Difference between CharSequence and Sequence<Char> in Kotlin? - kotlin

In Kotlin, a Sequence<T> is a container whose operations on it (like map, filtering, etc..) are done lazily. Like Java Streams.
A CharSequence is just a supertype/interface of several String-like types, like String, StringBuilder, etc..
So a CharSequence is not processed lazily, right? It's processed greedily.
It just (unfortunately) happens that Kotlin chose the name Sequence to refer to "streams", but also inherited the term/type CharSequence from Java, thereby creating some confusion.
Am I right?


Relation between Arrow suspend functions and monad comprehension

I am new to Arrow and try to establish my mental model of how its effects system works; in particular, how it leverages Kotlin's suspend system. My very vague understanding is as follows; if would be great if someone could confirm, clarify, or correct it:
Because Kotlin does not support higher-kinded types, implementing applicatives and monads as type classes is cumbersome. Instead, arrow derives its monad functionality (bind and return) for all of Arrow's monadic types from the continuation primitive offered by Kotlin's suspend mechanism. Ist this correct? In particular, short-circuiting behavior (e.g., for nullable or either) is somehow implemented as a delimited continuation. I did not quite get which particular feature of Kotlin's suspend machinery comes into play here.
If the above is broadly correct, I have two follow-up questions: How should I contain the scope of non-IO monadic operations? Take a simple object construction and validation example:
suspend fun mkMessage(msgType: String, appRef: String, pId: String): Message? = nullable {
val type = MessageType.mkMessageType(msgType).bind()
val ref = ApplRefe.mkAppRef((appRef)).bind()
val id = Id.mkId(pId).bind()
Message(type, ref, id)
In Haskell's do-notation, this would be
mkMessage :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Message
mkMessage msgType appRef pId = do
type <- mkMessageType msgType
ref <- mkAppRef appRef
id <- mkId pId
return (Message type ref id)
In both cases, the function returns the monad type (a nullable value, resp. Maybe). However, while I can use the pure function in Haskell anywhere I see fit, the suspend function in Kotlin can only be called from within a suspend function. In this way, a simple, non-IO monad comprehension in Arrow behaves like an IO monad that must be threaded throughout my code base; I suppose this results because the suspend mechanism was designed for actual IO operations. What is the recommended way to implement non-IO monad comprehensions in Arrow without making all functions into suspend functions? Or is this actually the way to go?
Second: If in addition to non-IO monads (nullable, reader, etc.), I want to have IO - say, reading in a file and parsing it - how would i combine these two effects? Is it correct to say that there would be multiple suspend scopes corresponding to the different monads involved, and I would need to somehow nest these scopes, like I would stack monad transformers in Haskell?
The two questions above probably mean that I am still lacking a mental model that bridges between the continuation-based implementation atop the Kotlin's suspend mechanism with the generic monad-as-typeclass implementation in Haskell.
You're correct that Arrow uses the suspension feature from Kotlin to encode something like monad comphrensions.
To answer your first question:
Kotlin has suspend in the language (and Kotlin Std), by default suspend can only be called from other suspend code. However, the compiler also has a feature called RestrictsSuspension, this disallows for mixing suspend scopes and thus disallows the ablity to combine IO and Either for example. We expose a secondary DSL, either.eager which is encoded using RestrictsSuspension and it disallows calling foreign suspend functions.
This allows you to encode mkMessage :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Message.
fun mkMessage(msgType: String, appRef: String, pId: String): Message? = nullable.eager {
val type = MessageType.mkMessageType(msgType).bind()
val ref = ApplRefe.mkAppRef((appRef)).bind()
val id = Id.mkId(pId).bind()
Message(type, ref, id)
To answer your second question:
IO as a data type is not needed in Kotlin, since suspend can implement all IO operations in a referential transparent way like it works in Haskell.
The compiler also makes a lot optimisations in the runtime, just like Haskell does for IO.
So the signature suspend fun example(): Either<Error, Value> is the equivalent of EitherT IO Error Value in Haskell.
The IO operations are however not implemented in the Kotlin Std, but in a library KotlinX Coroutines, and Arrow Fx Coroutines also offers some data types and higher-level operations such as parTraverse defined on top of KotlinX Coroutines.
It's slightly different than in Haskell, since we can mix effects instead of stacking them with monad transformers. This means that we can call IO operations from within Either operations. This is due to special functionality, and optimisations the compiler can make in the suspension system. This blog explains how that optimisation works, and why it's so powerful. https://nomisrev.github.io/inline-and-suspend/
Here is also some more background on Continuations, and tagless encodings in Kotlin. https://nomisrev.github.io/continuation-monad-in-kotlin/
I hope that fully answers your question.
I don't think I can answer everything you asked, but I'll do my best for the parts that I do know how to answer.
What is the recommended way to implement non-IO monad comprehensions in Arrow without making all functions into suspend functions? Or is this actually the way to go?
you can use nullable.eager and either.eager respectively for pure code. Using nullable/either (without .eager) allows you to call suspend functions inside. Using eager means you can only call non-suspend functions. (not all effectual functions in kotlin are marked suspend)
Second: If in addition to non-IO monads (nullable, reader, etc.), I want to have IO - say, reading in a file and parsing it - how would i combine these two effects? Is it correct to say that there would be multiple suspend scopes corresponding to the different monads involved, and I would need to somehow nest these scopes, like I would stack monad transformers in Haskell?
You can use extension functions to emulate Reader. For example:
suspend fun <R> R.doSomething(i: Int): Either<Error, String> = TODO()
combines Reader + IO + Either. You can find a bigger example here from Simon, an Arrow maintainer.

Synchronize access to mutable fields with Kotlin's map delegation

Is this implementation safe to synchronize the access to the public fields/properties?
class Attributes(
private val attrsMap: MutableMap<String, Any?> = Collections.synchronizedMap(HashMap())
) {
var attr1: Long? by attrsMap
var attr2: String? by attrsMap
var attr3: Date? by attrsMap
var attr4: Any? = null
Because the underlying map is is only accessible via the synchronised wrapper, you can't have any issues caused by individual calls, such as simultaneous gets and/or puts (which is the main cause of race conditions): only one thread can be making such a call, and the Java memory model ensures that the results are then visible to all threads.
You could have race conditions involving a sequence of calls, such as iterating through the map, or a check followed by a modify, if the map could be modified in between.  (That sort of problem can occur even on a single thread.)  But as long as the rest of your class avoided such sequences, and didn't leak a reference to the map, you'd be safe.
And because the types Long, String, and Date are immutable, you can't have any issues with their contents being modified.
That is a concern with the Any parameter, though.  If it stored e.g. a StringBuilder, one thread could be modifying its contents while another was accessing it, with hilarious consequences.  There's not much you can do about that in a wrapper class, though.
By the way, instead of using a synchronised wrapper, you could use a ConcurrentHashMap, which would avoid the synchronisation in most cases (at the cost of a bit more memory).  It also provides many methods which can replace call sequences, such as getOrPut(); it's a really powerful tool for writing high-performance multithreaded code.

toString() in Kotlin - wrong output

I have written some codes for printing out objects in array with toString()
but by using Option1 println(path.toString())
Output is [LRunningpath;#27973e9b
which is not what i want. Then i replace it with Option2 as follow
var i=0
for(i in 0 until path.size)
which is correct.
My questions are,
why Option 1 don't work?
what does the output in Option 1 mean?
any advice to avoid the same situation in the future?
Any hints is very appreciated. Thank you for the kindness.
my codes are as below:
fun main() {
println("Warming up")
val input1 = Runningpath("in Forest", 2000, "some houses")
val input2 = Runningpath("at lake", 1500, "a school")
val path = arrayOf(input1, input2 )
/* var i=0
for(i in 0 until path.size)
class Runningpath(val name: String, val length: Int, val spot: String){
override fun toString(): String= "The Path $name ($length m) is near $spot"
Short answer: in most cases, it's better to use lists instead of arrays.
Arrays are mostly for historical reasons, for compatibility, and for implementing low-level data structures.  In Kotlin, you sometimes need them for interoperability with Java, and for handling vararg arguments.  But other than those, lists have many advantages.
The problem is that on the JVM, an array is very different from all other objects.  It has only the methods inherited from Object, and doesn't override those.  (And you can't create your own subclasses to override or add to them.)
In particular, it has the toString() method from Object.  That gives a code indicating the type — here [ for an array, L indicating that each element is a reference, Runningpath giving the type of reference, ; and # separators, and a hex representation of the array's hash code, which may be its address in memory or some other unique number.
So if you want some other way of displaying an array, you'll have to do it ‘manually’.
Other problems with arrays on the JVM result from them having run-time typing — they were part of Java long before generics were added, and interoperate badly with generics (e.g. you can't create an array of a generic type) — and being both mutable and covariant (and hence not type-safe in some cases).
Lists, like other Collections and data structures, are proper objects: they have methods such as toString(), which you can override; they can have generic type parameters; they're type-safe; they can have many implementations, including subclasses; and they're much better supported by the standard library and by many third-party libraries too.
So unless you have a particular need (vararg processing, Java interoperability, or a dire need to save every possible byte of memory), life will go easier if you use lists instead of arrays!
You can use the joinToString for that:
The joinToString() is actually available for both the List and the Array, but I'd recommend using the List as you'd have immutability and many other extensions on that, that will help your on manipulating the datas.

Kotlin: Assert Immutability

I have class that internally maintains a mutable list, and I want to provide an immutable view on this list. Currently I'm using the following:
/**The list that actually stores which element is at which position*/
private val list: MutableList<T> = ArrayList()
/**Immutable view of [list] to the outside.*/
val listView: List<T> get() = list.toList()
First question: Can this be done easier
Second question: How can I test that listView is actually immutable. I guess reflections are necessary?
If you only needed the compile-time type to be immutable, you could simply upcast your list:
val listView: List<T> get() = list
(Though if you checked and downcast that to MutableList, you could make changes — and those would affect the original list.)
However, if you want full immutability, that's tricky.  I don't think there are any general-purpose truly immutable lists in the Kotlin stdlib.
Although List and MutableList look like two different types, in Kotlin/JVM they both compile down to the same type in the bytecode, which is mutable.  And even in Kotlin, while Iterable.toList() does return a new list, the current implementation* actually gives a MutableList that's been upcast to List.  (Though mutating it wouldn't change the original list.)
Some third-party libraries provide truly immutable collections, though; see this question.
And to check whether a List is mutable, you could use a simple type check:
if (listView is MutableList)
// …
No need to use reflection explicitly.  (A type check like that is considered to be implicit reflection.)
(* That can change, of course.  It's usually a mistake to read too much into the current code, if it's not backed up by the documentation.)

Difference between ArrayList<String>() and mutableListOf<String>() in Kotlin

private val repositories = mutableListOf<String>()
private val repositories = ArrayList<String>()
Both are mutable list, then what is the point of two keywords mutableListOf or ArrayList?
or is there any major difference?
The only difference between the two is communicating your intent.
When you write val a = mutableListOf(), you're saying "I want a mutable list, and I don't particularly care about the implementation". When you write, instead, val a = ArrayList(), you're saying "I specifically want an ArrayList".
In practice, in the current implementation of Kotlin compiling to the JVM, calling mutableListOf will produce an ArrayList, and there's no difference in behaviour: once the list is built, everything will behave the same.
Now, let's say that a future version of Kotlin changes mutableListOf to return a different type of list.
Likelier than not, the Kotlin team would only make that change if they figure the new implementation works better for most use cases. mutableListOf would then have you using that new list implementation transparently, and you'd get that better behaviour for free. Go with mutableListOf if that sounds like your case.
On the other hand, maybe you spent a bunch of time thinking about your problem, and figured that ArrayList really is the best fit for your problem, and you don't want to risk getting moved to something sub-optimal. Then you probably want to either use ArrayList directly, or use the arrayListOf factory function (an ArrayList-specific analogue to mutableListOf).
mutableListOf<T>() is an inline function invocation that returns a
MutableList<T>. As of today, mutableListOf does return an instance of ArrayList.
ArrayList<String>() is a constructor invocation and cannot be inlined.
In other words, given:
val a = mutableListOf<String>()
val b = ArrayList<String>()
a is of type MutableList<String>
b is of type ArrayList<String>
At runtime, both a and b will hold an instance of ArrayList.
Note that inlining is particularly useful when combined with type reification, which justifies the existence of listOf, mutableListOf and the like.
Under the covers, both mutableListOf() and arrayListOf() create an instance of ArrayList. ArrayList is a class that happens to implement the MutableList interface.
The only difference is that arrayListOf() returns the ArrayList as an actual ArrayList. mutableListOf() returns a MutableList, so the actual ArrayList is "disguised" as just the parts that are described by the MutableList interface.
The difference, in practice, is that ArrayList has a few methods that are not part of the MutableList interface (trimToSize and ensureCapacity).
The difference, philosophically, is that the MutableList only cares about the behaviour of the object being returned. It just returns "something that acts like a MutableList". The ArrayList cares about the "structure" of the object. It allows you to directly manipulate the memory allocated by the object (trimToSize).
The rule of thumb is that you should prefer the interface version of things (mutableListOf()) unless you actually have a reason to care about the exact details of the underlying structure.
Or, in other words, if you don't know which one you want, choose mutableListOf first.
As you can see in sources:
public inline fun <T> mutableListOf(): MutableList<T> = ArrayList()
So, there is no difference, just a convenience method.