Dear Stackoverflow community
I have a plot of components. Would it be possible to plot values (e.g. operating times) on y-axis instead of relative changes. Kind help is greatly appreciated. Thank you
model = Prophet()
future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=120, freq='D')
[model plot components](
Please help to plot y-axis with values of variable (e.g. operating times). Thank you
I have this plot
I want this plot to be inverted i.e the categories with the highest avg buyer365 should appear at the top. Does anyone know how to deal with this? I really appreciate any help you can provide.
P.S code I used:
axs.set(xlim=(-3,15),title= "89% Hdi Interval",ylabel="categories", xlabel="avg buyer365(standarized)")
axs.axvline(0.0,ls="--",color="k",alpha=0.5,label="average Buyer")
You can plot the sorted in ascending order values:
axs.scatter("mean", "cat3_items", data=trace1_summary.sort_values("mean"))
I've been learning how to use Cartopy and Matplotlib to plot map. But I have a question regarding the argument transform. According to the Cartopy document, transform specifies "what coordinate system your data are defined in". Suppose I am going to plot temperatures of an area, and the area has been split into several grid cells. Each grid cells has a corresponding coordinate defined in lat and lon (Geodetic Systems). Based on the Cartopy document, I need to use crs.PlateCarree() instead of crs.Geodetic(). I'm a bit confused about it. Because,I think the PlateCarree is a way of projection. In other words, coordinates defined in PlateCarree projections are projected data. But latitude and longitude should be unprojected data. Can anyone help me with it? Thanks!
I am attempting to plot a histogram where the y-axis should be the count and the x-axis (i.e. the bins) should be composed of all the countries, but I cannot seem to figure out the code.
I have tried following and How to create Histograms in Panda Python Using Specific Rows and Columns in Data Frame, but both of those are for bar graphs and not for histograms.
per_country = df.groupby(['COUNTRY'])[['TOTAL']].sum()
per_country = per_country.sort_values('TOTAL')
medals_per_country['TOTAL'].plot(kind='hist') # if hist is changed to bar, then it works, but I need a histogram and not a bar graph
The result should be a histogram where the x-axis includes a label for each country and the y-axis is the total for each country. Right now the bins are just based on the 'TOTAL', whereas the y-axis is the number of countries with said 'TOTAL'.
Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you!
I want to make 21 subplots using the matplotlib. In some of the plots, fonts of axis are overlapping on the X-axis but X-axis labels are OK. For example, X-axis of one plot has value of (0,10,2) and adjoining plot has value of (0.001,0.010,0.002) so in subplots, 10 (on first X-axis) is overlap with 0.001 (X-axis of adjoining plot). If any one know about it then please reply me.
Many thanks
A few things you can try:
Adjust subplots so that there is more wspace and hspace
Adjust xlim/ylim manually to make sure there's no overlap (tricky)
Use tight_layout (see this question)
I get a histogram picture in matplotlib which looks great. Now I realize I need a log scale on the y-axis, so I just add to the code:
but then, the histogram bars dissapear and I only get some sparse points, do you know waht could be the reason?
Use hist's log=True keyword argument instead. This is a FAQ in matplotlib-user list :)