How to login in the database of entity framework context - linqpad

I'm trying to connect to my context in my VS solution with EF Core
But when I test the connection I get this error
Because it is trying to connect with my domain user instead the user in the connection string
Any idea, please?

i cant post pictures in reply so i am using it as answer
i will doublecheck lower versions (i guess 5) - since i dont know which version are you using (but image of EF connection is different than mine (!))
in linqpad 7 it works
in addition, if you need a context you can write using regular connection
using(TypedDataContext context = new TypedDataContext(Connection.ConnectionString)){
context.TABLE.Where(w=>w.ID == 64463).Dump();


System.Data.SQLite.Core Cannot use "Password" connection string property

I am writing a .NET Core 3.1 application that depends on another library (Serilog.Sinks.SQLite) which is attempting to store log data to an SQLite database. Unfortunately, Serilog.Sinks.SQLite does not support passing in a password to System.Data.SQLite via the SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder.Password property (which you provide to the SQLiteConnection constructor) and I would really like that functionality.
The code that Serilog.Sinks.SQLite uses to connect to the database is as follows:
private SQLiteConnection GetSqLiteConnection()
var sqlConString = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder
DataSource = _databasePath,
JournalMode = SQLiteJournalModeEnum.Memory,
SyncMode = SynchronizationModes.Normal,
CacheSize = 500,
PageSize = (int)MaxSupportedPageSize,
MaxPageCount = (int)(_maxDatabaseSize * BytesPerMb / MaxSupportedPageSize)
var sqLiteConnection = new SQLiteConnection(sqlConString);
return sqLiteConnection;
There are a number of similar posts on StackOverflow about encryption with SQLite stating very convincingly that encryption / password protection of the database is indeed supported by System.Data.SQLite. However, that is not matching my experience.
I grabbed a copy of the Serilog.Sinks.SQLite source in an attempt to prototype a modification to it to support specifying the password. This seems like it should be easy enough to accomplish with the following addition to the above code (specifying the Password property in the connection string):
MaxPageCount = (int)(_maxDatabaseSize * BytesPerMb / MaxSupportedPageSize),
Password = "mypasswordhere"
Unfortunately, this does not work and results in an exception being thrown on startup with the following message:
Exception has occurred: CLR/System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException An
unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException'
occurred in LoggingWebApi.dll: 'SQL logic error Cannot use "Password"
connection string property: library was not built with encryption
support, please see "" for more information'
What is confusing me the most here are the number of other posts I've found claiming that System.Data.SQLite supports this password and the fact that a .NET Framework 4.6 application from another team in my company is using System.Data.SQLite.dll (though an older version and this Password behavior works fine for them.
My code is targeting netcoreap3.1 and my dependency of Serilog.Sinks.SQLite is targeting netstandard2.0 so that is one obvious difference I see. In my modified version of the Serilog.Sinks.SQLite code, I am referencing System.Data.SQLite.Core as follows (added via otnet add package System.Data.SQLite.Core --version
<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SQLite.Core" Version="" />
Is there something with .NET Core 3.1 or .NET Standard 2.0 that causes System.Data.SQLite.Core to not support the Password connection string property like everyone else seems to think it supports?
I thought maybe my issue was running on Linux so I tried running on my Windows but it produced the same error.
I did find another post referencing a potentially helpful approach but this sample is not using System.Data.SQLite.Core and instead is using SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_e_sqlcipher and I would prefer to avoid rewriting all of the Serilog.Sinks.SQLite code to use a different SQLite client:
It seems that System.Data.SQLite has dropped support for encryption as of version which explains why I haven't been able to get it working:
This is also mentioned on their News page though it was not clear to me that the Password support was part of the "legacy CryptoAPI Codec":
The other team I referred to is using an older version so if you require this support, I guess just don't upgrade...

Laravel 4: when using Config::set to change auth.model then Auth::user() not work

My laravel project has two login system.
1) Using user_name and Password
2) Using secret code
my 1st login system work properly. because auth.model has 'User' model.
so I use 'Config::set' in 'tempSing' method to obtain 2nd login as bellow.
Config::set('auth.model', 'TempUser')
Config::set('auth.table', 'temp_user')
After that code I use bellow code
$user= TempUser::where('secret_code','=',Input::get('code'))->first();
return Redirect::route('getTemp');
then that code work properly and redirect to the 'getTemp' and after routing it make 'temp.php'. but their include
so my problem is above logic not become true. that problem is occurred when using 'Config::set' but I Configured 'auth.model' and 'auth.table' manualy in 'auth.php' not happen any error. Please help me.
I would assume Laravel initializes the Auth service once when the application is started, so later edits to configuration don't affect it anymore. A solution would be to initialize an instance yourself, and use that.

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 only on solution rebuild

I have a site built using MVC4 which is getting content out of a database and it all works fine.
If I then rebuild the solution and try to refresh the page to check my changes, I will always get the SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 saying that I cannot connect to the server.
However, if I then browse to my homepage and then back to the page I was looking at it will work fine.
Does anyone know what could cause this problem as it is really annoying
Further to this I have found it is when the AuthorizationContext filterContext is being loaded after the rebuild that it cannot connect to the db
As with neil below I have found that I only get the problem if I try to access a page that has had a role assigned to it
I'm seeing the exact same problem and can trace it to the .ASPXAUTH session cookie in the browser. Delete that cookie and the database error goes away until the next rebuild.
The error occurs regularly if you are authenticated and then rebuild the project and try to browse any page that either:
Requires authentication
Makes a call to the User object (e.g. #if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")))
If you have the AuthorizeAttribute filter set in App_Start/FilterConfig.cs you'll get this on every page.
This seems to be new behavior following the most recent Patch Tuesday updates. Previously, I was seeing weird behavior where I would remain logged in but I would loose my roll membership. After the most recent patches, it seems Simple Membership chokes when it gets a bad .ASPXAUTH cookie (invalid because of the rebuild).
I've got the correct connection string in InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs but it's like Simple Membership is defaulting to something else in this one instance.
Note that I've moved the Simple Membership databases from the original (localDb) to a full-fledged (local) SQL Server instance. Don't know why that would matter, and it works fine in all other cases.
I've also tried making the connection string name the same as the EF context name (e.g. "ProjectContext") on the theory that it is defaulting to the standard convention, but that made no difference. I am explicitly identifying the connection string name in all my context class constructors (using the : base("connectionString") syntax) and Simple Membership is able to find the right connection string all other times.
Update 2:
The problem only occurs after rebuild when accessing a page protected by role. A simple [Authorize] won't trigger it. You need something like [Authorize(Role="Admin")]. I've replicated this on a new MVC 4 project with no other modifications, using the default (localDb) database. Clear the cookie and that same user can access the protected content w/o any problems. I believe this is a core .NET or MVC bug and needs to be reported as such.
This happened to me while rebuilding the application when I was logged in the browser.
Deleting cookies fixed the problem for me.
When using SimpleMembership, this bug occurs with any use of Roles-not just in the controller, but also when I use:
I am late to the game with this answer, but I added [InitializeSimpleMembership] to my home controller and I think that fixed it.

Object already exists exception in RSACryptoServiceProvider

First let me start by saying I'm sorry if I posted this question in the wrong place. I saw the entry at Object already exists in RSACryptoServiceProvider. I tried the solutions offered there. But, they did not solve my issue. Also, I didn't see an option to re-ask the question.
I have almost the same issue. I have a class that uses RSACryptoServiceProvider that runs in two projects on the same machine and under the same account. Both projects live in the same solution and share the same encryption code. One project, the server, is a Windows service and the other, the client, is a Windows application. They use the RSACryptoServiceProvider to talk to each other over a named pipe using asymmetric encryption. I started out by just having the server run in another Windows form within the same application as the client. Everything ran fine. Then, I moved the server to a Windows service.
The Windows service starts up fine. It seems to be able to create it's instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider fine. But, when the client, which runs in the Windows application, starts up it gets a runtime error when it tries to create it. Here is the code that runs in both projects.
rule = New CryptoKeyAccessRule("everyone", CryptoKeyRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow)
csp = New CspParameters
csp.KeyContainerName = _KeyContainerName
csp.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore
csp.CryptoKeySecurity = New CryptoKeySecurity()
//Object already exists exception happens here
rsa = New RSACryptoServiceProvider(_KeySize, csp)
As you can see, I have the code that sets the access rule as mentioned in the other post on this subject. Unfortunately, this did not solve my issue. Is there anything else that needs to change?

Problems creating OData proxy class - connecting to Azure using Objective C

I hope anyone can help me.
My plan was to connect to Microsoft Azure with my iPhone application. I don't have any experiences using http requests with Objective C yet. So I searched all day long on how to use Azure with Objective C...
I found out that one should use OData to create a proxy class which should help to connect to Azure (
So I tried configuring like it says in OData's user guide. But I don't understand how to create a proxy class: I tried to compile the odatagen.xcodeproj but I got a Range or index out of bounds error.
However I typed this in Terminal:
./odatagen /uri=https://{serviceNamespace} /out= users/xyz/Documents[...] /auth=acs /u=myusername /p=mypassword /at=https://{serviceNamespace} /sn={serviceNamespace} /ups=no
(Of course replacing {serviceNamespace} with the name of my service namespace etc.)
Did I get all those parameters right? I get an mystical error saying fileRange Error While moving xslt file: (null)... :-(
Or am I totally wrong and connecting my app with Azure works with different tools?
I'm sure you could get it working with what you're doing, but Microsoft have done a lot of the hard work for you. Take a look at the Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS on git hub, it's probably the best place to start.