How to include Handlebars partial in a string? (add it to the innerHTML of a DOM Element) - express

Is there a way to get the "string version" of a handlebars partial to include it in the innerHTML of an HTML element?
For instance, imagine I have a ToDo list, and I want to add a task everytime I click the button "Add Task", like this:
<div id="todo-list">
<button onclick="addTask">Add Task</button>
And that I have a handlebars partial in the file "task.hbs":
<h1 class="task-title">The task is: {{title}}</h1>
<button id="delete-task">Delete task</button>
const button_delete_task = document.getElementById('delete-task');
button_delete_task.addEventListener('click', deleteTask);
function deleteTask () {
// delete task code here
My question is: How could I create a Task partial everytime the button "Add Task" is clicked? Something like this:
<div id="todo-list">
<button onclick="addTask">Add Task</button>
function addTask() {
const todo_list = document.getElementById('todo_list');
todo_list.innerHTML += {{> Task title="A new task"}};
// More code here...
I have also tried enclosing the partial with backticks (`{{> Task title="A new task"}}`), and quotes ("{{> Task title='A new task'}}") as well as read many posts on this subject, but all of them use handlebars.js, not express-handlebars.
I am using express.js for the backend, and therefore, express-handlebars as the view engine. In advance, thanks a lot for your help!

I managed to solve the issue!
It turns out that enclosing the partial with backticks works! The problem was that my partial had <script></script> tags.
Imagine my task.hbs looked like this:
then, the processed version of todo_list.hbs would look like this:
<div id="todo-list">
<button onclick="addTask">Add Task</button>
function addTask() {
const todo_list = document.getElementById('todo_list');
todo_list.innerHTML += `<div>
// More code here...
This would be valid in a normal HTML file, but it looks like handlebars process the closing script tag that is inside the string (</script>) as a normal tag, and with it, closes the <script> tag of todo_list.hbs.
The solution I found was to not use <script> tags into my partial (not a beautiful solution, but works for me!) and instead, declare the javascript code in another file, and import it into todo_list.hbs using <script> tags with the src parameter like this:
<div id="todo-list">
<button onclick="addTask">Add Task</button>
function addTask() {
const todo_list = document.getElementById('todo_list');
todo_list.innerHTML += `{{> Task title="New task!"}}`;
// More code here...
<script src="/foo/bar/partials/Task.js"></script>
Where Task.js is the file containing the javascript of the Task.hbs partial:
const button_delete_task = document.getElementById('delete-task');
button_delete_task.addEventListener('click', deleteTask);
function deleteTask () {
// delete task code here
And with this changes, Task.hbs would look like this:
<h1 class="task-title">The task is: {{title}}</h1>
<button id="delete-task">Delete task</button>

You are very close to getting this to work.
As you have noted, your Handlebars is executing on the server-side. In the case of your partial, you are trying to have it render within a script block. In order for the result to be valid JavaScript, you would need have quotes around the output of the partial so that it will be a valid JavaScript string. Therefore:
todo_list.innerHTML += "{{>Task title='A new task'}}";
Which, when rendered, would result in:
todo_list.innerHTML += "<h1>The task is: A new task</h1>";
It should be noted that quotes in your partial could be problematic. For example, if the <h1> in your partial had a class <h1 class="task">, the resultant JavaScript would now be invalid because the quote after the = would be interpreted as the closing quote of the JavaScript string. Therefore, you would need to be sure to either escape the quotes in your partial or ensure they are different from those used to wrap your partial call (a single-quote ('), in this case.
todo_list.innerHTML += "<h1 class=\"task\">The task is: A new task</h1>";
Additionally, you have an inconsistency with the id of your <div>. The tag has id="todo-list" (with a dash); but your JavaScript has document.getElementById('todo_list') (with an underscore). Those will need to be consistent.
As #Sharif Velásquez Alzate noted in comments, the quotes will not work when the partial contains line-breaks because JavaScript strings cannot span multiple lines (unless each line ends with a \ to signify that the text continues to the next line. However, a template literal, using back-ticks, will support text with line-breaks.
Therefore, a better solution is:
todo_list.innerHTML += `{{>Task title='A new task'}}`;


how to style html escaped data in Vue 2 or 3

I have user-generated data I'm displaying in a Vue app, so the default Vue behavior of html-escaping the data is perfect. Except, now I'd like users to be able to search that data, and I'd like to highlight the matching text in the search result. That means I need my own styling to not be escaped, even though all the original data should still be escaped.
In other words I need to apply my styling after the data has been html-escaped, eg:
1. user inputs data:
some original data that has special characters like > and <
2. Vue html-escapes this for safe display:
some original data that has special characters like > and <
3. dynamically style the search results
Eg if user searched for "original data" it becomes:
some <span class="my-highlight-style">original data</span> that has special characters like > and <
Notice how my dynamic styling was not html escaped even though the user input was.
I could of course just use v-html to bypass the html escape entirely, but then I lose all the safety and benefit of html escaping which I don't want to lose. Ideally I want to explicitly call Vue's html escape routine, then apply my styling so that it does not get escaped, then finally render all of that unescaped (since I already applied appropriate escaping programmatically).
Does Vue offer programmatic access to its html escape routine? (And I'm not talking about $sanitize which strips out special characters entirely, I want to preserve them just like normal Vue templating does). I could of course write my own escape routine, just wondered if I could leverage Vue's instead.
Vue uses the Browser's API for encoding HTML content, as mentioned here:
So, something like this should offer you the same kind of protection as Vue would from the raw user input. In the computed property, we pass the user data through the p element to encode it. Then we chain on top of that our own highlight computed property where we can inject our own HTML, and then show that with v-html.
<div id="app">
<div><label>Raw text:<br /><textarea v-model="text" cols="50" rows="10" /></label></div>
<div><label>Search for: <input type="text" v-model="search" /></label></div>
<p><label>v-html: <span v-html="text" /></label></p>
<p><label>Highlighted: <span v-html="highlight" /></label></p>
export default {
data() {
return {
text: "some original data that has special characters like > and <",
search: "original data"
computed: {
highlight() {
const html = this.safeHtml;
return html.replace(, "<span class='my-highlight-style'>$&</span>");
safeHtml() {
var p = document.createElement("p");
p.textContent = this.text;
return p.innerHTML;
.my-highlight-style {
background: orange;
padding: 5px;

handle errors with HTMX

class="" id="form" hx-post="/add/" hx-swap="afterbegin" hx-target="#big_list" hx-trigger="submit">
<input type="text" name="langue1" >
<input type="text" name="langue2">
<div id="errors"></div>
<button type="submit">GO</button>
<div id="big_list">
I have a big list in #big_list, and I want my #form appends only one row when submitted.
How with htmx, can I handle errors and show message in #errors ?
I created this solution so you can use hx-target-error = to define which HTML will be displayed after a failed request
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:afterRequest', function (evt) {
const targetError ='hx-target-error')
if (evt.detail.failed && targetError) {
document.getElementById(targetError.value).style.display = "inline";
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:beforeRequest', function (evt) {
const targetError ='hx-target-error')
if (targetError) {
document.getElementById(targetError.value).style.display = "none";
If your code raises the errors (validation?), you can change target and swap behavior with response headers.
Response.Headers.Add("HX-Retarget", "#errors");
Response.Headers.Add("HX-Reswap", "innerHTML");
If you want to return a status other than 200, you have to tell htmx to accept it.
4xx would normally not do a swap in htmx. In case of validation errors you could use 422.
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:beforeOnLoad', function (evt) {
if (evt.detail.xhr.status === 422) {
evt.detail.shouldSwap = true;
evt.detail.isError = false;
It works in htmx 1.8.
If you want to remove the error message on then next sucessfull request, you could use hx-swap-oob. Out of band elements must be in the top level of the response.
So the response could look like this:
your new row data...
<div id="errors" hx-swap-oob="true"></div>
You can now use the new powerful extension multi-swap to swap multiple elements arbitrarily placed and nested in the DOM tree.
Although it doesn't follow REST principles, you might consider using an swap-oob to report your error back to your user. For example, your request might return a (slightly misleading) status 200, but include content like this:
<div id="errors" hx-swap-oob="true">
There was an error processing your request...
If it's important to follow REST more precisely, then you'll want to listen to the htmx:responseError event, as mentioned by #guettli in his previous answer.

TestCafe and grabbing an element/selector when no ID or CSS is present

Hello I have a simple page of our application, the start page that has a disclaimer on it and one button. Because of the technology we are using the IDs are stripped out and obfuscated.
So the button's name is 'ok' as it appears in the page-source view below. Note no ID. Even if I put it in our code, when it is produced the ID is removed.
<div style="text-align:center;">
<input type="button" name="ok" value="Ok" width="40" onclick="swap()" />
I have the following in my TestCafe js file:
import {Selector } from 'testcafe';
import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
fixture `My fixture`
.page ``;
test('Disclaimer Page 1', async t => {
const okBtn = Selector('button').withAttribute('ok');
await t
test('Disclaimer Page 2 -- of course tried this ', async t => {
await t
.click('ok') -- does not work either
Tried numerous things even trying findElementByName .. but nothing works with Window vs Document and Selector vs element.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have been all over looking at how to grab selectors on TestCafe docs. None seem to fit this scenario which is quite simple -- but highly problematic.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to select this element:
<input type="button" name="ok" value="Ok" width="40" onclick="swap()" />
you can use (one or more) attribute selectors like this:
If only one element on the page has the attribute name="ok", you can grab that single element in javascript, using document.querySelector(), like this:
const myButton = document.querySelector('input[type="button"][name="ok"]');
N.B. If multiple elements on the page have the attribute name="ok", you can grab all of them in javascript, using document.querySelectorALL().

How to define dojo module for reference by onClick in HTML?

I'm trying to follow the latest Dojo1.9 best AMD practices when defining a separate javascript module to be referenced by the JSP markup. I used to have a large javascript section in the same JSP file, MyJayEsspEe.jsp, where the javascript section defined functions that were called by various element onClick properties. Now I am separating the javascript into a new file called MyCallbacks.js using the Dojo define mechanism.
The format of the MyCallbacks.js looks like:
define(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/has", "dijit/registry", "dojo/on"],
function (dom, domStyle, dojoHas, registry, on) {
function clickedOnButton1() {
console.log("Clicked on button1");
function clickedOnLinkTwo() {
console.log("Clicked on second link");
return {
clickedOnButton1: clickedOnButton1,
clickedOnLinkTwo: clickedOnLinkTwo
and in the MyJayEsspEe.jsp file I currently have working ugly markup that includes:
<button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button" onclick="require(['commonjs/MyCallbacks'], function(mycallbacks) {mycallbacks.clickedOnButton1();});">First Button</button>
<a id="testLinkId" href="#" onclick="require(['commonjs/MyCallbacks'], function(mycallbacks) {mycallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo();});">Link Two</a>
but I'm hoping there's a way to define the module and require it such that in the markup I could have cleaner callbacks like so:
<button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button" onclick="mycallbacks.clickedOnButton1();">First Button</button>
<a id="testLinkId" href="#" onclick="mycallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo();">Link Two</a>
I've been reviewing the Dojo reference documentation for defining modules and callbacks but so far haven't found a pointer to the clean solution that I'm looking for. Is there a cleaner solution than the one I've been using?
Thanks for your time,
If you cannot create a full widget on the JS side and use the template to attach events,
using your current example you can write it like that:
<button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" type="button" onclick="require('commonjs/MyCallbacks').clickedOnButton1();">First Button</button>
<a id="testLinkId" href="#" onclick="require('commonjs/MyCallbacks').clickedOnLinkTwo();">Link Two</a>
Your JS look a bit strange through, in how you return your functions. Usually it would be written like that:
define(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/has", "dijit/registry", "dojo/on"],
function (dom, domStyle, dojoHas, registry, on) {
var MyCallbacks={};
MyCallbacks.clickedOnButton1 = function() {
console.log("Clicked on button1");
MyCallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo = function() {
console.log("Clicked on second link");
return MyCallbacks;
As a best practice it is always advised to encapsulate the behaviour of a widget in itself. All callbacks that a widget is supposed to handle should be defined within the widget. Defining all the callbacks in a single module breaks the modularity and portability of your modules.
To answer your question:
require(['dojo/dom', 'dojo/on', 'commonjs/MyCallbacks'], function(dom, on, MyCallbacks) {
// register all event handlers here
on(dom.byId('testLinkId'), 'click', MyCallbacks.clickedOnLinkTwo);
<a id="testLinkId" href="#">Link Two</a>

Is there a way to disconnect an event added by dojoAttachEvent

I have a dojo widget which uses a a custom-library code having a link like this in its template.
Go Back
I need to find a way to disconnect this event from my widget. The only way i know how an event can be disconnected is, using a
I could use this if I had the event connected using dojo,connect() which returns me the handle.
However with dojoAttachEvent i don't have the event handle hence no way to disconnect it.
Note :
Changing this html is not an option for me, since this an external library i am using.
Also, I am not looking for a solution to disconnect all events.
dojo.declare("otherWidget", [], {
templateString : dojo.cache("otherWidget","templates/otherWidget.html"),
_goBack: function(){
destroyWidgetAndRedirect: function(){
//Code to destory and redirect.
Go Back
<!-- Other Widget related code -->
dojo.declare("myWidget", [], {
templateString : dojo.cache("myWidget","templates/myWidget.html"),
this.otherWidget = new otherWidget({}, dojo.byId('otherWidgetContainer'));
<div id="otherWidgetContainer"></div>
<!-- My Widget related code -->
Any thoughts..
Extension points can be used directly on your html, or in javascript. Suppose the widget you are using is called 'my.custom.dojowidget', and that it has an onClick extension point. I will show here the declarative way, in your html. Try this :
<div data-dojo-type="my.custom.widget">
<script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="onClick" data-dojo-args"evt">
console.debug("did this work ?");
Now this depends on the existence of the extension point... if you can't still do what you want, please post the relevant parts of your widget's code.
So... based on the sample code you posted in your edit, I think you should do the following :
<div data-dojo-type="otherWidget">
<script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="destroyWidgetAndRedirect" data-dojo-args="evt">
// do whatever custom code you want here...