Issue with running SSRS reports in Google Chrome - sql

I have been building some new reports and hosting them in our SQL Server 2017 db and the current version of SSRS. However I am having an issue when running them from a laptop in Chrome in that they start to run and take a long time to complete. But if I run the same report in MS report builder from the same laptop it runs fine. It also runs fine in IE 11 and also in Chrome if I open it in an Incognito window. In case it is relevant the report has 3 parameters a Start and End date and a multi value parameter for the products we sell. Also the report uses a saved database account to connect to the datasource rather than needing to try and pass through the users network credentials.
If I open it on my Admin Terminal server it completely fine in Chrome without needing to do anything like use incognito mode. I even wondered if it was down to me being logged into a Google account in Chrome on my laptop but not being logged into one on the Terminal Server. But after logging into the same Google account on the terminal server the report still runs fine.
The authentication seems to be work fine as I can get onto the report portal without the need to manually enter my credentials and I can also navigate around the folders and reports and administer permissions and create subscriptions etc.


Firefox 102.0.1 Windows Authentication via URL

We've been using XUnit with Firefox for automated testing with Windows Authentication and passing the credentials with the URL in the form http://username:password#server.url/ and it has been working fine until a recent update to Firefox it appears on July 6th? Version is 102.0.1. Now when the same script is executed an alert box is popped up asking for login credentials. We coded for that, but when running tests in parallel, multiple tests attempt to access the same alert box and tests fail. Looked at similar questions from years past and tried the solutions listed but those are not working with 102.

Vugen - Not able to launch IE in Windows 2012 Server R2

We have installed VUgen12.53 in Windows 2012 Server R2. WHen we are trying to record, we get an exception that, ' You need to close all Internet Explorer Browsers' After clicking 'OK' another popup appears ' Please close IE and all instances manually'
There are no IE instances opened and I have checked the Running process, even there I can't see any process related to IE. THis issue is occurring for every Browser (CHrome / Firefox) which are present in that Server.
Any Suggestions on how we can solve this?
this issue can happen when there are other users that running one of the browsers.
try to make sure that there are no other users with those process.

LoadRunner VuGen Script Replay Failing for Citrix Module Login

I am using LoadRunner VuGen to record a test I would like to execute using a Citrix module. I am able to successfully record the actions but when I play the actions back, it stops at the following line of code:
ctrx_wait_for_event("LOGON", CTRX_LAST);
The Citrix ICA Client screen is displayed and it is waiting for the Username, Password, and Domain to be entered by I am unable to manually enter the information in and after a couple a seconds it fails. When I initially record my actions, I am logging into Citrix via a web URL. But when I play back the actions it goes directly to the Citrix ICA Client screen without ever opening the URL.
This is Citrix application where Logging into the Citrix Desktop is taking too much time than the parameterized hence throwing the TimeOut Error.
In the error if the IP address is also mentioned, then it is usually is a citrix connectivity/network connectivity issue.
We had a similar error without any IP address, we did the following which resolved the issue:
Check if there are any active citrix sessions, if yes clear/terminate all the sessions. Then run the VuGen script from VuGen and dont try manually
Upgrade the ICA client if it is older than 13, we are using 14.x version

rsAccessDenied - SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services

I have installed SQL Server 2012 on my Windows 10 computer. When I try to access Reporting Services via the Browser such as Chrome or Firefox, It prompts me for username/password (In which I do enter) but then it gives me an error
(Reporting Services Error: The permissions granted to user
'ComputerName\User' are insufficient for performing this operation.
I have tried many solutions such as Internet Options and SQL server management studio. I have spent most of my time trying to figure this out but have given up hope.
Assuming you are trying to access Report Manager application (and not the Report Server) try this:
Run Internet Explorer as Administrator
Browse to Report Manager URL e.g. http://localhost/reports
You should see the Report Manager "home" page
Go to the Security settings for the home page and explicitly add your user account with the "Content Manager" role
You should now be able to browse to the home page with IE or Firefox. Note that Chrome is not a supported browser for SSRS 2012.
I struggled doing this with IE now officially unsupported (with chromium edge installed). Everytime I opened IE it would close immediately. To get around this, create a Windows Shortcut (lnk) file with this command:
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -extoff http://localhost/Reports
NOTE: The shortcut must be opened as Administrator.

Login authentication failed

I have been using phpmyadmin web-login for several years and never had any issues. Recently I haven't been able to login although I am able to login to our server by FTP. My mate is able to use the web-login. I have tried login in with Android phone, HP laptop, desktop (both win 7 prof.), several different browsers Chrome, Opera, Safari, explorer and firefox.
The message I get is: Authentication required. The server requires a username and password. The server says: phpMyAdmin localhost.
When I enter username and password the window disappear and reappears after a few seconds. I can see the status goes from connecting to waiting just before the window reappears.
No changes to the server has been made recently.
Any suggestions on how to solve the issue?