What's the technology behind Google's Indie Game Festival? - webrtc

I'm totally amazed.
Does anyone know the tech behind or the teams that make this?


Advice seamless patterns generator API

Please advise an API where you can send a photo and it will be regenerated into a texture.
I didn't find something like this on google vision API.
Maybe somebody know good website for this?

How does "Follow Chess" stream live chess games?

The app is available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pereira.live - this is a very popular app, but I"m not sure how the app gets live scores. I've searched all over the internet but cannot find any API that streams this
Well, first of all it, it might not be a public API. Quite possible that Fallow Chess agreed with chess24.com for cooperative work and the API is protected. The things you can do:
You can sniff your Android network traffic and see where the requests are going. Still if it is not public API, you can't use it.
The other thing you/they can do (which regarding to some terms and laws might be illegal !!) with a web crawler to fetch/process the data from the site and send it to the app. Firebase is a great technology for such cases.
The implementation is very simple... If there is a way that they can fetch data from external sources, they'll do it. Otherwise, they'll do the moves manually. Follow Chess is managed by a small team of Indian developers. They can just sit and relay the moves during the games.
PS: Follow Chess is not very popular, in particular when you compare it with what chess24 can offer.

Why should I start using Google Material Design Lite instead of Twitter Bootstrap or Foundation

Disclaimer: I don't want to start any fight against Google Fanboys. I'm just asking because I didn't find a direct answer to my question and maybe someone who already started working with it (or any googledev) can give advice.
Google recently announced Material Design Lite 1.0 and the project has been starred over 9k times on Github in a few days. I read some posts [1, 2] comparing MDL vs Twitter Bootstrap and I don't understand why anyone outside Google's headquarters should consider start working with it.
As they said:
“We challenged ourselves to create a visual language for our users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science.” – Google Material Design Introduction
So, why are they releasing MDL? I just don't see the point on wasting time on learning/switching to a new frontend framework which offers much less than the existing ones. MDL looks different, modern and has nicer transitions. That's all? Is there any technical advantage?
The answer is, it depends on you.
Do you want Material Design at all? If so, MDL is well worth looking at. If you clearly don't want MD, then of course MDL isn't your cup of tea.
MDL is not a full framework. We aren't trying to cover every little thing you do in development. We provide Material Design components as closely as we can to the specification. You need to play around with it and see if it has what you need and whether it fits with your design goals.
The technical advantages... Depends on your wants. The component handler is a really cool way to handle modularizing your JS out. This however isn't close to the only option. There are plenty of other ways out there. So once again, you should play around and see if you like it.
Material Design Lite is very enticing for anyone building a site or application targeted at people who are in the Google-verse as it were. Speaking to Android developers/users? Chrome people? Then MDL is an enticing choice of libraries to apply to your site to make them feel at home. However, anyone else who simply wants to add Material Design to their stuff simply because they like it also would see a big benefit from MDL.
At the end of it all, MDL is a tool to help people who want MD implement it into their sites and applications. If you need to ask why you should care, then it seems MDL just isn't for you. That's fine. There is plenty of design choice out there to chose from. Just be consistent within each project you build.

Courses Or Programs To Get Good Overview Of Ecommerce (Not Online)

Can anybody tell me a good place or certification/training I could go to enhance my knowledge of the eCommerce. I am a professional web developer but i want to learn more about eCommerce from both business and technical perspective?
There are quite a few degrees at University that would give you a good grounding in e-commerce - both technically and from a business perspective.
I am not sure where you are based, but for example have a look the MSc in Information Systems (E-commerce) at Kingston University.

Kodak Carestream PACS integration

just a shot in the dark here.
Does anyone here have any experience with coding an integration into Kodak's carestream (pacs) product?
I am trying to integrate into their COM server, but hitting issues with saving Key Images.
I just want to see if this is a suitable forum for asking carestream related queries.