Batch rename files: delete the characters after the dash and number them starting from 1 - batch-rename

I'm on macOS and I am looking for a way to rename multiple photo files and their variations like the following:
Originals - "productcode"_"photonumber"
Renamed - "productcode"_"count"
As you can see above, some files have 3 variations while some have 4 or 5, and I want to number the variations(after the dash) starting the count from 1.
Can you help me, please?


Linux batch rename

I am trying to batch rename multiple files and so far I am pretty close to what I am trying to achieve. I have some files called "website.txt", "website1.txt", "website2.txt", "website3.txt" and I am trying to rename only the files that have a number associated with them (so excluding "website.txt"). My first attempt is as follows (I'm using -n for testing):
rename -n 's/website/website_edit/' *txt
rename(website1.txt, website_edit1.txt)
rename(website2.txt, website_edit2.txt)
rename(website3.txt, website_edit3.txt)
rename(website.txt, website_edit.txt)
As you can see this almost works but it is renaming the "website.txt" file as well which I don't want. So to try and remove it I did this:
rename -n 's/website\w/website_edit/' *txt
rename(website1.txt, website_edit.txt)
rename(website2.txt, website_edit.txt)
rename(website3.txt, website_edit.txt)
This time it did remove "website.txt" from the list but it also removed the the numbers from the end on the new names. I have also tried messing around with some regular expressions as well but to no avail.
Try this :
rename -n 's/website(\d+)/website_edit$1/' *txt
____ __
^ ^
| |
capturing at least one digit captured group

Qlikview does not upload what I ask for

I have this simple script to upload filenames:
FileName() as File
FROM [C:\Matias\Capacity Tracker\AllFiles\*];
And as a result while running the script, it happens the following:
Files << Analyst Time Sheet - Adam W - 0730-0805 0 lines fetched
Files << Analyst Time Sheet - Adam W - 0806-0812 0 lines fetched
Files << Analyst Time Sheet - Agnieszka J - 0702-0708 2 lines fetched
Files << Analyst Time Sheet - Agnieszka J - 0709-0715 3 lines fetched
Files << Analyst Time Sheet - Agnieszka J - 0716-0722 4 lines fetched
And so on...
So, the strange thing is that for the files from "Adam W", doesn't upload anything (no lines fetched). So then, I have the list of files except these ones. I find it very strange, because as I'm just asking for the filename, it can't be a thing of formatting (I think).
Any idea of what can be happening and how could I solve it?
Thank you in advance
Although QlikView offers that * option on the filename of the LOAD statment, the results are sometimes a little bit random. I would recomend that you try a different approach and see if it works.
For Each FILE in FileList('C:\Matias\Capacity Tracker\AllFiles\*')
Distinct FileName() as File
next file
Hope this helps.
thanks for your idea. I tried that and unfortunately I had the same problem. Finally, I solved like this:
FileName() as File
FROM [C:\Matias\Capacity Tracker\AllFiles\*];
SET ErrorMode=0;
FileName() as File
FROM [C:\Matias\Capacity Tracker\AllFiles\*]
(ooxml, no labels, table is [Task Log])
Where Not Exists(File,FileName());
IF ScriptError <> 0 THEN
FileName() as File
FROM [C:\Matias\Capacity Tracker\AllFiles\*]
(biff, no labels, table is [Task Log$])
Where Not Exists(File,FileName());
Despite they are all .xls files, it seems to be formatting differences between them. So the ones not uploaded at first, they were uploaded by the first statement after (ooxml), or if it failed, by the second one (biff files). Quite strange.
Maybe this is not the best and proper solution, but it was the only one that worked to upload all the filenames from the folder.

Combine multiple csv files time based visual basic

I have multiple csv files, with the same headers and in the same folder. My goal is to combine all the csv files using visual basic ( based on certain time.
I am using data logger that can log every 15 minutes. So, 1 file csv for 15 minutes logging, 2 files csv for 30 minutes logging, and so on.
I want to combine all of those csv files in one day (from 14.00 on day 1 to 13.59 on day 2) automatically with the file names based on the time.
For example :
Flowdata20170427220000.csv (27-04-2017 22:00:00)
Flowdata20170427221500.csv (27-04-2017 22:15:00)
and so on until
Flowdata20170428214500.csv (28-04-2017 21:35:00)
and the final file is :
Can you help me out please? Searching in google but nothing helps me.

How can I remove lines from a file with more than a certain number of entries

I've looked at the similar question about removing lines with more than a certain number of characters and my problem is similar but a bit trickier. I have a file that is generated after analyzing some data and each line is supposed to contain 29 numbers. For example:
53.0399 0.203827 7.28285 0.0139936 129.537 0.313907 11.3814 0.0137903 355.008 \
0.160464 12.2717 0.120802 55.7404 0.0875189 11.3311 0.0841887 536.66 0.256761 \
19.4495 0.197625 46.4401 2.38957 15.8914 17.1149 240.192 0.270649 19.348 0.230\
402 23001028 23800855
53.4843 0.198886 7.31329 0.0135975 129.215 0.335697 11.3673 0.014766 355.091 0\
.155786 11.9938 0.118147 55.567 0.368255 11.449 0.0842612 536.91 0.251735 18.9\
639 0.184361 47.2451 0.119655 18.6589 0.592563 240.477 0.298805 20.7409 0.2548\
56 23001585
50.7302 0.226066 7.12251 0.0158698 237.335 1.83226 15.4057 0.059467 -164.075 5\
.14639 146.619 1.37761 55.6474 0.289037 11.4864 0.0857042 536.34 0.252356 19.3\
91 0.198221 46.7011 0.139855 20.1464 0.668163 240.664 0.284125 20.3799 0.24696\
But every once in a while, a line like the first one appears that has an extra 8 digit number at the end from analyzing an empty file (so it just returns the file ID number but not on a new line like it should). So I just want to find lines that have this extra 30th number and remove just that 30th entry. I figure I could do this with awk but since I have little experience with it I'm not sure how. So if anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
Summary: Want to find lines in a text file with an extra entry in a row and remove the last extra entry so all rows have same number of entries.
With awk, you tell it how many fields there are per record. The extras are ignored
awk '{NF = 29; print}' filename
If you want to save that back to the file, you have to do a little extra work
awk '{NF = 29; print}' filename > && mv filename

3D Graph in Octave/Matlab from a CSV file

I'm new to Octave/Matlab and I want to plot a 3D-Graph.
I was able to do so using a predefined formula, like this:
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
z = sin(xx)+sin(yy);
But now the question is how to do the same getting the data from a CSV (for example). I know I can use the function csvread, but the big question is how to format the CSV to contain such data.
An example of doing the same graph above but this time grabbing the data from Excel/CSV would be appreciated. Thanks!
Done! I was finally able to do it!
Here's how I did it:
1) I've created a file in Excel with the X values in the cells A2:A42, and the Y values in the cells B1:AP1 (so you form a rectangle).
2) Then in the cells in the middle I put the formula I want (ie =sin(A$2)+sin($B1))
3) Saved the file as CSV (but separated by spaces!) and manually edited it to look this way (the way QtOctave opens matrix files, in Matlab it might be different). For example (note the extra space before each column):
# Created by Octave 3.2.4, Thu Jan 12 19:32:05 2012 ART <diego#notebook2>
# name: z
# type: matrix
# rows: 3
# columns: 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
(if you're not sure how to do it, do what I did: create a simple matrix and export it to see how the exported file looks like!)
4) Octave has a function under Data -> Load matrix from file, which loads that kind of files. Or actually running this command (varname is the name of the resulting variable):
load("-text", "file-where-the-data-is", "varname")
5) Create the graph (ex is the name of the matrix I've just imported):