Pass Sugar Calendar Event Title to Ninja Forms - ninja-forms

I'm using Sugar Calendar on my site to show a special events calendar. I'm using their addon Sugar Calendar - Frontend Event Submissions so I can use Ninja Forms to collect registrations. I'd like to use the same form for different events but I need a way to tell what event the form was filled out for. This info will be passed to a google sheet using Zapier. Sugar Calendar says I would have to hard code the Event Title in a hidden field in Ninja Forms to pass that data to Zapier, which means I need a separate form for every event. How can I pass Sugar Calendar's event title to Ninja forms? I thought about using a query string in the url but I'm not sure how to add a query string to the single event url that grabs the event title.


UiPath wont recognize textbox and other controls within userform

I have been working on UiPath for quite some time and I have a form where I need to input certain details.
UiPath won't recognize the controls within the form. This form is designed using power builder and the selector looks something as below
<wnd app='pcemain.exe' cls='FNWNS390' title='Open' />
<wnd cls='pbdw90' />
Since the items and their order in the list won't change; you should be able to use the Send Hotkey activity or Type into activity, or a combination of the two.
In some dropdowns, you can type the whole name of the item.
My tip for these kinds of situations, where the (mouse) controls are
challenging, is to try to do the action manually without using the
mouse (or use it as little as possible). When finding a solution, do
it in UiPath

Populate Outlook form Subject from user-defined fields

I designed the form below:
I would like the Subject to be automatically populated with the value of "[Machine] - [TAT]" as soon as those values are filled. I don't know how to access the values of these fields, the syntax for the value change listeners, nor where I should be putting this code.
When I click "Visual Basic", all I see is this:
It seems that this is only programmatic access to the Application, not the form.
How do I programmatically access the form that I designed?
Legacy form customizations require using VBScript for the "code behind", primarily for interactions with your custom UI. However, VBA macros are used independent of custom forms to work with Outlook items and data. If the business logic for your custom form requires working with the active MailItem, then VBScript is what you need to use.
For your scenario, you need to trap changes to the values of your custom controls. The best practice is to create custom fields in the Outlook item and map those fields to the controls. If you don't, you will only be able to write validation formulas in the designer for those controls, and you cannot trap value changes (odd, I know). Luckily custom fields fire the Item_CustomPropertyChange event, which is exactly what you need.
For more info, see:
Manipulating Controls Programmatically
MailItem.CustomPropertyChange Event

Is there an event when user types a subject?

I want to autofill a subject based on what the user types in to the subject field of an email. For example, the user starts typing T201234567 and the program will fill in the rest.
T201234567 SR9&54 Project title
I found the event for when a new email is created, but I would ideally like to have this program be as unobtrusive as possible, so it would only suggest titles, as the user is typing in something it recognizes.
So, is there an onKeyPress event for the subject field?
No, there is no such event. PropertyChange ("Subject") event will fire only when the user tabs out of the Subject edit box.
You can find the control's handle using Win API and intercept its Windows messages, but you cannot do that in VBA.

Interaction between custom forms and event receivers

How can we interact with custom forms and event receivers? How can we talk to custom fields (asp controls) within the custom form from an event recievers?
I searched but cant find something like that or maybe I am not using the right keywords.
In the event receiver you do not have access to any of the controls on a form. What you do have is access to the SPItemEventProperties object which has the BeforeProperties and AfterProperties, er... properties. These are hashtables which contain the names of the SPListItem's fields and their corresponding values (from the form or from the existing item). You can use the event receiver to inspect these values and take a particular action, or even cancel the event.

Pass hidden data through XUL autocomplete textbox?

One of the controls needed in my xulrunner application is an autocompleting text box which allows the user to type a search term, then looks up completions in an array of objects (each having a generated UUID, canonical name, a list of search terms gleaned from related data, etc.) and allows the user to select just one. Currently I'm using a textbox element of type="autocomplete" and a Javascript custom search component, and it is successfully prefix searching all the search terms and providing completions below the text field, in the customary fashion.
The catch is that I'm not interested in the possibly non-unique label but the object from which the label came, and I can't see any way of passing the object or even any out-of-band UUID back into document land without modifying the XBL or rolling my own control from scratch. Essentially I'm seeking to do what could have been done in HTML with the option[value] attribute. I can't use the built-in type-to-search effect of a standalone menulist because I need to prefix search multiple fields of the object. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
I ended up rolling my own as a listbox inside a panel next to a textbox. Even composed into an XBL binding, this was less effort than I'd spent working with the built-in autocomplete textbox and trying to force it to handle what it wasn't intended to handle.