How to Integrate with karate 1.2.0 - karate

I am looking for the Integration of with the karate 1.2.0 version.


Unable to upgrade selenium java from 3.14.0 to 4.7.0 in Windows

To upgrade the selenium version from 3.14.0 to 4.7.0, is it sufficient to add the selenium 4.7 jar files and edit version of dependancies in pom.xml or should we make any code changes?
Also can we directly change the version from 3.14.0 to 4.7.0 or should we upgrade from one version to next version, in series till 4.7.0?
I've added the selenium 4.7.0 jar files and edited the version of dependancies in pom.xml file. But it is showing error while running the testcases.

How to migrate Nexus repository from 1.7 to 3.x?

Hello I want to migrate Nexus repository from 1.7 to 3.x, Is there any way to do ?
First upgrade to version 2.7.2, then upgrade to the latest Nexus Repo 2.x version.
Then you can do a migration to Nexus Repo 3:

Karate test cases are failing after updating to jdk version 1.8.0_111

I am unable to run my test cases.Below is my Configurations and IDE used -
Maven: 3.6.0
JDK: 1.8.0_111
IDE: Intellij
karate Version:0.9.0
Caused By - javascript function call failed: ReferenceError: "karate" is not defined.
Karate requires at least version 1.8.0_112 or greater. This is mentioned in the docs.

Gatling version 2.2.5 install

Where can I find rpm, tar or zip for gatling 2.2.5 for download.
Any link that I try points me to the download page of gatling community which has only the latest version of gatling for download.
So far I have tried:
You can download it from here

allure/codeception 1.1.1 is not compatible with codeception 2.3.x (latest version)

allure-framework/allure-codeception 1.1.1 requires codeception/codeception ~2.0.0
latest codeception version is ~2.3.x
is there a work around, besides downgrading codeception ?
Resolved, they had outdated documentation. allure-framework/allure-codeception 1.2.4 is compatible with codeception 2.3