Google Play Console API get release status - api

I try to create automatization for android apps releases.
Get app status
Publish if the status is ready to publish and approved by the release manager.
And I could not find a way to get from Google console API a release status. (ready to publish, on review, ect...).
Does anyone have solutions for that?

This feature is notn available on Google Play API, you can check it here:
On the other hand, you could invest time on "scraping process" to fetch this kind of info directly from Google Play Console(selenium could be a good point to start).


New Google Identity Service Migration with PHP Client library

I got a warning from google stating "your client ID(s) use the legacy Google Sign-In web solution".
And we are asked to migrate to the new Google Identity Services.
We do not use any JS library to sign-in. We have a Google PHP Client library for authentication and authorization.
Google still flagged our client Id and advised to migrate before March 31 2023.
Will this depreciation really affect us?
Can someone help me with the exact changes to be done on our end?
The team has a system that can detect which projects are calling the endpoint used by the deprecated JavaScript sign-in library. They send out emails to the owners of that project. From what I understand from the team they don't know for a fact that you are using it they can just see that your project id is hitting it.
The Google APIs PHP client library does not hit this end point so that part of your code is not the source.
I would just double check around your team and make sure nothing else may be using the old JavaScript library. If you cant find anything then the easiest solution is to just wait once google starts rolling out the deprecation at the end of March someone will come find you if something breaks.

How to Send Push Notification to Xamarin Android app?

I need to implement push notification to our Android App using Xamarin. Here is the process. We have web version which used by the Manager. The Manager creates and assign job to the driver. The App version is used by the Driver where it shows the list of jobs and processes of job until its complete. So, when the Manager assigned the Job to the Driver in the Web version, it will then notified to the Driver in the App version that "new job is assigned". Basically, both the web and app uses same database then we created an api(REST API in MVC C#) to connect and get data from the db to be used in the mobile app.
Can someone recommend to me which Push notification plugin(a plugin or nuget) should I use to do this? Currently, I have set up Push Notifications through App center & Firebase but not sure how this work.
Thank you.
I need to implement push notification to our Android App using Xamarin.
I would suggest you use Firebase for mobile push notifications for Android as it is a product by Google, and was made for mobile applications. For push notifications, you will be using Firebase Cloud Messaging also known as FCM. See to it that you are well versed on how it works before you start coding anything read the documents it answers most of your questions there itself.
The Manager creates and assign job to the driver. The App version is used by the Driver where it shows the list of jobs and processes of a job until its complete. So, when the Manager assigned the Job to the Driver in the Web version, it will then notified to the Driver in the App version that "new job is assigned". Basically, both the web and app use the same database then we created an API(REST API in MVC C#) to connect and get data from the DB to be used in the mobile app.
For this, you will have to check on how to work with Firebase using Rest-API. Once you configure the Rest-API and then apply your business logic to it things will be quite easier than you might have imagined.
Can someone recommend to me which Push notification plugin(a plugin or NuGet) should I use to do this?
My recommendation is quite simple, Do not use any sort of a firebase push notifications plugin!. I have had a very bad past with plugins and ever since then I never recommend fellow developers to use plugins until it is a well-maintained one. I would rather ask you to simply configure Firebase on the basis of the guides that are available online. Like the following Xamarin.Android guide for FCM. It is detailed contains everything that you are looking for and what else I would suggest is you check firebase related answers on SO and you will find that almost everything that is not available in docs is covered around here and in detail. Like the following:
How to handle Firebase Notification i.e. Notification Messages and Data Messages
Push Notification in android with firebase get token
How to send device to device messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging?
Receive push notifications on one android app from two Firebase projects

How to delete an environment label from a deleted Twitter environment?

I'm trying to integrate a Dialogflow (V2) chatbot with Twitter, but in the Twitter integration modal on Dialogflow I received the error 'Bot was not started' (which doesn't really tell me why).
I tried to recreate the integration using Dialogflow's migration documentation: In the documentation it mentions "Note: The environment must be named "dev". This is a restriction of the beta webhook API.". However I can't use the same "dev" label anymore on Twitter because it was previously used by the deleted dev environment (my first try)...
How can I solve this?
It sounds like there's a couple things going on here. To start, you shouldn't need to use "dev" as the environment name anymore. This has recent changed and been opened up, we just need to update the docs.
The "Bot was not started" message sounds like it's referring to starting the bot in the Twitter integration screen in Dialogflow.
Go to Integrations > Twitter and enter all of the information for your bot. Then click the START button at the bottom of that screen.

How to configure Android Push Notifications (GCM) in Appcelerator Titanium Dashboard?

I've tried to following the instructions
Configuring push services for Android devices
However, the steps mention 'Click Push Notifications on the left-side navigation' but they don't exist...
Once you've created a Google API project with GCM enabled, you need to update your application's settings page in Dashboard with the API key and sender ID you generated.
To configure Arrow for push notifications using Dashboard:
Open Dashboard and select your application from the Apps drop-down menu.
Click Push Notifications on the left-side navigation <-- MISSING.
Select the Android Push tab.
Enter the server key in the GCM API Key field and the GCM sender ID in the GCM Sender ID field.
Here's a screenshot to show what's listed...
If I look under Arrow (where I suspect it might be expecting to be listed) that's empty (I'm not using Arrow - I thought it was an alternative UI using declarative XML)...
I've checked the subscription that I'm on (Indie) and it shows that I should have the ability to send up to 1 million push notifications for free..
Does anyone know how I can associate the Appcelerator Titanium project to the GCM server key??
Also, when I looked in Googles developer console, my application (which is live on their app store) wasn't listed, so I've created a new application called 'Gcm'. The Appcelerator Titanium seemed to confirm that I needed to 'create' the application, I was just too worried to call it the same name as the live application. How does the 'Google Developer Console' Application relate to the 'Google Play' application?! - if at all?
I've just discovered in TiApp.xml that I can enable some 'Cloud' settings and this has unlocked the 'Push' menu - so I think all is good now, could someone confirm that this is the right thing to do and answer my related question about Google play applications v google developer console applications?
Update 2
I started to get this error
[ERROR] : GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources
were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the
resources are included.
[INFO] : CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken error: INVALID_SENDER
I'm simply calling this to try and register for Android push notifications ...
success : function(e) {"CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken success");
error : function(e) {"CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken error:"+e.error);
I have tried with and without the module (I think it got added when I clicked the 'Enable Services' button which meant that I could see the 'Push Notifications' tab, but it seems to still be listed whether the module is elected or not)..
Q - How to stop the Google Play error and retrieve the device token (oddly I was getting the token before enable services.
Q - Is used to receive the push notification, or is ti.cloudpush sufficient for this?
Thanks for the detailed question :) Let me go into some of the things you mention and clarify what I can.
If I look under Arrow (where I suspect it might be expecting to be listed) that's empty
As you later found out you have to enable platform services for your app which will create an ArrowDB app with the same name as your app. This app will have the Push Notifications in the sidebar to configure. I've updated the guide's wordings to make clear we mean the ArrowDB app, not the Titanium app.
(I'm not using Arrow - I thought it was an alternative UI using declarative XML)...
Don't confuse Arrow with Alloy - which is the MVC framework for Titanium which indeed uses XML.
How does the 'Google Developer Console' Application relate to the 'Google Play' application?! - if at all?
It doesn't. You can even have multiple apps share the same GCM sender.
[ERROR] : GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found.
What did you use to test? A Genymotion emulator without Google Apps installed perhaps? You'll need that.
Is used to receive the push notification, or is ti.cloudpush sufficient for this? is the module to communicate with ArrowDB, subscribe to channels etcetera. On Android you need ti.cloudpush (or as #Shawn mentioned another module) to retrieve the device token where on iOS you can use a Ti. API for that. Follow this guide for all steps.
You can ignore the Google Play Service error, but it seems your GCM Sender ID and/or API Key is wrong. Read through the tutorial and make sure you put down the right ones.
If you are using Appcelerator Cloud Service to send push notifications, you need to register the devices.
To get the device token and to receive push notifications, you use ti.cloudpush. There are other modules that you can use instead of ti.cloudpush.

Google hangout API console appear to be broken

I had a working hangout app until yesterday - but now now I can no longer launch the app in the developer sandbox.
In the process of diagnosing the problem I have tracked back to simply trying to launch one of the Google sample apps ( in the developer sandbox.
This fails in the same way as my app: the hangout says loading app along with a lovely animation but never loads.
I have tried this from different Google accounts and OS's but the problem is the same whatever.
The js console shows the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <…
Interestingly I can launch the hangout apps (mine and the sample ones) outside the sandbox. For example,
To me it seems as if Google has deployed a breaking change but I can't believe that there would be no activity on twitter or the google plus developer group if they had.
My questions are:
1) Can anyone launch an app in the developer sandbox
2) If not, anyone got any idea what the problem is.
Thanks in advance for any help. As usual in these situations, I was planning on demoing my app to my colleagues in a couple of days to show them how cool the hangouts api is :(
There was a problem on Google's side over the weekend and has now been corrected.