make a BarChart With 2 Values, 1 is the first row (ID=1) one is the last row (ID=4). The column headers DataX is what i need the series to be paired by.
ID Insured Uninsured Rejected
1 12 3 0
4 16 9 2
In the BarChart i need to see the number of insured or ID=1 and ID=2 next to each other, the number of Uninsured and rejected the same.
I feel like i have tried all ways possible but was not able to get anything besides a BarChart where all values of ID=1 where displayed and then all values for ID=2 where displayed next to each other.
Im sure this was a very confusing way to describe it, but i hope someone can understand what i am looking for.
NOTE: I tried to do this in Excel, and it worked within 2 minutes. I set the filter: Series on the 2 rows that i wanted, and set the Categories to the dataX Columns as described, and everything looked great. When i tried to translate this into SSRS i was able to do all the same things in the Series and Categories, but then i had to put in values and that screwed everything up.
I bet you need to add a grouping to your values by a spanning factor.