Intellij doesn't recompile code changes when I do a rerun? - intellij-idea

I made code changes in a scala intellij project and when I rerun then (by using the green play button), it seems like the changes don't get recompiled and the IDE runs the previous version of the code. Why is this happening? Like, I literally added "println" there that has to get printed, but it doesn't, until I manually do "mvn clean install" on the project.


Intellij - work-around for IDE not building module on Run/Debug

I have a pretty large project, of which the Selenium/Cucumber part is integrated, and belongs to me.
No, after upgrading to Intelij 2022, I find that things have changed to the worse. Since I only bother about the module containin cucumber/selenium tests, I have been used to just clicking Run or Debug on each Run/Debug configuration to get my changes built, and the Cucumber/Selenium tests run locally on my computer.
This doesn't work anymore, and absolutely 100% of all help/support I have found on the net is unhelpful. The problem is that when I make a change in the code and click Run or Debug, the module (cucumber, where all the Cucumber/selenium tests resides) is not built. So, it keeps running the previously built code when I'm working on debugging/fixing tests.
The solution has been to first build the module containing the tests, then run/debug the test(s). Even though the run/debug configuration DOES have "Build" before launch. But this is tiresome, and a total waste of time.
So, what I'm wondering is: Can I tailer a terminal command to do all this? That is, build a specified module, then Run or Debug a Cucumber test.
Any help/hints are appreciated. I'm experiencting the usual "me" problem, where it seems that everyone else in the world has something working, while the same solutions doesn't work for me.
I tried the solution offered below in the comments: Deleted the .idea folder, reimported all Maven modules and reconfigured the project. It seemed to work on the first run, but then it went back to not building before launch.
You can try to change Select Run/Debug configuration in idea. Change Build to Build Project. It worked for me.

Intellij idea cannot find existing class during rebuild (yet maven builds and project runs even from idea)

I opened older project (which I left in state that it builds). Maven still builds externally. Running maven from idea builds (without delegate all actions to maven selected). Project runs and works.
Editor underline files claimed to be not existing, while they are existing. Rebuild complaints about the same. So I did all updates and all repairs, and dropping all cached and rebuild them, restarts. From editor pane point of view, all "errors" were cured by that. Maven still builds, app still runs, externally and from idea (do not build before run is not selected, so it does build it, and not via maven). SO idea had to build it actually, if it can run it. Yet still, rebuild project fails on not existence of one class. This class is definition of project root exception. This class indeed exists, just rebuild does not see it. And surprisingly, the rebuild process has no problem with all descendants of that exception. Descencant exceptions also "cannot be build", because their parent "does not exist", but descendants can be instantiated and used.
Java modules aren't used.
So the workaround is to build project using maven, don't use rebuild project, and then everything works. Yet it would be great if rebuild project could be used.
Any idea what could go wrong or what can I try to fix it?

"mvn clean install" failed in command line, but passed in intellij

New to java and intellij, pls forgive me if i cannot describe the issue clearly.
Brand new install of intellij, brand new import of the java project.
From beginning, seems the project builds fine in intellij, in the GUI there's that clean/compile/verify/install/... life cycles. I click clean, then install, it triggers the unit test and all passing. Now i go to the project root in the command line, "mvn clean install" also passing.
Now i make a change to a resource file, *.sql which is used for in-memory db setup for unit test. i click clean, then install, still passes successfully.
Now i go to the command line again, "mvn clean install" fails in unit test.
I'm so confused now, either way i'm doing the "clean", what's the cause and how should to fix it pls ?
BTW, after working in visual studio for so long, this java and intellij is giving me heart attacks, why the build system in java is so hard and messy ?
Your project is likely configured differently from the maven pom.xml file. When the two aren't configured the same, you'll have problems. I would guess that some dependency is configured correctly in the IntelliJ Project file, but not in the pom.xml. I usually have the reverse problem. I use only the pom.xml to specify dependencies, and rely on the maven plugin to refresh the project (eclipse).
With IntelliJ, it's been a few years, but I remember the same idea. Try deleting the project file, and importing an existing maven pom file. Then modify your dependencies using only the pom.xml and not IntelliJ's project interface. If the pom.xml is correctly defined, the project import will work first try. That heavily depends upon the previous developer working with the project.
Maven is actually a very powerful (if not quirky at times) build tool, and the differences between execution on command line or "inside" IntelliJ are usually simple to explain.
Please check:
you are running the same version of maven (check command line with -version, compare to intellij setup in settings
you are using the same local .m2 folder (local repo) for maven vs intellij
you are not running with any "Profiles" in intellij (check that none are ticked).
you are not skipping any tests because they end with "IT" (meaning Integration Test)
These are the common reasons for differences.
If you post a log of your failing build we might be able to help more.
ok, my friend found the issue, in Maven settings in intellij, there's a "Runner" page, there's a "Skip test" there. In my case it's checked, so the run in intellij skipped unit test (which should fail) and did all other stuff, made it looks like it's passing.
Still several puzzles to me, but this "Runner" -> "Skip test" fixed the issue.
Pretty upset with intellij.

Gradle project sync failed with no event log

I have a libGDX project generated by the gdx-setup.jar tool, including core, android, desktop, and html modules. I hadn't touched any of the gradle files, and my build has worked fine for some weeks.
This morning when I opened IntelliJ IDEA (build 135.1230), it offered to update the Scala plugin, so I accepted and restarted, before trying to open the project. My libGDX project doesn't use Scala at all: I have the plugin for other work. When I tried to open the project, I got the infamous "Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing, debugging) will not work properly" message. Clicking "Try again" thinks for a bit before showing the same message. The Event Log window contains no output, and the Messages window says:
Error: (of class java.lang.String)
The Scala plugin isn't the only thing that might have changed: I've rebooted the (Ubuntu) machine since the project last worked, so it's possible that some package updates might have only just had an effect.
Following the advice of others, I've tried editing the root to change org.gradle.configureondemand to false, and that made no difference. I've tried performing "Build → Clean Project" and "Invalidate and Restart", with the same effect. I've also tried running git clean -X and reimporting the Gradle project into IDEA, but I just get a "Resolve error" dialog with the same message as above.
Running a build command like
./gradlew android:assemble
from a shell still works fine: only IntelliJ IDEA has a problem.
Even if you've never seen this particular problem, I'd appreciate any tips on where to start debugging it. The error message doesn't exactly give me a lot to go on.

Forcing NetBeans 7.3 to recompile project on test run?

When I click "Debug test file" in NetBeans on certain class, it is run against the binaries compiled from the last build.
I'd like NetBeans to recompile, but I can't find how to achieve that.
Also, it seems that sometimes the recompile happens - i.e. Maven is invoked. Must mostly I get runs with obsolete binaries.
How can I force NetBeans to recompile before running a (single) test?
Disabling Compile on Save feature in project properties should do. Then Maven build is executed all the time. Please note that in upcoming 7.4, Maven builds are always executed but with Compile on Save turned on, the phase execution is skipped.