How to trigger conditional alert if the 1st alert is triggered? - conditional-statements

I have an alert script that opens a position if certain conditions met. 1st alert set opens the position and the 2nd alert set is set for break even.
1st alert set:
alertcondition(Sell==true, title="SELL", message="SELL")
alertcondition(Buy==true, title="BUY", message="BUY")
2nd alert set:
alertcondition(bullCandle ? high : na, title="Short Break Even", message="Short Break Even")
alertcondition(bullCandle ? na : high, title="Long Break Even", message="Long Break Even")
I do not know how to solve 2 problems I face. 1st one, I don't know how to code for the 2nd alert to fire within the bar of opened position and not subsequent bars, as I'm newbie in pine script.
2nd: how to turn on 1st alert upon firing off 2nd alert. If you can put your input or at least guide me to correct directions, it would be really helpful, I will keep trying until I find the solutions. Thanks a lot in advance.


Left align some rows, right align others in WKInterfaceTable?

I'm trying to display a user's messages in a watchOS app and I'm using a WKInterfaceTable instance to do so.
I would like outgoing messages to be right-aligned and incoming messages to be left-aligned but I can't get it to work. Here is the code I'm using:
let row = mainTable.rowController(at: index) as! MessagesViewTableRowController
if outgoing == 1 {
The line that sets the semantic to right is being executed but it's having no effect on the alignment of the row. Everything is remaining left-aligned.
I figured it out.
The label needed its width to be set to "Relative to Container" with a value of 1. After setting that in the storyboard, my code is working.

Apex, Dynamic action, Confirm action, not picking up correct text - what am I missing?

I'm obviously missing something and hoping someone might be able to help.
I've an Interactive Grid, and a button.
When the button is pressed the dynamic action on the button has 2 steps.
Action 1 - Execute Javascript to take a value from one of the IG cells and put it into a page item.
Action 2 - Confirm Action - Are you sure you wish to delete &P10_JOB_ID.
I've made the page item, &P10_JOB_ID, visible and I can see the value has correctly been changed to the value from the IG.
I write P10_JOB_ID into a database table - I get the correct value
But the confirm message isn't picking up the correct value from P10_JOB_ID.
Namely it uses the value in P10_JOB_ID when the page starts, but then as I move around the IG pressing the button and changing the value of P10_JOB_ID, the text in the confirm message never changes.
Can anyone suggest what I might have missed, I'm baffled.
Thanks a lot
Substitutions like &P10_JOB_ID. are made when the page is rendered, not dynamically, so reflect the value at time of page load.
You will need to use Javascript to perform the conform action, something like: ('Are you sure you wish to delete ' + $v('P10_JOB_ID') + '?', 'DELETE');
$v is an APEX Javascript function that returns the current value of a page item.
I used 'DELETE' as an example of a request value; you may want to do something different here.
Ok - having the setting of value and confirm as 2 separate actions is what causes the problem.
As per fac586
That is the expected behaviour. Static text substitutions are performed once during page show processing. They are not evaluated dynamically in the browser at runtime as values change.
Drop the second action and extend the first to display the confirm dialog using the apex.message.confirm JS API method, accessing the item value using the $v shorthand method.

Octave printf does not output when followed by ginput

I am trying to make a prompt for the user to select from the figure (plot).
When I run it with the code below, the prompt doesnt display until i click on the figure, after which the prompt displays and the code continues. In fact, no call to printf (or disp) that is called before the ginput call displays until i select the figure.
printf("Select part\n"); % (disp also doesnt work properly)
[xinput,yinput] = ginput(1);
The purpose of the prompt is to alert the user to move to the figure, so naturally it needs to display before selecting the figure.
I can add an extra redundant input call between the two which forces the printf to display in the console. eg input("Press Enter"). but this is an inconvenient solution.
Strangely, if you run just the code above it does work normally. But when running in the remainder of the program it displays the issue. So it may be a difficult one to debug. Also, running it one line at a time in the full code using the debugger works properly, displaying the prompt before selecting the figure.
Just to add to the confusion. When running this part of the program in a loop, the first instance doesnt display the prompt correctly, but every other instance it works.
The following code reliably fails (for me) in the same way my full program fails; (edited again to simplify)
input_test = input("press 1: ");
switch input_test
case 1
while true
printf("Left click to get coords or right click to finish\n");
[xinput,yinput,mouse_button] = ginput(1)
if mouse_button == 3
It appears it has something to do with the line;
input_test = input("press 1: ");
If I replace this with
input_test = 1;
it works properly.
I dont know what is the reason for this, and I cannot remove the input request from this location.
Thanks Roger, you were correct, I did find a solution.
before the 'ginput' call solves the problem.
Found this in the 'input' help;
"Because there may be output waiting to be displayed by the pager,
it is a good idea to always call 'fflush (stdout)' before calling
'input'. This will ensure that all pending output is written to
the screen before your prompt."

Xbox One Right Trigger Not Working

I have an Xbox One controller setup with Unity3d, and when I try to use the RT button nothing happens.
With the following setup, the RB button works fine:
I have looked at this but setting that up doesn't make sense to me. I have tried 3rd Axis 0_10th and I have tried 3rd Axis 0_1 but those are not valid. What is the proper settings for this to work?
To the get the result I was looking for, I needed to set it up the following way:
Then to get the button to work we need to use:
if(Mathf.Round(Input.GetAxisRaw("Fire1")) < 0){
// Firing code here
instead of:
// Firing code here
Yes, thanks for posting. I was having the same problem using a 360 wired controller in Unity3d. It looks like the Left and Right triggers now both use the 3rd axis (Joystick) with the Left generating positive (0 to +1) values and the Right trigger generating negative (0 to -1) values. This differs from all the documentation I was finding.

Limit rows on auto growing text area (Sencha Touch)

I have the following snippet of code for auto expanding the textarea in sencha touch. I need to cap it out at a set number of rows.
Any ideas?
Wouldn't this be great if it were a nice, easy to use property.
At first I thought it would be the maxRows property but this is just the number of rows to display before the vertical scrollbar appears.
It may be that the only way would be a complicated solution such as this:
Limiting number of lines in textarea
EDIT: I needed to cap the number of rows in an address to 5 lines.
One approach could be to listen to the keyup event on the textareafield, check for the 'Enter' key and then revert back to previous input.
The approach I have taken is just to add validation to the model, which works great.
{ type: 'format', field: 'Address', message: 'Address cannot be more than 5 lines.', matcher: /^([^\r\n]{0,50}(\r?\n|$)){5}$/ }
The regex restricts saving a record to the store that has more than 5 lines, of more than 50 chars.