Does the Cloud Shell provide autocomplete for Powershell or Bash? - intellisense

Are there any keyboard shortcuts, configuration, browser extensions or other settings that can be set to provide intellisense for the Azure Cloud Shell on An Edge or Chrome browser extension for either PS or Bash would suffice.
I am seeking any Intellisense or limited Predictive Intellisense or completers that can provide inline typing help for cli or powershell Shell commands in the browser Azure Shell outside the normal options of --help switch or PS Get-Command.

Azure CLI (Bash Cmdlets) has the Intellisense feature in Azure Cloud Shell when we run one command, i.e.,
az interactive
When you begin typing any az cmdlets, it will show you the next parameters to be passed to that command and can be completed by pressing Tab button.


PhpStorm HTTP client

PhpStorm has built-in HTTP Client (, with JS support, which allows for writing tests. This is really handy, but would be even better, if we had a way to run those tests apart from PhpStorm, in CI environment or in console.
Is the any way to run them separately, or any script/library than accepts same syntax?
It is possible now.
I just built an open-source CLI application that support execute your existing http request files.
You can download the tool from:
java -jar /path/to/restcli-1.0.jar -e "test" -s get-requests.http
This tool support:
Execute Intellij HTTP request files.
Running test script inside request files.
Loading and inject environment variables from
Cross platform: Windows, macOS, and Linux ready.
Generate test report - JUnit format. 🥰🥰🥰 So you can show test report in the CI system.
Not currently possible. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.

Set breakpoints for shell script debugging in IntelliJ

I am able to successfully run shell scripts and create and configure shell script run configurations in IntelliJ. However, I can't set breakpoints. When I try to put a breakpoint in the gutter or elsewhere as with regular Java debugging, no breakpoint appears. Has anyone had success with this, and if so how?
I'm using IntelliJ 2018.3.6 Community Edition.
Shell script debugging is supported only by the paid BashSupport Pro plug-in. You would also need the latest IntelliJ IDEA version to use it.
BashSupport Pro adds advanced features for shell scripts to your
JetBrains IDE. You can debug Bash scripts, run bats-core tests and
work efficiently with shell scripts.

How to automate command prompt(putty) action via selenium

My application requires to enter commands on command prompt(Putty) and then I need to verify that from web browser.
I have used selenium for web functionalities but How can i achieve this with selenium?
which extensions /library files i would require?
Use Auto It ( to automate the interaction with putty and run the script in Java using Execute command(or find the command specific to your programming language).

How to execute External Tool in IntelliJ

Where can I actually launch an external tool in IntelliJ?
I know where to set up the external tool, and I've that done, but I cannot see where to launch it anywhere!
I don't see it from the Run menu, nor from any right-click menu.
You can run anything from the command line using the Command Line Tool Support plugin from JetBrains. See details here.
On menu Tools ⮕ External Tools:
In IntelliJ IDEA, in your run/test configurations (Run -> Edit Configurations) you have the choice of running an external tool 'before launch'. You can do this by opening up the run configuration menu, creating a new run configuration, and, down the bottom, adding a 'Run External Tool' option.
You can then add an external tool to be ran upon launch. You can run other programs or execute command line commands.
When you want to run the external tool, simply click the run button up the top of IntelliJ's main screen. If you want the external tool to run without the project compiling, simply remove the 'Make Project' and run project in the run configuration.

Redirect in-IDE terminal for IntelliJ IDEA

I am using the lanterna library for Java to write a basic console based GUI. The library includes a Swing-based Terminal as well as the ability to output to the system's terminal application.
In IDEA, When I try to use the system terminal functionality with this library it outputs to the IDE terminal. Is there a way to make IntelliJ IDEA direct stdout to the system terminal instead?
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't have such feature. You can run the app in the real terminal and use Remote debugging instead.