Ensuring JMH benchmark method gets compiled - jvm

I have a benchmark with a #Param controlling the input size, such as:
class MyBenchmark {
#Param({"100", "10000", "1000000"})
public int ARRAY_SIZE;
public int[] INPUT;
public void setUp() {
INPUT = new int[ARRAY_SIZE];
// ...
public void compute() {
// ...
When the input is large, compute doesn't get invoked enough times to trigger compilation during warmup. Since I would like to measure peak performance, I want to ensure the method is invoked enough during warmup to be compiled.
Is there a good way to do this? I could set a higher number of warmup iterations, but this would apply to all input sizes when it's really only necessary for the large ones which don't get compiled.

Instead of increasing the number of iterations, you can try making compilation happen earlier.
Since JDK 9, there is -XX:CompileThresholdScaling JVM option to adjust frequencies and thresholds of the compilation policy. The lower is the value - the earlier compilation starts.
E.g. -XX:CompileThresholdScaling=0.05 will make thresholds 20x lower.
The option can be applied globally or on a per-method basis. For example, to apply it only to compute benchmark, add the following annotation:
#Fork(jvmArgsAppend = {"-XX:CompileCommand=CompileThresholdScaling,*MyBenchmark*::compute*,0.05"})
public void compute() {
// ...
Alternatively, you may extract larger parameter values into another #State object and create a separate benchmark method with different #Warmup options:
public static class SmallParams {
#Param({"100", "10000"})
int size;
public static class LargeParams {
int size;
#Warmup(iterations = 5)
public void computeSmall(SmallParams params) {
#Warmup(iterations = 50)
public void computeLarge(LargeParams params) {
Or just run the benchmark twice, overriding parameters in the command line:
-p size=100,10000 -wi 5
-p size=1000000 -wi 50


Automatic warning on fixed point overflow in SystemC

Is there a way i can enable an automatic warning for my SystemC simulation whenever a fixed point variable overflows?
I already discovered the overflow_flag() function, but that one have to be check manually for every time i write to a signal in my code. Also, as I interpret the documentation, this flag does not discern between overflowing and precision loss?
Is there a way i can enable an automatic warning for my SystemC simulation whenever a fixed point variable overflows?
Not in a centralized, standard way.
If you want to monitor a fixed set of variables, you may be able to use the sc_fxnum_observer extension available in some SystemC implementations.
To use it, you have to #define SC_ENABLE_OBSERVERS before including SystemC (ideally from your compiler command-line). The allows you to "attach" an observer to your sc_fixed<...> (and related) classes, which is notified upon the following events:
class sc_fxnum_observer
virtual void construct( const sc_fxnum& );
virtual void destruct( const sc_fxnum& );
virtual void read( const sc_fxnum& );
virtual void write( const sc_fxnum& );
You can then for example check the overflow_flag in a custom observer's write function:
struct overflow_observer : sc_dt::sc_fxnum_observer
virtual void write( const sc_fxnum& v )
if( v.overflow_flag() )
// ...
During construction of a variable, you can pass a pointer to the observer then:
overflow_observer my_overflow_observer;
sc_dt::sc_fixed<...> f( &my_overflow_observer );
For a signal, the easiest solution is to derive a specialized signal and check for the overflow flag inside an overridden update function.
template <int W, int I,
sc_q_mode Q = SC_DEFAULT_Q_MODE_,
sc_o_mode O = SC_DEFAULT_O_MODE_, int N = SC_DEFAULT_N_BITS_>
class fixed_signal : public sc_core::sc_signal< sc_dt::sc_fixed<W,I,Q,O,N> >
typedef sc_core::sc_signal< sc_dt::sc_fixed<W,I,Q,O,N> > base_type;
// constructor, etc.
// ...
using base_type::operator=;
void update()
if( read().overflow_flag() )
// ...
Also, as I interpret the documentation, this flag does not discern between overflowing and precision loss?

Can collections / iterables / streams be passed into #ParamterizedTests?

In Junit5 5.0.0 M4 I could do this:
void testCollections(Collection<Object> collection) {
private static Iterator<Collection<Object>> generateCollections() {
Random generator = new Random();
// We'll run as many tests as possible in 500 milliseconds.
final Instant endTime = Instant.now().plusNanos(500000000);
return new Iterator<Collection<Object>>() {
#Override public boolean hasNext() {
return Instant.now().isBefore(endTime);
#Override public Collection<Object> next() {
// Dummy code
return Arrays.asList("this", "that", Instant.now());
Or any number of other things that ended up with collections of one type or another being passed into my #ParameterizedTest. This no longer works: I now get the error
Error resolving parameter at index 0
I've been looking through the recent commits to SNAPSHOT and I there's a few changes in the area, but I can't see anything that definitely changes this.
Is this a deliberate change? I'd ask this on a JUnit5 developer channel but I can't find one. And it's not a bug per se: passing a collection is not a documented feature.
If this is a deliberate change, then this is a definite use-case for #TestFactory...
See https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/issues/872
The next snapshot build should fix the regression.

Render glitch with custom block boundaries minecraft

I'm creating a mod for Minecraft. Recently, I've tried to make a custom block, and I'm having two issues with it.
My main issue is that the block is rendering incorrectly. I want the block to be smaller in size than a full block. I successfully changed the block boundaries with setBlockBounds(), and while that did make the block render smaller and use the smaller boundaries, it causes other rendering issues. When I place the block, the floor below is becomes invisible and I can see through it, either to caves below, blocks behind it, or the void if there is nothing there. How do I fix that block not rendering? Here's a screenshot:
Additionally, my goal for this block is to emit an "aura" that gives players around it speed or some other potion effect. I have the basic code for finding players around the block and giving them speed, but I can't find a way to activate this method every tick or every X amount of ticks to ensure that it gives players within the box speed in a reliable manner. There are already some blocks in the normal game that do this, so it must be possible. How can I do this?
For your first issue, you need to override isOpaqueCube to return false. You'll also want to override isFullCube for other parts of the code, but that isn't as important for rendering. Example:
public class YourBlock {
// ... existing code ...
* Used to determine ambient occlusion and culling when rebuilding chunks for render
public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
Here's some info on rendering that mentions this.
Regarding your second problem, that's more complicated. It's generally achieved via a tile entity, though you can also use block updates (which is much slower). Good examples of this are BlockBeacon and TileEntityBeacon (for using tile entities) and BlockFrostedIce (for block updates). Here's some (potentially out of date) info on tile entities.
Here's an (untested) example of getting an update each tick this with tile entities:
public class YourBlock {
// ... existing code ...
* Returns a new instance of a block's tile entity class. Called on placing the block.
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta) {
return new TileEntityYourBlock();
* Tile entity for your block.
* Tile entities normally store data, but they can also receive an update each
* tick, but to do so they must implement ITickable. So, don't forget the
* "implements ITickable".
public class TileEntityYourBlock extends TileEntity implements ITickable {
public void update() {
// Your code to give potion effects to nearby players would go here
// If you only want to do it every so often, you can check like this:
if (this.worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 80 == 0) {
// Only runs every 80 ticks (4 seconds)
// The following code isn't required to make a tile entity that gets ticked,
// but you'll want it if you want (EG) to be able to set the effect.
* Example potion effect.
* May be null.
private Potion effect;
public void setEffect(Potion potionEffect) {
this.effect = potionEffect;
public Potion getEffect() {
return this.effect;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
int effectID = compound.getInteger("Effect")
this.effect = Potion.getPotionById(effectID);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
int effectID = Potion.getIdFromPotion(this.effect);
compound.setInteger("Effect", effectID);
// This line needs to go in the main registration.
// The ID can be anything so long as it isn't used by another mod.
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityYourBlock.class, "YourBlock");

How do I use Strategy Pattern in this context?

Let me begin by saying I am a mathematician and not a coder. I am trying to code a linear solver. There are 10 methods which I coded. I want the user to choose which solver she wishes to use, like options.solver_choice='CG'.
Now, I have all 10 methods coded in a single class. How do I use the strategy pattern in this case?
Previously, I had 10 different function files which I used to use in the main program using a switch case.
if options.solver_choice=='CG'
if options.solver_choice=='GMRES'
This isn't the most exact of answers, but you should get the idea.
Using the strategy pattern, you would have a solver interface that implements a solver method:
public interface ISolver {
int Solve();
You would implement each solver class as necessary:
public class Solver1 : ISolver {
int Solve() {
return 1;
You would then pass the appropriate solver class when it's time to do the solving:
public int DoSolve(ISolver solver) {
return solver.solve();
Foo.DoSolve(new Solver1());
As I've always understood the strategy pattern, the idea is basically that you perform composition of a class or object at run-time. The implementation details vary by language, but you should be able to swap out pieces of behavior by "plugging in" different modules that share an interface. Here I present an example in Ruby.
Ruby Example
Let's say you want to use select a strategy for how the #action method will return a set of results. You might begin by composing some modules named CG and GMRES. For example:
module CG
def action a, x, b
{ a: a, x: x, b: b }
module GMRES
def action a, x, b
[a, x, b]
You then instantiate your object:
class StrategyPattern
my_strategy = StrategyPattern.new
Finally, you extend your object with the plug-in behavior that you want. For example:
my_strategy.extend GMRES
my_strategy.action 'q', nil, 1
#=> ["q", nil, 1]
my_strategy.extend GMRES
my_strategy.action 'q', nil, 1
#=> {:a=>"q", :x=>nil, :b=>1}
Some may argue that the Strategy Pattern should be implemented at the class level rather than by extending an instance of a class, but this way strikes me as easier to follow and is less likely to screw up other instances that need to choose other strategies.
A more orthodox alternative would be to pass the name of the module to include into the class constructor. You might want to read Russ Olsen's Design Patterns in Ruby for a more thorough treatment and some additional ways to implement the pattern.
Other answers present the pattern correctly, however I don't feel they are clear enough. Unfortunately the link I've provided does the same, so I'll try to demonstrate what's the Strategy's spirit, IMHO.
Main thing about strategy is to have a general procedure, with some of its details (behaviours) abstracted, allowing them to be changed transparently.
Consider an gradient descent optimization algorithm - basically, it consists of three actions:
gradient estimation
objective function evaluation
Usually one chooses which of these steps they need abstracted and configurable. In this example it seems that evaluation of the objective function is not something that you can do in more than one way - you always just ... evaluate the function.
So, this introduces two different strategy (or policy) families then:
interface GradientStrategy
double[] CalculateGradient(Function objectiveFunction, double[] point);
interface StepStrategy
double[] Step(double[] gradient, double[] point);
where of course Function is something like:
interface Function
double Evaluate(double[] point);
interface FunctionWithDerivative : Function
double[] EvaluateDerivative(double[] point);
Then, a solver using all these strategies would look like:
interface Solver
double[] Maximize(Function objectiveFunction);
class GradientDescentSolver : Solver
public Solver(GradientStrategy gs, StepStrategy ss)
this.gradientStrategy = gs;
this.stepStrategy = ss;
public double[] Maximize(Function objectiveFunction)
// choosing starting point could also be abstracted into a strategy
double[] currentPoint = ChooseStartingPoint(objectiveFunction);
double[] bestPoint = currentPoint;
double bestValue = objectiveFunction.Evaluate(bestPoint);
while (...) // termination condition could also
// be abstracted into a strategy
double[] gradient = this.gradientStrategy.CalculateGradient(
currentPoint = this.stepStrategy.Step(gradient, currentPoint);
double currentValue = objectiveFunction.Evaluate(currentPoint);
if (currentValue > bestValue)
bestValue = currentValue;
bestPoint = currentPoint;
// terminate or step back and reduce step size etc.
// this could also be abstracted into a strategy
return bestPoint;
private GradientStrategy gradientStrategy;
private StepStrategy stepStrategy;
So the main point is that you have some algorithm's outline, and you delegate particular, general steps of this algorithm to strategies or policies. Now you could implement GradientStrategy which works only for FunctionWithDerivative (casts down) and just uses function's analytical derivative to obtain the gradient. Or you could have another one implementing stochastic version of gradient estimation. Note, that the main solver does not need to know about how the gradient is being calculated, it just needs the gradient. The same thing goes for the StepStrategy - it can be a typical step policy with single step-size:
class SimpleStepStrategy : StepStrategy
public SimpleStepStrategy(double stepSize)
this.stepSize = stepSize;
double[] Step(double[] gradient, double[] point)
double[] result = new double[point.Length];
for (int i = 0;i < result.Length;++i)
result[i] = point[i] + this.stepSize * gradient[i];
return result;
private double stepSize;
, or a complicated algorithm adjusting the step-size as it goes.
Also think about the behaviours noted in the comments in the code: TerminationStrategy, DeteriorationPolicy.
Names are just examples - they're probably not the best, but I hope they give the intent. Also, usually best to stick with one version (Strategy or Policy).
PHP Examples
You'd define your strategies that implement only singular method called solve()
class CG
public function solve($a, $x, $y)
class GMRES
public function solve($a, $x, $y)
// implementation..
$solver = new Solver();
$solver->setStratery(new CG());
$solver->solve(1,2,3); // the result of CG
$solver->setStrategy(new GMRES());
$solver->solve(1,2,3); // the result of GMRES
class Solver
private $strategy;
public function setStrategy($strategy)
$this->strategy = $strategy;
public function solve($a, $x, $y)
return $this->strategy->solve($a, $x, $y);

AspectJ - Doubt

An aspect can be used to measure the performance of method invocations,
as illustrated in the example below:
public aspect MonitorRequests {
void around() : monitoredRequestO {
PerfStats stats = getPerfStats(thisDoinPointStaticPart);
long start = System-currentTimeMillisO;
stats.time += System.currentTimeMillisC)-start;
pointcut monitoredRequestO :
execution(void HttpServ1et.do*(..)) && if(enabled);
// can expose stats via JMX, dump method, getstats etc.
public static class PerfStats { _. }
private Map<StaticPart,PerfStats> perfStatMap • //...
private boolean enabled;
By default, an aspect instance is associated with the Java Virtual Machine, rather with
specific execution flows, similar to a static class.
Another aspect below uses percflow() to associate an aspect instance differently from
the default:
public aspect MonitorDatabaseRequests
percflow(monitoredRequest() && !cflowbelow(mon-5toredRequest()) {
void around() : monitoredRequestO {
PerfStats stats = getPerfStats(thisJoinPointStaticPart);
long time.= System.currentTimeMi 11 i s O ;
stats.databaseTime += accumulatedoatabaseTime;
stats.time 4= System.currentTimeMi 11 isO-time;
What is the difference that adding the percflow() declaration makes in this example
I'm confused how percflow works and how this is different from not using it....
percflow is the aspect instantiation model. See here:
This means that one instance of this aspect is created for every cflow entered.
The first aspect is a singleton and so it must store a map for all of the performance stats it keeps track of. The second aspect is instantiated as needed, so performance stats are implicitly stored and associated with the proper dynamic call graph.