How to insert blank lines in eclipse cheatsheet? - eclipse-plugin

cheatsheet screenshot
How do I put a blank line in the image like the one marked in black, and how do I enter the code like the one marked in yellow?


How to paste multiline text in pycharm?

Everytime i try to copy and paste something on my Pycharm editor it all paste it in single line. How to automatically paste in multiline?[1]
This is what i copied.....
[{"DateObserved":"2020-06-12 ","HourObserved":23,"LocalTimeZone":"EST","ReportingArea":"Central New York Region","StateCode":"NY","Latitude":42.8049,"Longitude":-76.3589,"ParameterName":"O3","AQI":35,"Category":{"Number":1,"Name":"Good"}},{"DateObserved":"2020-06-12 ","HourObserved":23,"LocalTimeZone":"EST","ReportingArea":"Central New York Region","StateCode":"NY","Latitude":42.8049,"Longitude":-76.3589,"ParameterName":"PM2.5","AQI":0,"Category":{"Number":1,"Name":"Good"}}]
and this all got pasted in a single line on my Pycharm editor. can anybody help with that, its pretty hard to read all this info on a single line?
It seems like you didn't copy anything containing newlines as you can see better after my edit (See the side-by-side-markdown diff so you can see that I didn't remove any line breaks).
If you just copy everything as a single line, PyCharm won't be able to split it into multiple lines (except with auto-format maybe).
As you haven't said how you copied the input, I can't say what exactly is wrong.
However, it seems like you copied something from a program that didn't display the text correctly so that you couldn't copy it correctly.
Another possibility is that the IDE interprets line breaks differently.
For example, windows uses CRLF(carriage return+line feed) as a line seperator while linux uses LF only.
If your file contains only LF line breaks and PyCharm is configured to use CRLF like breaks, it is possible that it ignores them because of that.
You can change that behaviour at the bottom of your file in PyCharm (button with CR/CRLF/LF).

Intellij: delete all blank space until next non-blank character

There is no easier way to explain what I want to do than a picture:
I would like to reduce the time it takes me to refactor HTML code by deleting all the white space behind (or before, doesn't matter that much) my caret until the next non-blank character, emphasized by the highlighted blue whitespace I would like to delete. I found a way to do this on vim, but I want to do this on Intellij.
Try Ctrl+Alt+J (⌃⇧J on Mac) on the <a>... line to perform the 'Join Lines' action.
More information on the feature can be found here and here.

How to paste copied picture into placeholder?

I have copied a picture from another slide and now want to paste it into a blank (picture or content) placeholder on the active slide. I'll loop through the shapes looking for such a blank placeholder, but can it then be coded to paste the picture into the placeholder? I don't know how to code that part, if it's even possible.
Mel Turco
if you already copied why not simply paste it?
this code works for me.
first line copies image, as shape, second selects place holder in which image should be pasted, and third one pastes it in selected placeholder
After selecting the chosen Placeholder use

Beyond Compare - can we delete Delete Blank Line while comparing two pdf's text

I am using Beyond compare(version 4) to compare two pdf's text. But in one scenario, since it is comparing Line by Line , if blank comes in middle, it is comparing blank line with other pdf's text , and shows as difference.It follows for the rest of the page. Please see below ,
First PDF
Line1: A. Beautiful
Line2: Blank
Line3: B. Good
Second PDF
Line1: A. Beautiful
Line2: B. Good
Line3: Blank
Kindly let me know, whether we can mark the blank line and delete. so that it will compare only the text.
Thanks in advance.
Beyond Compare doesn't support editing PDF files. However, if it doesn't align text correctly, you can force two lines to align. Right click on a line on the left and select Align With, then left click on a line on the right side.

Why is Intellij IDEA highlighting text in standard out like a hyperlink?

I am printing out the contents of a shapefile with ordinary printf statements and for some reason Intellij IDEA Ultimate is underlining and coloring blue a fragment of the output as though it thinks it is a hyperlink:
If I hover the mouse over the blue text, the cursor changes to a finger, like it is a hyperlink. Of course, nothing happens if I click it because it is obviously not a hyperlink. What is going on?
It seems to have something to do with the colons. If I delete them, then the text is no formatted. Also if I use only one colon like this:
X: -71.545101 Y 42.345041
Then there is also no formatting. Only if both colons are present does the blue underlining appear.
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.execution.filters.GrCompilationErrorsFilterProvider does that using the following pattern: (file:)?(^|[\W])(?<file>(?:\p{Alpha}\:|/)[0-9 a-z_A-Z\-\\./]+): (?<line>[0-9]+).*
Report a bug or disable Groovy plugin.