Building multiple navigation routes to the same module with DurandalJS - durandal

I would really like to take advantage of Durandal's buildNavigationModel() method and bind my UI nav to the router.navigationModel.
But in my case, I am essentially wanting three menu items, which all use the same underlying view and module, but vary only by parameter.
// . . .
activate: function () {
var standardRoutes = [
{ route: 'home', title: 'KPI Home', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/kpihome', nav: true },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', title: 'Quotes', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/quotes", nav: true },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', title: 'Pricing', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/pricing", nav: true },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', title: 'Sales', iconClass: "glyphicon-home", moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/sales", nav: true }
return router.activate();
So while the hash is different, and I can pick up the category passed in to the summary module's activate method, when I click on either of the other routes, the first matching route isActive is flagging true. In other words, isActive works off the route pattern rather than an exact hash comparison.
Would anyone be able to recommend an alternate/best practice approach to this, where I could re-use route patterns and modules and still have a working nav?
My current solution would be to create the route only once and build my own nav model.

After a bit of digging I've found three potential solutions to this problem.
Use child routers
Use a custom identifier in the routes to describe child routes and parse these into the route table
Leave routing to the route table and create a custom navigation model
I'll chat through my opinion on each below and how I got to a solution. The following post really helped me a lot Durandal 2.0 - Child routers intended for nested menus?
Use child routers
While this makes a lot of sense when you want to create child routes that exist in a view served up by the main router, my requirement is to have navigation visible at a shell level that contains all sub routes, always visible and loaded.
According to the article mentioned above
"if we check the code of function creating child routes we will see that it creates new router and only store reference to parent router - the parent router ( in most cases main router) does not have references to its childs"
So I'm basing my decision on that (hopefully correct info) and for my case that looks like its not going to work.
Use a custom identifier in the routes to describe child routes and parse these into the route table
This works and is implemented neatly in the the article mentioned above. But does the route table have the same concerns as UI navigation? In some cases, sure it can share that, but in my case not, so I'm going with option 3, creating a custom nav model.
Creating a Custom Navigation Model
I'm needing to re-use some views for navigation items, to display the same summary and detail views, but for different categories and kpi's that I'll pass in by parameter.
From a route table perspective there are only three routes - the routes to a home view, a summary view and a detail view.
From a nav perspective there are n navigation items, depending on the number of categories and kpi's I want to display summary and detail views for. I'll effectively be putting links up for all the items I want to show.
So it makes sense that I build up the nav model independently of the route table.
defines the navigation model and responds to hash changes to keep a record in the activeHash observable
define(["knockout", "utility/navigationItem"], function (ko, NavItem) {
var NavigationModel = function () {
this.navItems = ko.observableArray();
this.activeHash = ko.observable();
window.addEventListener("hashchange", this.onHashChange.bind(this), false);
NavigationModel.prototype.generateItemUid = function () {
return "item" + (this.navItems().length + 1);
NavigationModel.prototype.onHashChange = function () {
NavigationModel.prototype.findItem = function (uid) {
var i = 0,
findRecursive = function (uid, base) {
var match = undefined,
i = 0,
childItems = base.navItems && base.navItems();
if (base._uid && base._uid === uid) {
match = base;
} else {
for (; childItems && i < childItems.length; i = i + 1) {
match = findRecursive(uid, childItems[i]);
if (match) {
return match;
return findRecursive(uid, this);
NavigationModel.prototype.addNavigationItem = function (navItem) {
var parent;
if (navItem.parentUid) {
parent = this.findItem(navItem.parentUid);
} else {
parent = this;
if (parent) {
parent.navItems.push(new NavItem(this, navItem));
return this;
return NavigationModel;
represents a navigation item, with nav specific properties like iconClass, sub nav items navItems and a computed to determine if it is an active nav isActive
define(["knockout"], function (ko) {
var NavigationItem = function (model, navItem) {
this._parentModel = model;
this._uid = navItem.uid || model.generateItemUid();
this.hash = navItem.hash;
this.title = navItem.title;
this.iconClass = navItem.iconClass;
this.navItems = ko.observableArray();
this.isActive = ko.computed(function () {
return this._parentModel.activeHash() === this.hash;
}, this);
return NavigationItem;
defines standard routes for the route table and builds up the custom navigation. Implemented properly this would likely call a dataservice to lookup categories and kpi's for the nav model
], function (router, app, NavigationModel) {
var customNavigationModel = new NavigationModel(),
activate = function () {
// note : routes are required for Durandal to function, but for hierarchical navigation it was
// easier to develop a custom navigation model than to use the Durandal router's buildNavigationModel() method
// so all routes below are "nav false".
var standardRoutes = [
{ route: '', moduleId: 'viewmodels/kpihome', nav: false },
{ route: 'summary(/:category)', moduleId: 'viewmodels/summary', hash: "#summary/quotes", nav: false },
{ route: 'kpidetails(/:kpiName)', moduleId: 'viewmodels/kpidetails', hash: "#kpidetails/quotedGMPercentage", nav: false }
// Fixed items can be added to the Nav Model
.addNavigationItem({ title: "KPI Home", hash: "", iconClass: "glyphicon-home" });
// items by category could be looked up in a database
.addNavigationItem({ uid: "quotes", title: "Quotes", hash: "#summary/quotes", iconClass: "glyphicon-home" })
.addNavigationItem({ uid: "sales", title: "Sales", hash: "#summary/sales", iconClass: "glyphicon-home" });
// and each category's measures/KPIs could also be looked up in a database and added
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "quotes", title: "1. Quoted Price", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/quotedPrice" })
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "quotes", title: "2. Quoted GM%", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/quotedGMPercentage" });
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "sales", title: "1. Quoted Win Rate", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/quoteWinRate" })
.addNavigationItem({ parentUid: "sales", title: "2. Tender Win Rate ", iconClass: "glyphicon-stats", hash: "#kpidetails/tenderWinRate" });
return router.activate();
return {
router: router,
activate: activate,
customNavigationModel: customNavigationModel
And thats it, a fair amount of code, but once in place it seperates the route table and the navigation model fairly nicely. All that remains is binding it to the UI, which I use a widget to do because it can serve as a recursive template.
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" data-bind="css: { 'nav-submenu' : settings.isSubMenu }, foreach: settings.navItems">
<li data-bind="css: { active: isActive() }">
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }">
<span class="glyphicon" data-bind="css: iconClass"></span>
<span data-bind="html: title"></span>
<div data-bind="widget: {
kind: 'verticalNav',
navItems: navItems,
isSubMenu: true
I'm not suggesting this is the best way to do this, but if you want to seperate the concerns of a route table and a navigation model, its a potential solution :)


Get id of item clicked and use it for creating dynamic url in vuejs

I have a vue bootstrap table displaying, in each row, few properties of objects of an array (got through an api call with axios).
Every row has a button that should redirect me to a detail page, with more properties of that object, plus a map.
I was thinking to make a function to get the property id of the object contained in the clicked row, but I'm not sure on how to do it. I need the id to use it in the last part of the api call.
The store is structured so that I have a module for the user and another one for these objects (activities). In these modules I deal with state, actions and mutations. A separate file handles the getters. As these activities will be modified, I need to save their state too.
I will also need to be able to easily access all the properties of the single object (not only the ones shown in the table row) from other components.
I'm getting very confused.
Here the code:
Table with all the activities:
title="Mostra dettagli"
<span class="svg-container">
<svg-icon icon-class="search"/>
In the script:
export default {
name: 'AllActivities',
data() {
return {
fields: [
{ key: 'activity.activityName', label: 'Activity', _showDetails: true},
{ key: 'related_activity', label: 'Related activity', _showDetails: true},
{ key: 'start', label: 'Start', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'end', label: 'End', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'travel_mode', label: 'Travel mode', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'actions', label: '' }
activity: [],
methods: {
**?? how to get it ??**
goToActivityDetail() {
name: 'activityDetail'
obviously does not work, in the console:
- [vue-router] missing param for named route "activityDetail": Expected "activityId" to be defined
- [vue-router] missing param for redirect route with path "/see-all-activities/:activityId": Expected "activityId" to be defined)
In the getters file I have:
const getters = {
sidebar: state =>,
device: state =>,
token: state => state.user.token
export default getters
So here I will need to have something like:
activityId: state => state.activity.activityId
Which is coming from activity.js, which is:
import {
} from '#/components/AllActivities'
const state = {
activityId: getActivityId()
const mutations = {
SET_ACTIVITY_ID: (state, activityId) => {
state.activityId = activityId
const actions = {
}) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
commit('SET_ACTIVITY_ID', '')
export default {
namespaced: true,
IF this is right, what is left is the function to get the id of the object contained in the table row clicked.
Also, how to write that activity id in the api call (axios)?
Now I have:
export function getSingleActivity() {
return request({
url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/user_activity/:activityId',
method: 'get'
But I am not sure if that's correct.
Also, how to access the other properties (to be displayed in the detailActivity page)?
This will be made of a list of some properties (probably a stacked table component) and a map component, so I will need to access the properties in both these components.
I hope I've been clear enough,
thank you.
It was dead simple. I post how to solve it in case someone else get stuck on this too.
I added a slot scope to the template that contains the button:
Then I added the single activity (following the vue bootstrap markup data.item) as parameter to the button click
And the function called by the click became:
goToDetailActivity(activity) {
name: 'DettaglioAttivita',
params: { activityId: }
That's it.
Worth mentioning is you're using vuex. If I understand correctly you want to get the property read from vuex?
To read a property from vuex you can eather use this.$store.getters.activity
Or use mapGetter.
Read the following page
Also you have to set the param when you do a router.push
router.push({ name: 'activity', params: { id: activityId } })

How to build a VUE link in a method using vue-router

I'm new using VUE.JS and I'm in love with it! I love the vue-router and router-link! They are awesome!
Now I have a table populated by data coming from axios and I would like to build a link using this data in a custom method to have the team name clickable.
Here the template:
<BootstrapTable :columns="table.columns" :data="" :options="table.options"></BootstrapTable>
Axios returns ID, name and other data used to update the table as here
Basically, I need to update the values in my table using the axios's received data. Something like:
team: '<a v-bind:href="club/''">''</a>',
team: '<router-link :to="club/''">''</router-link>',
But obviously it dosn't works...
How can a build a link?
I fixed it using custom column event and formatter in columns table setting:
field: 'match',
title: 'Match',
formatter (value, row) {
return `${value}`
events: {
'click a': (e, value, row, index) => {
Another solution:
Just in case of JSON code having links instead of table config is adding click listener in mounted() and a well formatted dataset in JSON HTML link:
team: "<a href=\"/club/""\" data-to='{\"name\": \"team\",\"params\":{\"teamId\":"+"}}'>"+"</a> "+userCode
Here the listener:
mounted() {
window.addEventListener('click', event => {
let target =;
if (target && target.href && {
const url = JSON.parse(;
//router.push({ name: 'user', params: { userId: '123' } })
This might be shorter solution for your issue :
routes = [
component : 'club',
name : 'club',
path : '/club/:teamid'
<a #click="$router.push({ name: 'club', params: { teamid:}})"></a>

Why it is hard to use vue-i18n in vue data() (why it is not reactive)

I am using vue-i18n in a vue project. And I found it really confusing when using some data in vue data with i18n. Then if I change locale, that data is not reactive. I tried to return that data from another computed data but anyways it is not reactive because i18n is written in data. *My situation - * I want to show table with dropdown(list of columns with checkbox) above it. When user checks a column it will be showed in table if unchecks it won't. It is working fine until I change locale. After changing locale table columns is not translated but dropdown items is reactively translated and my code won't work anymore. Here is some code to explain better: In my myTable.vue component I use bootstrap-vue table -
template in myTable.vue
<vs-dropdown vs-custom-content vs-trigger-click>
<b-link href.prevent class="card-header-action btn-setting" style="font-size: 1.4em">
<i class="fa fa-th"></i>
<vs-dropdown-menu class="columns-dropdown">
<visible-columns :default-fields="columns" #result="columnListener"></visible-columns>
<b-table class="generalTableClass table-responsive" :fields="computedFieldsForTable">custom content goes here</b-table>
script in myTable.vue
return {
fieldsForTable: [];
computed: {
computedFieldsForTable () {
return this.fieldsForTable;
columns() {
return [
key: 'id',
label: this.$t('id'),,
visible: true,
changeable: true
key: 'fullName',
label: this.$t('full-name'),,
visible: true,
changeable: true
key: 'email',
label: this.$t('email'),,
visible: true,
changeable: true
mounted () {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns(this.columns);
methods: {
filterColumns(columns = []) {
return columns.filter(column => {
if (column.visible) {
return column
columnListener ($event) {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns($event)
Can someone give me some advice for this situation ?
*EDIT AFTER SOME DEBUGGING: I think when filtering columns(in computed) and returning it for fieldsForTable inside filterColumns(columns) method, it actually returning array(of objects) with label='Label Name' not label=this.$t('labelName'). So after filtering the new array has nothing to do with vue-i18n. My last chance is reloading the page when locale changes.
Trying modify computedFieldsForTable as follows. You need to reference this.columns in computedFieldsForTable, so that Vue can detect the change of labels in this.columns.
computedFieldsForTable () {
return this.filterColumns(this.columns);
EDITED: put your this.columns in data. Then
columnListener ($event) {
this.columns = $event;
I hope i didn't misunderstand what you mean.
EDITED (again):
Maybe this is the last chance that I think it can work. Put columns in computed() still and remove computedFieldsForTable. Finally, just leave fieldsForTable and bind it on fields of <b-table>.
watch: {
columns(val) {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns(val)
method: {
columnListener ($event) {
this.fieldsForTable = this.filterColumns($event)
However, I think it is better and easier to reload page whenever local change. Especially when your columns have a more complex data structure.

Accessing object properties in Vue after loading in Sails app

When the SailsJS app loads a page, I have it pulling the id parameter from the url and loading a recipe from the database. The recipe object logs to console correctly, so I'm sure it's loading, but none of the Vue variables are rendering.
I'm loading the data in this controller action:
// api/controllers/recipes/view-single-recipe.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'View single recipe',
description: 'Display "Single recipe" page.',
exits: {
success: {
viewTemplatePath: 'pages/recipes/single-recipe'
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
const recipe = await Recipe.find({id:}).populate('ingredients')
console.log(recipe) //logs the data correctly
return exits.success({
recipe: recipe
Then I'm atteming to access the recipe object in my view using VueJS:
<!-- views/pages/recipes/single-recipe.ejs -->
<div id="single-recipe" v-cloak>
<h1>{{}}</h1> <!-- rendering as <h1></h1>
<!-- ... more stuff ... -->
<%- /* Expose server-rendered data as window.SAILS_LOCALS :: */ exposeLocalsToBrowser() %>
Here's the data object that loads:
ingredients: [
createdAt: 1536016866419,
updatedAt: 1536016866419,
id: '5b8c169936f1df3439fa39c7',
name: 'Sweet Green',
ratingSweet: 2,
ratingTexture: 5,
ratingOverall: 4,
ratingColor: 5,
notes: 'Personal favorite, maybe needs more ginger',
owner: '5b8c16301cee97343513e184'
Not sure if it matters, but here is the route:
'GET /recipes/single-recipe/:id': { action: 'recipes/view-single-recipe' }
And the URL being access is http://localhost:1337/recipes/single-recipe/5b8c169936f1df3439fa39c7
How do I access the data object properties in the view?
You should use findOne
// api/controllers/recipes/view-single-recipe.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'View single recipe',
description: 'Display "Single recipe" page.',
exits: {
success: {
viewTemplatePath: 'pages/recipes/single-recipe'
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
const recipe = await Recipe.findOne({
return exits.success({ recipe: recipe });
Also note that inputs variable in fn are not being used.
And there need to be some handler if record is not exists.
The answer is that when using find() query, the results returned are an array. So if there is only one result, it needs to be accessed at the first result in the array [0]
// api/controllers/recipes/view-single-recipe.js
module.exports = {
// ...
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
const recipe = await Recipe.find({id:}).populate('ingredients')
console.log(recipe) //logs the data correctly
return exits.success({
recipe: recipe[0]

How can I dynamically change the visibility of a Durandal Route?

I have my Durandal routes configured as below.
var routes = [
....... More Routes Here.....
url: 'login',
moduleId: 'viewmodels/login',
name: 'Log In',
visible: true,
caption: 'Log In'
}, {
url: 'logout',
moduleId: 'viewmodels/logout',
name: 'Log Out',
visible: false,
caption: 'Log Out'
}, {
url: 'register',
moduleId: 'viewmodels/register',
name: 'Register',
visible: false,
caption: 'Register'
And everything is working as expected. I would like to be able to activate the Logout Route in my navigation when I log in and my log in button to become invisible. I have tried the following code and despite not throwing any errors it does not change the visibility of anything in the interface.
var isLoggedIn = ko.observable(false);
isLoggedIn.subscribe(function (newValue) {
var routes = router.allRoutes();
if (newValue == true) {
for (var k = 0; k < routes.length; k++) {
if (routes[k].url == 'logout') {
routes[k].visible = true;
if (routes[k].url == 'login') {
routes[k].visible = false;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
if (routes[i].url == 'logout') {
routes[i].visible = false;
if (routes[i].url == 'login') {
routes[i].visible = true;
I believe this doesn't work because visible is not an observable, isActive is a computed with no write capability so it does not work either. How can I dynamically change the visibility of my routes in the nav menu?
Here is what I ended up doing.
//ajax call to log user in
.done(function (recievedData) {
if (recievedData == true) {
} else {
}).done(function() {
return router.navigateTo('#/frames');
Essentially created two routing profiles in my config object. One for logged in and one for not. There is one caveat. The router.deactivate() method is a very new method and is not in the NuGet package yet. I copied the code of the new router from the master branch of the GitHub repository for Durandal. There is some discussion on this new function on the Durandal User Group. Ultimately for security reasons I might feed the logged in routes from my server. But for the time being this should work just fine.
Another approach is to make all routes available but use bound expressions to compose either the content or the login page into the container view specified by the route.
Instead of supplying a literal view name, bind the compose parameter to a ternary expression that chooses between the name of the login view and the name of the content view. The controlling expression would be an observable such as app.isAuthenticated() the value of which must be set when the user succeeds in logging in or out.
This approach is robust in the face of deep linking because it does away with the notion of a path through the application. Without explicit redirection logic, it will authenticate the user and then show the requested resource.
It can be extended to more than two possible states using a function instead of a ternary expression. This is handy when different UI must be delivered according to user permission.