AAPT: error: attribute android:innerRatio not found - shapes

I'm trying to create a Progress Bar, so I set the shape innerRatio="3" , but when I ran it it gave me this error: ERROR:C:\Users(S~I) Jarmai.com\AndroidStudioProjects\DBStrore\app\src\main\res\drawable\progress_back.xml:13: AAPT: error: attribute android:innerRatio not found. picture of error with my code.


Vega-Embed giving build error Cannot find name 'Extract' and 'Exclude'

I created angular 6 application(Using node). In this application I used vega-embed. It is giving me compilation error.
import embed from 'vega-embed';
I also changed code in util.d.ts import stableStringify = require('json-stable-stringify') but giving following error
ERROR in node_modules/vega-lite/build/src/util.d.ts(58,41): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Extract'.
node_modules/vega-lite/build/src/util.d.ts(73,58): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Exclude'.
Please suggest.

Getting file upload error in dojo iframe - doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value undefined error

Getting file upload error in dojo iframe - doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value undefined error. File upload is failing intermittently when dojo(1.11.2 version) handleResponse() method is called before the response comes from the remote server .
Below is the error message i am getting
Error: HTML Upload Error:Cannot read property 'value' of undefined at
(/public/prod/dojo-1.11.2/dojox/form/FileUploader.js:18:56) at
Object.d (:244:264) at Object._error
(/public/prod/revolution-3.8.5/revit/form/FileUploader.js:12:300) at
(/public/prod/dojo-1.11.2/dojox/form/FileUploader.js:23:457) at
Object.error (:44:382) at :149:461 at g
(:163:21) at h (:162:331) at
h.Deferred.reject.errback (:164:304) at g
(:163:293) Message
I spent lot of hours in resolving this issue.But some how it is not getting resolved.Can anyone help me .

error in simulating sample.py on gem5: "AttributeError: Not allowed to set pio on 'SimObjectVector' "

I have been trying to simulate the 'simple.py' code on gem5 from the gem5 tutorial. Link of the tutorial is: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~david/courses/cs752/Spring2015/gem5-tutorial/part1/simple_config.html#simple-config-fig
I am getting an error saying that "AttributeError: Not allowed to set pio on 'SimObjectVector'".
Does anyone know how to resolve it?

Value of type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer' cannot be converted to 'System.Type

I'm working on a custom TFS Build workflow based on the code found in two blogs:
When I implement the VB.Net code within my XAML workflow, I'm currently getting the following errors on build runtime:
The build process failed validation. Details:
Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1:
DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler
error(s) encountered processing expression "TFSService".
Value of type
cannot be converted to 'System.Type'.
Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1:
DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler
error(s) encountered processing expression "TFS.GetService(Of
End of expression expected.
I've traced the error down to this section of code (Simplified from XAML):
TFS=Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollectionFactory(New Uri("MyTeamsTFSServer"))
TFSService = TFS.GetService(Of VersionControlServer)()
I've tried changing the type of TFSService from both Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer and System.Type without success.
From what I can tell the error is occurring in the "Of VersionControlServer".
Has anyone ever encountered this? And if so how did you resolve it?
Turns out the issue was the URL I was using, I made a typo when I was entering it in. Yay for descriptive error messages...
I found this while I was checking my authentication using the two methods:
My code blew out when I was running the Authenticate() method.

IPOPT Insufficient Memory

I'm getting the following error after solving an MINLP problem (GAMS 24.4.1/SCIP version 3.1 (020d055)):
Checking feasibility of solution #00 with reported objective value -1.000000970918791e-09.
This is Ipopt version 3.11, running with linear solver ma27.
EXIT: Not enough memory.
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/nlpi/nlpi_ipopt.cpp:1104] ERROR: Ipopt returned with status "Insufficient Memory"
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/nlpi/nlpi.c:503] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/nlp.c:4689] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/nlp.c:5527] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/scip.c:26453] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/heur_subnlp.c:1199] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/heur_subnlp.c:1820] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[reader_gmo.c:2074] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[reader_gmo.c:2371] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[reader_gmo.c:2768] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/dialog.c:828] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/dialog.c:370] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
[../../../ThirdParty/SCIP/scip/src/scip/scip.c:8419] ERROR: Error <-1> in function call
--- Restarting execution
I can't retrieve the solution after this happens. Is there a way to avoid this? I can upload the GAMS files if needed.
Thank you.
You can set the option gams/resolvenlp = FALSE to avoid this resolve of the sub-NLP at the end.
But it would also be nice to get a hand onto the GAMS model file to have a closer look.