How to fix for getting wrong date while change the time zone in react native? - react-native

I'm using new Date("2017-01-12") for string to date conversion. Its working fine for IST, If I change the device time zone like Chicago(CST), then the date shows as previous date. Because CST is GMT-0600 so it reduces -6 hours and shows previous day date("2017-01-11"). Any other way to convert the date string to date using Moment?

Date(year, month, day) is the valid constructor here.
2 things to know, when you pass the month it starts in 0, so if you pass January it is the month 0, don't to confuse with 1.
Then if you have a string format date like YYYY-MM-YY you have to do this supposing that your string is named stringDate:
var stringDateSplited = stringDate.split('-');
var dateResult = new Date(stringDateSplited[0], (stringDateSplited[1] -1) , stringDateSplited[2]);
This could be the result you want!


Compare Dates in Kotlin

How can i compare Dates in Kotlin?
I have the Date of an Event as a String (Format:dd/mm/yy) and I want to check if it is within the next 7 Days of the current Date.
The time in this case is not relevant or if needet I would use midnight.
Can someone please help me with this?
In my current code i got both Dates by this:
val date =["Date"].toString() //Example: 22/08/22 (dd/MM/yy)
val today = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy").format(Date()).toString()
this is within a Android environment.
I can't get the date more specific because i am getting it from a Database.
Parse string into LocalDate using its parse method. There’s no out-of-the-box DateTimeFormatter for dd/mm/yy format, but you can trivially create one using DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern.
Get current date using
diff = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(now, date1)

Selecting week / ISO week number from a date/time field

Sorry - this may be a basic question, but I have been banging my head against this for a week.
I have a database field with the format "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" called UpdateTime and referencing max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime) in the database.
I am trying to identify the Week / ISO Week from the date part of this field only using the dataset in ReportBuilder3.
I am trying to achieve an integer entry in a column called "WeekNo" giving me the week of the year that a transaction was made so I can use this for grouping results by year | by week number on a report for senior management.
I have tried many combinations of:
,DATEPART(WEEK,DAY(max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) AS WeekNo and
,DATEPART(WEEK,MONTH(max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) AS WeekNo.
If I use a static date, e.g. , DATEPART(WEEK,DAY('1900-01-20')) AS WeekNo, it returns perfectly as "4" but I cannot for the life of me get the datepart format correct to identify the week from the format of the field.
I believe my issue is getting SQL to accept that the field is "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" and work out the week from the date element.
Before I go mad - I thought I'd ask if there is a quick way to achieve this.
The DATEPART function expects a date / datetime / datetime2 value. You are passing in an integer representing the day or month number.
Assuming you're storing your dates correctly, you just need to pass in the date value directly:
DATEPART(WEEK, Max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) As WeekNo

how to change date format to just year and month but must stay as a date value not varchar, or char..?

I read other similar question where the answer is to use FORMAT(getdate(),'yyy-MM') or something similar. However the problem for me in using anything like this, is that it changes the date type to a varchar or char. I need it to stay as datetype but just want Year and Month.. I tried the following..-> FORMAT(a.completeddate,'yyy-MM') which works to change to year and month but the date is no longer a datetype or date format. So when I try to do the following -> select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) i get this error..Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. Basically I need to convert the date column to year and month as date format so I can then pass values to variables using select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) and set #secondMonth = DATEADD(month, 2, #FirstCompletion) which are Datetype variables.. Would appreciate any help I can get.. Thanks..

Error: Date Type Conversion from String in VB .Net

For the following code, I am receiving this error: "Conversion from String "10/22.2014 12:00:00 A10" to type 'Date' is not valid." Note - in comparison to the code, below - the error message's conversion of AM to A10.
What I Am Trying To Do
I am trying to give a user the ability to query a database for transactions that occurred, today. In order to do this, I need to specify the timestamp for the transaction, i.e. MM/dd/yyyy timestamp. I have consulted the MSDN documentation; however, am unable to get my code to function, properly.
By default, Date objects appear to drop their timestamp (this may be a result of the code I am working with, e.g. the casting); therefore, when specifying a date range of "today" (Today's Data - Today's Date), I am left with the default behaviour of the object: Today's Date 12:00:00 AM - Today's Date 12:00:00 AM. Regardless as to why this is happening, this is the problem with which I am left.
The objective: MM/dd/yyyy 12:00:00 AM - MM/dd/yy 11:59:59 PM (the day being the same).
My goal is to force a particular timestamp for a Date object (note this is not a DateTime object). By specifyiong the time range, I am able to grab all data from a database for today.
What I've Got
Below, is the code and, below that, the description (I've tried to condense the code as much as possible). You'll also note that this is only half of the code, i.e. the FromDate portion (presumably the format can be replicated for the ToDate:
Public Shared Function ToFromDate(ByVal aValue As Object) As Date
Dim Result As Date
Result = CDate(aValue)
Catch ex As Exception
Result = Now
End Try
Result = CDate(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy 12:00:00 AM}", Result))
Return Result
End Function
The above code takes as an argument a DateTime, e.g. 10\10\2010 12:15:63 PM (and, for the purposes of my problem, the timestamp is included). Again, I am trying to take that Date with timestamp and change the time. Result receives aValue, casting the object as Date to "ensure" it is a date.
After Result receives a value (as when declaring a Date it is initialized to #12:00:00 AM#, interestingly enough), I attempt to CDate() a formatted String object. I have also attempted to remove the second cast, yet still receive the same error (the Result = CDate(String...) line throwing the error).
The main question: how do I appropriately cast a date to include a specified time?
The second, trivial question: what's with the # surrounding the Date? Is this a SQL 'thing'?
Here's my work around for the above not working, so far:
Dim Result As Date
Dim DateString As String = CStr(aValue)
Dim TestDateString As String = DateString.Substring(0, DateString.IndexOf("/"))
Dim NewDateString As String = ""
If TestDateString.Length = 2 Then
NewDateString = DateString.Substring(0, 10)
NewDateString = DateString.Substring(0, 8)
End If
NewDateString = NewDateString + " 12:00:00 AM"
NewDateString = CObj("#" + NewDateString + "#")
Result = CDate(NewDateString)
Return Result
First, a date is the number of ticks since a point in time. Formatting it to a string and then converting to a date does nothing but spin the wheels of your CPU.
Because of culture issues, you should always create dates using NEW DATE(?,?,?,etc)
Second, the # is a vb6 way of creating dates (and MS Access) that is there for backwards compatibility.
Third, If you have a date (no time or as of midnight), and you want it to be as of say 6AM, you simply add the time you want. IE:
Dim d As Date = New Date(2014,1,1)
d = d.AddHours(6)
'Result: d = 1/1/2014 6:00:00 AM
Lastly, if you have a date and time and you want to remove the time, there are many ways but this is the one I like:
Dim d As Date = Now
d = New Date(d.Year, d.Month, d.Day)

Not able to get month from current date

Am trying to extract month from the current date but in vain. I am using the code:
Format(Today.Date, "mmmm")
However when I try to run it to display month like January it instead displays 00. I thought that this would work but it isn't. What can I do to get the month from current date in using a simple approach like a single function?
Try This :
Check out This for detailed date formatting options.
try this
msdn: Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Format(Today.Date, "MMMM")
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM NOW()) , getting month of current date