CKeditor plugin closing on clicking an overlay - ckeditor5

I have created a plugin in CKeditor-5 for FontAwesome 6 icons, in this plugin i have option to color icons as well, so on an input click i am opening an overlay from which i can select a color, but as soon as i click this overlay plugin is closing, i want to prevent this from happening, any solutions?
link to github repository -


Add a elliptical/hamburger menu inside cytoscape node using Cytoscape.js

Is it possible to add a menu inside a node of a graph using cytoscape.js library? I am looking to add a hamburger button or elliptical button and when you click on it, it opens a menu and then you have actions on each item inside the menu.
Is it possible right now using cytoscape.js. If yes, can you please show me a demo with code of how it is working? I am currently using Angular.
Here is a stackblitz link:

I'm having trouble with the resolution of the just the window size of IntelliJ

I am having trouble with the window size of IntelliJ when I'm starting a new project. For instance, when I open IntelliJ and click on import project I don't see the "OK", "Cancel" button at the bottom of the window, plus the window cannot be maximized to full screen and I cannot scroll down.
I tried searching in the setting but I just don't understand what setting to click on. I recently started using IntelliJ and I don't wanna enable some setting that i"m not sure of and get into a new mess.
If you look at the pictures above, you can see the buttons or the options are just hidden because of the window size or the resolution of the window.

Change Icon on Task Bar for

I have a program in which is ready to be published.
Its a small detail, but I'd like to change the icon on both the published app shortcut on my desktop, but more importantly on my taskbar (like where the chrome circle shows up).
Is there any way to accomplish this?
To change the main icon for your application, go to the "Application" tab under the project property page, and change the "Icon:" combo box.

For tab panel iconCls is not working on Android

I have created tab panel and I have used iconCls property to show different icons on tab buttons. This works fine on chrome browser on desktop and on safari on iPad. But these icon images are not displaying on andorid tab, instead it displays blank square.
Inspect the element in chrome and also look at the console log. If you are debugging, then it may work in the web browser but will tell you what error has occurred.
Otherwise, make sure your stylesheet is linked correctly in android and try using the default iconCls classes to see if those work. If you are creating a custom one and not using sass, then you probably are not linking the actual icon file correctly.
Otherwise, provide the code for the tab buttons your custom css if you are using any.

How to create popup dialog page in eclipse plugin development

I am creating an eclipse plugin for my project. I want to have a popup dialog page when the user clicks a customized icon on the toolbar, kind of like Google App Engine popup dialog, any ideas how to do it?
You need
a command
a handler for the command
a menu contribution for your toolbar
a dialog
I have constructed a (very) small example that illustrates this...