Problem after trying to connect with database - sql

The German text says the data source name was not found and no default driver was specified.
Being fairly new to programming in R, I have absolutely no idea how to fix the problem.
The database query is supposed to fill an Excel, which is output empty due to the error.
The error does not occur with my colleagues, but no one can explain why it is the case with me.

The connectDB function looks like something created inhouse. Try stepping through it to see if you can get more details on the error. It is possible that you PC has not been setup for the ODBC connection, or some other environment variable is missing on your machine.


CreateObject("ADODB.Command") - Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object

I have an old Access solution that includes opening a connection and inserting some lines in a SQL database. I had to make a very small change that had nothing to do with that connection. After the change I compacted the database.
The solution works normally for me, but the person that normally runs it is getting the Run-time error I outlined in the subject. I had another user try and also got this error. It seems I am now the only one that can run this, yet I did nothing to the code or the access db as a whole that I can see explaining this.
The button they press that triggers the error:
Sets a variable as ADODB.Connection
Defines the connection string
ERROR TIME: Then it runs a function that executes a stored procedure using that connection. The error point is showing as occurring at the top of that function, when it attempts to CreateObject("ADODB.Command").
Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object
Can anyone offer anything as to why this user that could work with it suddenly can't despite the same security, same machine, etc.
Sigh... Thanks for the responses. It turns out to be our security software and the fact that I moved the solution to a different location. Out of sight out of mind. I forget that I have some exemptions setup for myself, so I didn't see how it could be that. I just need to learn to check that stuff first.

SQL "an error occurred during local report processing"

Apologies first of all if there is an answer to this elsewhere on the site. I've checked some of the proposed solutions and can't find anything appropriate.
So I've got this SSRS report that works fine when deployed but won't run locally during testing. The main query itself works when run in the query editor, as do all the sub queries that provide data for parameter drop lists but when I try to preview it, I get the error.
Bear in mind it used to work, up until the end of last year, which was when it was last updated.
I've tried removing all the tables and matrices on a copy (replacing with one very simple table), the parameters went too and I still get the error. I've also downloaded the server version, renamed it and redeployed it, works online, but not locally. As the error message is brutally vague, I've run out of ideas of things to try. Apart from switching over to PowerBI, can anyone think of anything else I could do to understand where the error is from?
Possibly relevant - the main query has some recursion in a subquery, but only a couple of levels. Could this be related? As I've said before, it used to work...
PS I'm using VS 16.7.2 from server V13.0.4466.4
PPS I also added the query to a brand new report and it errored so I think it must be something related to the SQL itself?

Problems running program on superuser-type user

I have written a program in for in house use that connects to a Progress OpenEdge database. Now I'm having a really weird runtime problem.
I have a .exe file that runs on my local C: drive, the C: drive of the servers, from a certain network Location (but not other places on the network) just fine on at least two regular users. The problem is that when I submit it to my IT manager for review she gives it back and says it wont even run; on looking at the error, it seems to fail on the very first select query (which happens before the form finishes loading) Specifically, it ultimately boils down to the error below:
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Number contains an invalid character: ?
ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Number contains an invalid character: ?
now, certainly, I'm using data sources in visual studio and parameterized queries. So, yes, if it's trying to run it as straight SQL and not filling the parameters like it's supposed to, then there is a question mark in a number field. My question is: why does the same .exe, in the same place, run by a user with HIGHER privileges throw errors?
Are you initializing the integer variable with zero (0). The question mark in progress means unknown value.
If you are still running into a problem or haven't verified a solution yet, maybe check this KnowledgeBase article on SQL tracking out to make sure that the interpretation/execution of these statements is correct.
Providing that everything is the same with the SQL statements, the problem is most likely with the way the .exe is being run. There may be filling with an alpha character rather than numeric input depending on how the .exe is being run.

error when adding tableadapter to dataset

I am developing a winforms application in
when i try to add a tableadapter to an existing dataset I am receiving the error:
Failed to open a connection to the database.
"An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ###Filelocation### failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share." Check the connection and try again.
This same dataset has 2 other tableadapters using the same dataconnection (as I am selecting the already existing dataconnection) which work fine
this connection is using application connection strings:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\test.mdf;Integrated
server=localhost;user id=root;password=password;database=testuser;persistsecurityinfo=True
this error pops up every time I select the dataconnector on the first window that pops up.
Why is this happening
additional info:
The other 2 tableadapters were added to this dataset using a different computer
this is for a mysql connection
I found this post on the MSDN forum:
An attempt to attach an auto-named database ....\aspnetdb.mdf failed
One of the suggestions is as Mr. DonBoitnott correctly says, add User Instance=True;. But, there's also another suggestion posted by Luke A.
"For the record, not one single error message given to me during the course of trying to fix this was relevant to the actual problem. Upon first receiving "An attempt to attached an auto-named database..." I looked online for every suggestion I could find: use an absolute path to the MDF, reorder TCP/IP and named pipes in the server configuration, disable/enable UserInstance (depending on where you looked), change security settings, reconfigure authentication, give specific login credentials.
None of these worked. All of these led to different vague/ambiguous error messages, which led to another problem which required a solution which led back to the original error message... an endless loop of problems, completely unrelated to what was actually wrong.
_Also, posts about setting correct permissions on the App_Data folder are deceptive, as they imply the default permissions were not sufficient for SQL Express (in fact, they are). The whole point of this VS environment is that you can develop a web application and plop it right onto an IIS/SQLExpress setup and have it work. This makes the applications more portable (within IIS, of course) and secure. Of course, everything configuration-related has been obfuscated enough to make it several orders of magnitude more difficult than it has to be."_
So: Try prepend Initial Catalog=uniquenamehere to your connection string.
Though he says "... where 'uniquenamehere' is some name for your project.", try replacing uniquenamehere with the actual name of the database where the table exists.
the file is a .mdf file so it is a mssql file
my guess would be that as you stated you are using mysql the connection string has to be a tad different and therefore the Dataset can't connect to Mysql
Try adding User Instance=True; to the connection string.

What does Oracle error "ORA-17432: invalid options in all7" mean?

I got the following SQLException: "invalid options in all7"
Upon googling the error message, the ONLY hits I saw were Oracle error lists which pinpointed the error at "ORA-17432: invalid options in all7". Sadly, googling for the error # brought up only combined lists with no explanation for the error, aside from this page that said "A TTC Error Message" as the entire explanation.
The error happens when a Java program retrieves data from a prepared statement call executing a procedure that returns a fairly large, but not unreasonable, # of rows via a cursor.
I can add the stack trace from the exception as well as condensed code, but I assume that's not terribly relevant to figuring out what "ORA-17432: invalid options in all7" means.
Error seemed to have appeared when the Java program was migrated from Oracle 9 OCI to Oracle 10.2 thin client. The procedure, when run directly against database (via Toad) works perfectly fine and returns the correct cursor with correct data and no errors.
This seems to be something data specific (result set size may be?) since running that same exact code against a different currency as a procedure parameter (which returns much smaller resultset) works 100% fine.
This is almost certainly not something you're going to have control of. It looks like a problem with the way your thin driver is using the two-task common (TTC) protocol. One thing to note is that this sort of thing can be very sensitive to the version of the driver you are using. Make absolutely certain that you have the latest version of the JDBC driver for the combination of the version of Java you're using and the version of Oracle on the server.
Akohchi - you were in the right area though not quite correct. The explanation obtained via Oracle Support call was that this version of Java (1.3) was not compatible with new Oracle. Java 1.4 fixed the issue.