get route and its children, given a route name - vue.js

I'm using vue-router: 3.5.1 and I'm looking for a way to retrieve a route and its children, given a route name.
I know that with vue-router: 4.x, router.getRoutes() does this. While in v3.x the getRoutes() method doesn't.
I tried these ways :
router.resolve({ name: myRouteName })
But it does not come with children routes.
But it comes in a hierarchy way and the route I'm looking for is not at the top level, so it doesn't find it.
But in v3.x, it doesn't come with children routes.
The only solution I have in mind is to find it with loops or recursion among router.options.routes but it can be dirty and not good in terms of performance maybe ?!
If someone has a different way to do it (while still using vue-router v3.x), I'm eager to learn.
Thanks in advance !

Here is a patch for VueRouter v3.5.3
Index: \vue-router\dist\vue-router.esm.js
--- \vue-router\dist\vue-router.esm.js
+++ \vue-router\dist\vue-router.esm.js
## -156,8 +156,10 ##
var route = {
name: || (record &&,
meta: (record && record.meta) || {},
+ children: (record && record.children) || [],
+ parent: (record && record.parent) || {},
path: location.path || '/',
hash: location.hash || '',
query: query,
params: location.params || {},
## -1421,8 +1423,9 ##
: route.alias
: [],
instances: {},
enteredCbs: {},
+ children: route.children || [],
name: name,
parent: parent,
matchAs: matchAs,
redirect: route.redirect,
## -2358,9 +2361,9 ##
if (this$1.pending !== route) {
return abort(createNavigationCancelledError(current, route))
try {
- hook(route, current, function (to) {
+$1.router,route, current, function (to) { // provide Router instance as THIS for the Router guard; already bounded guard function won't be affected by CALL
if (to === false) {
// next(false) -> abort navigation, ensure current URL
abort(createNavigationAbortedError(current, route));
## -2531,9 +2534,9 ##
) {
return function routeEnterGuard (to, from, next) {
- return guard(to, from, function (cb) {
+ return, to, from, function (cb) { // provide Router instance as THIS for the Router guard
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
if (!match.enteredCbs[key]) {
match.enteredCbs[key] = [];
You can use custompatch to apply the patch in your project - like I do.


Can rollup-plugins access the AST created by previous plugins in the plugin chain?

We use multiple rollup-plugins that parse their input to an AST. As they run on the same files, each file is parsed multiple times. Can this be optimized, so that each file is parsed only once? Minimal example:
// rollup.config.js
import {createFilter} from '#rollup/pluginutils';
import {simple} from 'acorn-walk';
import {attachComments} from 'astravel';
import {generate} from 'astring';
export default {
input: 'src/main.js',
output: {file: 'bundle.js', format: 'cjs'},
plugins: [{
name: 'plugin1',
transform(code, id) {
const comments = [];
const ast = this.parse(code, {onComment: comments});
attachComments(ast, comments);
simple(ast, {
Identifier(n) {
// rewrite wrong to right
if ( === 'wrong') = 'right';
return {
code: generate(ast, {comments: true}),
map: null /* minimal example, won't create a source map here */
}, {
name: 'plugin2',
transform(code, id) {
const comments = [];
const ast = this.parse(code, {onComment: comments});
attachComments(ast, comments);
simple(ast, {
CallExpression(n) {
// rewrite mylog(...) to console.log(...)
if (n.callee.type === 'Identifier' && === 'mylog') {
n.callee = {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'console', start: n.start, end: n.end},
property: {type: 'Identifier', name: 'log', start: n.start, end: n.end},
computed: false,
start: n.start,
end: n.end
return {
code: generate(ast, {comments: true}),
map: null /* minimal example, won't create a source map here */
Now I understand that transform() can return an AST, so that parsing doesn't have to happen twice. And I understand that this.parse() uses the rollup-internal acorn instance. My simple mind thought that this.parse() could return the AST created by previous transform() calls, if available. But I assume that all sorts of demons await on that road, e.g. when this.parse() was called with different options.
Is there a different way achieve what I described? A different hook maybe?
I would love to not have all plugins in one and switching them on and off via options (I see that this would be a solution, but a really cumbersome one).

Do Vue.js render functions allow return of an array of VNodes?

I am working on extending a Vue.js frontend application. I am currently inspecting a render function within a functional component. After looking over the docs, I had the current understanding that the render function within the functional component will return a single VNode created with CreateElement aka h.
My confusion came when I saw a VNode being returned as an element in an array. I could not find any reference to this syntax in the docs. Does anyone have any insight?
export default {
name: 'OfferModule',
functional: true,
props: {
data: Object,
placementInt: Number,
len: Number
render (h, ctx) {
let adunitTheme = []
const isDev = str => ( ? str : '')
const i = parseInt(ctx.props.placementInt)
const isDevice = === 'Device'
const Component = isDevice ? Device : Adunit
/* device helper classes */
const adunitWrapper = === 'AdunitWrapper'
if (!isDevice /* is Adunit */) {
const offerTypeInt =
adunitTheme = [
const renderOfferModuleWithoutDisplayAdContainersWithAboveTemplate = === 'AboveAdunit' || false
const renderOfferModuleWithoutDisplayAdContainers = /* for adunits */ || /* for devices */ ||
const getStyle = (className) => {
try {
return ctx.parent.$style[className]
} catch (error) {
console.log('$test', 'invalid style not found on parent selector')
const PrimaryOfferModule = (aboveAdunitSlot = {}) =>
h(Component, {
props: {
itemIndex: i,
adunitTheme: adunitTheme.join('.')
attrs: {
class: [
.join(' ')
scopedSlots: {
if (renderOfferModuleWithoutDisplayAdContainersWithAboveTemplate) {
return [
aboveAdunit (props) {
return h({
data () {
} else if (renderOfferModuleWithoutDisplayAdContainers) {
return [PrimaryOfferModule()]
} else {
const withAd = i > 0 && i % 1 === 0
const adWrap = (placement, position, className) => {
return h(
class: 'm4d-wrap-sticky'
h(Advertisement, {
props: {
position: String(position)
class: getStyle(className)
return [
withAd && adWrap('inline-sticky', i, 'inlineAd'),
h('div', {
class: 'm4d-wrap-sticky-adjacent'
attrs: {
id: `inline-device--${String(i)}`
class: 'inline-device'
isDev(`inline-device id#: inline-device--${String(i)}`)
withAd &&
i !== ctx.props.len - 1 &&
h(EcomAdvertisement, {
props: {
placement: 'inline-static',
position: String(i)
class: getStyle('inlineStaticAd')
It turns out that returning an array of VNodes actually predates the scopedSlots update.
I couldn't find it documented anywhere in the docs either, but via this comment on a Vue GitHub issue by a member of the Vue.js core team (which predates the scopedSlots commit by ~1 year), render() can return an Array of VNodes, which Vue will take and render in order. However, this only works in one, singular case: functional components.
Trying to return an array of VNodes with greater than 1 element in a normal (non-functional, stateful) component results in an error:
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.devtools = false;
Vue.component('render-func-test', {
render(h, ctx) {
return [
h('h1', "I'm a heading"),
h('h2', "I'm a lesser heading"),
h('h3', "I'm an even lesser heading")
new Vue({
el: '#app',
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
[Vue warn]: Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function should return a single root node.
But doing this in a functional component, as your example does, works just fine:
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.devtools = false;
Vue.component('render-func-test', {
functional: true, // <--- This is the key
render(h, ctx) {
return [
h('h1', "I'm a heading"),
h('h2', "I'm a lesser heading"),
h('h3', "I'm an even lesser heading")
new Vue({
el: '#app',
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
If you're interested in the why, another member of the Vue core team explained this limitation further down in the thread.
It basically boils down to assumptions made by the Vue patching and diffing algorithm, with the main one being that "each child component is represented in its parent virtual DOM by a single VNode", which is untrue if multiple root nodes are allowed.
The increase in complexity to allow this would require large changes to that algorithm which is at the very core of Vue. This is a big deal, since this algorithm must not only be good at what it does, but also very, very performant.
Functional components don't need to conform to this restriction, because "they are not represented with a VNode in the parent, since they don't have an instance and don't manage their own virtual DOM"– they're stateless, which makes the restriction unnecessary.
It should be noted, however, that this is possible on non-functional components in Vue 3, as the algorithm in question was reworked to allow it.
It seems this was implemented in:
This was a result of an issue raised in 2018 ( , because this.$scopedSlots.default() returned both a VNode or an array of VNodes depending on the content.
The main argument was that this is inconsistent with how regular slots behave in render functions, and means any render function component rendering scoped slots as children needs to type check the result of invoking the slot to decide if it needs to be wrapped in an array
So Evan comments on the issue thread here, explaining that this.$scopedSlots.default would always return Arrays beginning v2.6 to allow for consistency, but to avoid breaking changes for how $scopedSlots was being used, the update would also allow return of an Array of a single VNode from render functions as well.

How to build a VUE link in a method using vue-router

I'm new using VUE.JS and I'm in love with it! I love the vue-router and router-link! They are awesome!
Now I have a table populated by data coming from axios and I would like to build a link using this data in a custom method to have the team name clickable.
Here the template:
<BootstrapTable :columns="table.columns" :data="" :options="table.options"></BootstrapTable>
Axios returns ID, name and other data used to update the table as here
Basically, I need to update the values in my table using the axios's received data. Something like:
team: '<a v-bind:href="club/''">''</a>',
team: '<router-link :to="club/''">''</router-link>',
But obviously it dosn't works...
How can a build a link?
I fixed it using custom column event and formatter in columns table setting:
field: 'match',
title: 'Match',
formatter (value, row) {
return `${value}`
events: {
'click a': (e, value, row, index) => {
Another solution:
Just in case of JSON code having links instead of table config is adding click listener in mounted() and a well formatted dataset in JSON HTML link:
team: "<a href=\"/club/""\" data-to='{\"name\": \"team\",\"params\":{\"teamId\":"+"}}'>"+"</a> "+userCode
Here the listener:
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('click', event => {
let target =;
if (target && target.href && {
const url = JSON.parse(;
//router.push({ name: 'user', params: { userId: '123' } })
This might be shorter solution for your issue :
routes = [
component : 'club',
name : 'club',
path : '/club/:teamid'
<a #click="$router.push({ name: 'club', params: { teamid:}})"></a>

Vue Router: how to cast params as integers instead of strings?

When I enter a URL using the browser field, the params are cast as strings, rather than an integer, e.g. /user/1 returns {id: "1"}. However, when when using this.$route.push({}), the params are, correctly, cast as integers {id: 1}.
Is this behavior intended? If not, how do I fix it?
You have to handle casting any params values yourself. In the route object define a props function. Here is an example:
path: '/user/:userId',
component: UserProfile,
props: (route) => {
* This would preserve the other route.params object properties overriding only
* `userId` in case it exists with its integer equivalent, or otherwise with
* undefined.
return { ...route.params, ...{ userId: Number.parseInt(route.params.userId, 10) || undefined }
link to vue router docs this is under Function mode
I'm probably late to the party, but this is my take on this. I wrote a function that returns a function that casts route params values to the props with same name with the given type.
function paramsToPropsCaster(mapping) {
return function(route) {
let nameType = Object.entries(mapping); // [[param1, Number], [param2, String]]
let nameRouteParam =[name, fn]) => [name, fn(route.params[name])]); // [[param1, 1], [param2, "hello"]]
let props = Object.fromEntries(nameRouteParam); // {param1: 1, param2: "hello"}
return props;
And then, in your route definition:
path: '/projects/:param1/editor/:param2',
component: ProjectEditor,
name: 'project-editor',
props: paramsToPropsCaster({'param1': Number, 'param2': String}),
This is just a hint on what you can do to solve the problem asked here, don't use this verbatim!
You can use an array in props to support both types
props: {
Seems like Vue Router doesn't provide a shortcut for this, so I've come up with my own. The castParams function below generates a props function that has the specified type casting built in. I've added casting for integers and booleans but you can easily extend this for whatever other types you want to cast to.
// casts should be an object where the keys are params that might appear in the route, and the values specify how to cast the parameters
const castParams = (casts) => {
return (route) => {
const props = {};
for (var key in route.params) {
const rawValue = route.params[key];
const cast = casts[key];
if (rawValue == null) {
// Don't attempt to cast null or undefined values
props[key] = rawValue;
} else if (cast == null) {
// No cast specified for this parameter
props[key] = rawValue;
} else if (cast == 'integer') {
// Try to cast this parameter as an integer
const castValue = Number.parseInt(rawValue, 10);
props[key] = isNaN(castValue) ? rawValue : castValue;
} else if (cast == 'boolean') {
// Try to cast this parameter as a boolean
if (rawValue === 'true' || rawValue === '1') {
props[key] = true;
} else if (rawValue === 'false' || rawValue === '0') {
props[key] = false;
} else {
props[key] = rawValue;
} else if (typeof(cast) == 'function') {
// Use the supplied function to cast this param
props[key] = cast(rawValue);
} else {
console.log("Unexpected route param cast", cast);
props[key] = rawValue;
return props;
Then you can use it in your route definitions, eg:
path: '/contact/:contactId',
component: 'contact-details-page',
props: castParams({contactId: 'integer'}),
I do prefer Rodener Dajes answer, and handle type casting and validation within the component instead of in the route definition:
props: {
id: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
The reason is that it will allow me to define the route much simpler and readable:
path: '/job/:id',
name: 'Job',
component: InvoiceJobDetail,
props: true
Many of these solutions seem unnecessary complex to me.
Here's what I did in my project - note that route params ending in ID or the param id itself, are automatically converted to Number, so in my case I just had to set props: typedProps(), in nearly all of my routes.
* Casts props into proper data types.
* Props ending in 'ID' and the prop 'id' are cast to Number automatically.
* To cast other props or override the defaults, pass a mapping like this:
* #example
* // Truthy values like 'true', 'yes', 'on' and '1' are converted to Boolean(true)
* {
* path: '/:isNice/:age/:hatSize',
* name: 'foo route',
* props: typedProps({ isNice: Boolean, age: Number, hatSize: Number}),
* },
* #param {Object} mapping
* #returns
const typedProps = (mapping) => {
if (!mapping) {
mapping = {}
return (route) => {
let props = {}
for (let [prop, value] of Object.entries(route.params)) {
if (prop in mapping) {
if (mapping[prop] === Boolean) {
value = ['true', '1', 'yes', 'on'].includes(value.toLowerCase())
} else {
value = mapping[prop](value)
} else if (prop === 'id' || prop.endsWith('ID')) {
value = Number(value)
props[prop] = value
return props
This could use some error handling in case a type coercion fails, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader :)
Based on the excellent answer from #pongi: I came up with a new package: It's written in typescript and has types. Please let me know, what you think.
npm i vue-router-parse-props
// src/router/index.ts
import propsParser from 'vue-router-parse-props'
import { parse } from 'date-fns'
const router = new Router({
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
mode: useHistory ? "history" : "hash",
routes: [
path: ':day/:userId',
name: 'UserProfile',
component: () => import('#/components/UserProfile.vue'),
props: paramsToPropsCaster({
userId: Number,
day: (val: string): Date => parse(val, 'yyyy-MM-dd', new Date()),
searchId: {
type: id,
routeKey: "query.q"

Building multiple navigation routes to the same module with DurandalJS

I would really like to take advantage of Durandal's buildNavigationModel() method and bind my UI nav to the router.navigationModel.
But in my case, I am essentially wanting three menu items, which all use the same underlying view and module, but vary only by parameter.
// . . .
activate: function () {
var standardRoutes = [
{ route: 'home', title: 'KPI Home', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/kpihome', nav: true },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', title: 'Quotes', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/quotes", nav: true },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', title: 'Pricing', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/pricing", nav: true },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', title: 'Sales', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/sales", nav: true }
return router.activate();
So while the hash is different, and I can pick up the category passed in to the summary module's activate method, when I click on either of the other routes, the first matching route isActive is flagging true. In other words, isActive works off the route pattern rather than an exact hash comparison.
Would anyone be able to recommend an alternate/best practice approach to this, where I could re-use route patterns and modules and still have a working nav?
My current solution would be to create the route only once and build my own nav model.
After a bit of digging I've found three potential solutions to this problem.
Use child routers
Use a custom identifier in the routes to describe child routes and parse these into the route table
Leave routing to the route table and create a custom navigation model
I'll chat through my opinion on each below and how I got to a solution. The following post really helped me a lot Durandal 2.0 - Child routers intended for nested menus?
Use child routers
While this makes a lot of sense when you want to create child routes that exist in a view served up by the main router, my requirement is to have navigation visible at a shell level that contains all sub routes, always visible and loaded.
According to the article mentioned above
"if we check the code of function creating child routes we will see that it creates new router and only store reference to parent router - the parent router ( in most cases main router) does not have references to its childs"
So I'm basing my decision on that (hopefully correct info) and for my case that looks like its not going to work.
Use a custom identifier in the routes to describe child routes and parse these into the route table
This works and is implemented neatly in the the article mentioned above. But does the route table have the same concerns as UI navigation? In some cases, sure it can share that, but in my case not, so I'm going with option 3, creating a custom nav model.
Creating a Custom Navigation Model
I'm needing to re-use some views for navigation items, to display the same summary and detail views, but for different categories and kpi's that I'll pass in by parameter.
From a route table perspective there are only three routes - the routes to a home view, a summary view and a detail view.
From a nav perspective there are n navigation items, depending on the number of categories and kpi's I want to display summary and detail views for. I'll effectively be putting links up for all the items I want to show.
So it makes sense that I build up the nav model independently of the route table.
defines the navigation model and responds to hash changes to keep a record in the activeHash observable
define(["knockout", "utility/navigationItem"], function (ko, NavItem) {
var NavigationModel = function () {
this.navItems = ko.observableArray();
this.activeHash = ko.observable();
window.addEventListener("hashchange", this.onHashChange.bind(this), false);
NavigationModel.prototype.generateItemUid = function () {
return "item" + (this.navItems().length + 1);
NavigationModel.prototype.onHashChange = function () {
NavigationModel.prototype.findItem = function (uid) {
var i = 0,
findRecursive = function (uid, base) {
var match = undefined,
i = 0,
childItems = base.navItems && base.navItems();
if (base._uid && base._uid === uid) {
match = base;
} else {
for (; childItems && i < childItems.length; i = i + 1) {
match = findRecursive(uid, childItems[i]);
if (match) {
return match;
return findRecursive(uid, this);
NavigationModel.prototype.addNavigationItem = function (navItem) {
var parent;
if (navItem.parentUid) {
parent = this.findItem(navItem.parentUid);
} else {
parent = this;
if (parent) {
parent.navItems.push(new NavItem(this, navItem));
return this;
return NavigationModel;
represents a navigation item, with nav specific properties like iconClass, sub nav items navItems and a computed to determine if it is an active nav isActive
define(["knockout"], function (ko) {
var NavigationItem = function (model, navItem) {
this._parentModel = model;
this._uid = navItem.uid || model.generateItemUid();
this.hash = navItem.hash;
this.title = navItem.title;
this.iconClass = navItem.iconClass;
this.navItems = ko.observableArray();
this.isActive = ko.computed(function () {
return this._parentModel.activeHash() === this.hash;
}, this);
return NavigationItem;
defines standard routes for the route table and builds up the custom navigation. Implemented properly this would likely call a dataservice to lookup categories and kpi's for the nav model
], function (router, app, NavigationModel) {
var customNavigationModel = new NavigationModel(),
activate = function () {
// note : routes are required for Durandal to function, but for hierarchical navigation it was
// easier to develop a custom navigation model than to use the Durandal router's buildNavigationModel() method
// so all routes below are "nav false".
var standardRoutes = [
{ route: '', moduleId: 'viewmodels/kpihome', nav: false },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/quotes", nav: false },
{ route: 'kpidetails(/:kpiName)', moduleId: 'viewmodels/kpidetails', hash: "#kpidetails/quotedGMPercentage", nav: false }
// Fixed items can be added to the Nav Model
.addNavigationItem({ title: "KPI Home", hash: "", iconClass: "glyphicon-home" });
// items by category could be looked up in a database
.addNavigationItem({ uid: "quotes", title: "Quotes", hash: "#summary/quotes", iconClass: "glyphicon-home" })
.addNavigationItem({ uid: "sales", title: "Sales", hash: "#summary/sales", iconClass: "glyphicon-home" });
// and each category's measures/KPIs could also be looked up in a database and added
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "quotes", title: "1. Quoted Price", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/quotedPrice" })
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "quotes", title: "2. Quoted GM%", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/quotedGMPercentage" });
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "sales", title: "1. Quoted Win Rate", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/quoteWinRate" })
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "sales", title: "2. Tender Win Rate ", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/tenderWinRate" });
return router.activate();
return {
router: router,
activate: activate,
customNavigationModel: customNavigationModel
And thats it, a fair amount of code, but once in place it seperates the route table and the navigation model fairly nicely. All that remains is binding it to the UI, which I use a widget to do because it can serve as a recursive template.
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" data-bind="css: { 'nav-submenu' : settings.isSubMenu }, foreach: settings.navItems">
<li data-bind="css: { active: isActive() }">
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }">
<span class="glyphicon" data-bind="css: iconClass"></span>
<span data-bind="html: title"></span>
<div data-bind="widget: {
kind: 'verticalNav',
navItems: navItems,
isSubMenu: true
I'm not suggesting this is the best way to do this, but if you want to seperate the concerns of a route table and a navigation model, its a potential solution :)