SWI-Prolog: Use operators from modules? - module

I have a prolog-file (name definitions.pl) of this kind of type:
:- module(definitions,[]).
:-op(699, xfx, :=).
:-op(599, xfy, ∪).
C := (A ∪ B) :- union(A, B, C).
My aim is to use this file as module in another file test.pl. To integrate it I tried:
But for some reason its not possible to make statements like:
after loading test.pl into swipl. I also tried:
:- module(definitions,[:=/2, ∪/2]).
:-op(699, xfx, :=).
:-op(599, xfy, ∪).
but this gives some operator exprected error. What is the correct way to use operators in prolog-modules?

Move the operator definitions into the module export list:
:- module(definitions, [
(:=)/2, op(699, xfx, :=),
op(599, xfy, ∪)
:- use_module(library(lists), [union/3]).
C := (A ∪ B) :-
union(A, B, C).
Usage example (assuming a definitions.pl file with the above contents in the current working directory):
?- use_module(definitions).
?- X:=[1,2]∪[3,4].
X = [1, 2, 3, 4].


How do I generate numbered lists with pod?

Looking at https://docs.raku.org/language/pod#Lists. I don't see a way to create a numbered list:
Is there an undocumented way to do it?
There is not currently (as of January 2022) an implemented way to use ordered list in Pod6.
The historical design documents contain Pod6 syntax for ordered lists and, as far as I know, this remains something that we'd like to add. Once that syntax is implemented, you'll be able to write something like:
=item1 # Animal
=item2 # Vertebrate
=item2 # Invertebrate
=item1 # Phase
=item2 # Solid
=item2 # Liquid
=item2 # Gas
This would produce output along the lines of:
1. Animal
1.1 Vertebrate
1.2 Invertebrate
2. Phase
2.1 Solid
2.2 Liquid
2.3 Gas
(Though the exact syntax for rendering the list would be up to the implementation of the Pod renderer.)
But until that's implemented, there isn't any way to use Pod6 syntax to create an ordered list.
I just checked the actual parsed Pod6, and it looks like (to my surprise) the ordered list syntax I showed above actually is parsed internally. For example, running say $=pod[5].raku with the Pod6 shows the following (based on the =item2 # Liquid line):
Pod::Item.new(level => 2, config => {:numbered(1)}, contents => [Pod::Block::Para.new(config => {}, contents => ["Liquid"])])
So the parsing work is in place; it's just the Pod::To::_ renderer that need to add support. (And there could even be some out there that have that support. I do know that neither Rakudo's Pod::To::Text nor Raku's Pod::To::HTML (v0.8.1) currently render ordered lists, however.)
Depending on the output formats you're targeting, you could of course write the ordered list yourself (pretty easy if you're rendering to plain text, more annoying to do if you're printing to HTML). This does, of course, sacrifice Pod6's multi-output-format support, which is one of its key features.
For a workaround that doesn't sacrifice Pod's multi-output nature, you'd probably want to look into manipulating/reformatting the Pod text programmatically. If you do so, the docs to start with are the Pod6 section on accessing Pod and the (unfortunately very short) section on the DOC phaser.
Just use a list and a loop?
my #list = [ (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, ),
[<a b c>, <d e f>],
for #list -> #element {
say "{#element} → {#element.^name}";
for #element -> $sub-element {
say $sub-element;
#1 2 3 → List
#1 2 → List
#a b c d e f → Array
#(a b c)
#(d e f)
#1 → Array

Pig - comparing two similar statement : one working, the other not

I begin to be really annoyed with PIG :the language seems really not stable, the documentation is poor, there are not that many examples on internet, and any small change in the code can give radical differences :from failure to expected result.... Here is another kind of this last theme :
grunt> describe actions_by_unite;
actions_by_unite: {
group: chararray,
nb_actions_by_unite_and_action: {
unite: chararray,
lib_type_action: chararray,
-- works :
z = foreach actions_by_unite {
generate group, SUM(nb_actions_by_unite_and_action.$2);};
-- doesn't work :
z = foreach actions_by_unite {
x = SUM(nb_actions_by_unite_and_action.$2);
generate group, x;};
-- error :
2015-05-08 14:43:44,712 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1200: Pig script failed to parse:
<line 107, column 16> Invalid scalar projection: x : A column needs to be projected from a relation for it to be used as a scalar
Details at logfile: /private/tmp/pig-err.log
And so :
-- doesn't work neither:
z = foreach actions_by_unite { x = SUM(nb_actions_by_unite_and_action.$2);
generate group, x.$0;};
--error :
org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 0: Scalar has more than one row in the output. 1st : (AC,EMAIL,1.1186133550060547E-4), 2nd :(AC,VISITE,6.25755280560356E-4)
at org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.ReadScalars.exec(ReadScalars.java:120)
Does anyone would know why ?
Do you have some nice blog / ressources to propose with examples to master this language ?
I have the o'reilly book, but it seems a bit old, I have the 'Agile Data Science' and the "Hadoop definitive guide" book with some examples in it... I found this page really interesting : https://shrikantbang.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/apache-pig-group-by-nested-foreach-join-example/
Any good video on coursera or other inputs ? Do you guys also have problems with this language ? or I am simply dumb ?....
That thing in particular is not because of Pig being unstable, it's because what you are trying to do is correct in the first approach, but wrong in the others.
When you make a group by, you have for each group a bag that contains X tuples. Inside a nested foreach, you have one group with its bag for each iteration, which means that a SUM inside there will yield a scalar value: the sum of the bag you are currently working with. Apache Pig does not work with scalars, it works with relations, therefore you cannot assign a scalar value to an alias, which is exactly what you are doing in the second and third approach.
Therefore, the error comes from attempting something like:
A = foreach B {
x = SUM(bag.$0);
However, if you want to emit for each of the groups a scalar, you can perfectly do this as long as you never assign a scalar to an alias. That is why it works perfectly if you do the sum at the end of the foreach, because you are returning for each of the groups a tuple with two values: the group and the sum.

Prolog assert/retract not working (?)

I try to create a simple program in prolog, but i have a problem:
:- dynamic at/2, i_am_holding/1, i_am_at/1.
/* some lines of code */
at(revolver, room1).
take(revolver) :- write('You picked up the revolver.'),nl.
take(X):- i_am_at(Place),
/* some lines of code */
I want the user to pick up the revolver,and then (the revolver)to be retracted from the place where he is in, so he won't be able to pick it up again.
When I run my code, the take(revolver) query runs, but the take(X) does not.
Mark is right on the money. You probably want to replace your whole code with something like this:
:- dynamic at/2, holding/1.
at(player, room1).
at(revolver, room1).
take(X) :-
at(player, Place),
at(X, Place),
format('You pick up the ~a.~n', [X]),
take(X) :-
format('You''re already holding the ~a!~n', [X]).
There are a lot of interesting ways you could take this further. An operator is_at might make the code more readable:
take(X) :-
player is_at Place,
X is_at Place,
You could also have some nice case-based reasoning for getting the articles and whatnot right:
subject(X, Some_X) :- mass_noun(X), !, atom_concat('some ', X, Some_X).
subject(X, The_X) :- atom_concat('the ', X, The_X).
then you could integrate these into the output routines:
take(X) :-
subject(X, Subj),
format('You take ~a.~n', [Subj]),
You could do some fun stuff with DCGs to generate the output too:
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
success(take(X)) --> "You took ", subject(X).
subject(X) --> "the ", atom(X).
You can make that even more generic with some histrionics like this:
success_term(Command) --> { Command =.. CommandList }, success(CommandList).
success([Command, DirectObject]) -->
"You ", past_tense(Command), " ", subject(DirectObject), ".".
subject(Noun) --> "the ", atom(Noun).
past_tense(X) --> { past_tense(X, Y) }, atom(Y).
past_tense(take, took).
past_tense(X, Xed) :- atom_concat(X, 'ed', Xed).
Then run that like so: phrase(success_term(take(revolver)), X), format('~s~n', [X]) and you'll get You took the revolver., which is kind of neat.
These text adventures are a lot of fun to code. I recommend you go through the Amzi Prolog Nani Search tutorial if you haven't yet. There are a lot of great ideas in there!

Pandas HDF5 Select with Where on non natural-named columns

in my continuing spree of exotic pandas/HDF5 issues, I encountered the following:
I have a series of non-natural named columns (nb: because of a good reason, with negative numbers being "system" ids etc), which normally doesn't give an issue:
fact_hdf.select('store_0_0', columns=['o', 'a-6', 'm-13'])
however, my select statement does fall over it:
>>> fact_hdf.select('store_0_0', columns=['o', 'a-6', 'm-13'], where=[('a-6', '=', [0, 25, 28])])
File "/srv/www/li/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/table.py", line 1251, in _required_expr_vars
raise NameError("name ``%s`` is not defined" % var)
NameError: name ``a`` is not defined
Is there any way to work around it? I could rename my negative value from "a-1" to a "a_1" but that means reloading all of the data in my system. Which is rather much! :)
Suggestions are very welcome!
Here's a test table
In [1]: df = DataFrame({ 'a-6' : [1,2,3,np.nan] })
In [2]: df
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 NaN
In [3]: df.to_hdf('test.h5','df',mode='w',table=True)
In [5]: df.to_hdf('test.h5','df',mode='w',table=True,data_columns=True)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/path.py:99: NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'a-6'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/path.py:99: NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'a-6_kind'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/path.py:99: NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'a-6_dtype'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``; you will not be able to use natural naming to access this object; using ``getattr()`` will still work, though
There is a very way, but would to build this into the code itself. You can do a variable substitution on the column names as follows. Here is the existing routine (in master)
def select(self):
generate the selection
if self.condition is not None:
return self.table.table.readWhere(self.condition.format(), start=self.start, stop=self.stop)
elif self.coordinates is not None:
return self.table.table.readCoordinates(self.coordinates)
return self.table.table.read(start=self.start, stop=self.stop)
If instead you do this
(Pdb) self.table.table.readWhere("(x>2.0)",
condvars={ 'x' : getattr(self.table.table.cols,'a-6')})
array([(2, 3.0)],
dtype=[('index', '<i8'), ('a-6', '<f8')])
e.g. by subsituting x with the column reference, you can get the data.
This could be done on detection of invalid column names, but is pretty tricky.
Unfortunately I would suggest renaming your columns.

Conditions in Pig storage

Say I am having a input file as map.
Since there are no values with the specified key, I do not want to save it to a file. Is there any conditional statements that i can include with the Store into relation ? Please Help me thro' this, following is the pig script.
A = LOAD 'sample.txt';
B = FOREACH A GENERATE $0#'5' AS temp;
C = FILTER B BY temp is not null;
-- It actually generates an empty part-r-X file
-- Is there any conditional statements i can include where if C is empty, Do not store ?
STORE C INTO '/user/logs/output';
Am I going wrong somewhere ? Please correct me if I am wrong.
From Chapter 9 of Programming Pig,
Pig Latin is a dataflow language. Unlike general purpose programming languages, it does not include control flow constructs like if and for.
Thus, it is impossible to do this using just Pig.
I'm inclined to say you could achieve this using a combination of a custom StoreFunc and a custom OutputFormat, but that seems like it would be too much added overhead.
One way to solve this would be to just delete the output file if no records are written. This is not too difficult using embedded Pig. For example, using Python embedding:
from org.apache.pig.scripting import Pig
P = Pig.compile("""
A = load 'sample.txt';
B = foreach A generate $0#'5' AS temp;
C = filter B by temp is not null;
store C into 'output/foo/bar';
bound = P.bind()
stats = bound.runSingle()
if not stats.isSuccessful():
raise RuntimeError(stats.getErrorMessage())
result = stats.result('C')
if result.getNumberRecords() < 1:
print 'Removing empty output directory'
Pig.fs('rmr ' + result.getLocation())