Firebase Crashlytics Integration with BigQuery - google-bigquery

Our integration of BigQuery with our Firebase Crashlytics stopped working, citing that the "Quota exceeded: Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects."
However, on both the Firebase side, and the BigQuery side, it displays our quota as 0/10gb. All of the tables in the dataset are empty so I am not sure where our data is exceeding.
We have had the same setup for the past year without issue and it only just recently stopped working. The default table expiration has always 60 days. Is there any tips to resolve this or do we just need to wait for a month to pass?


In Firebase Cloud Messaging, Messaging report, count of received messages is more then sent. Why it is so?

In Firebase Cloud Messaging, Messaging report, count of received messages is more then sent. Why it is so ?
I have checked data in Biq Query and it differs with diagram. In Big Query data count of received messages is less then sent.
firebaser here
That data is unusual since normally send count should be greater than received. It’ll be challenging to pinpoint or even narrow down what could be the problem on a public forum without going into project-specific details. The issue can be in the FCM backend itself or just in the reporting metrics. I would recommend reaching out to Firebase support as they can offer personalized help.

Here Maps - What HTTP status code does it return when API Quota was exceeded?

I am developing an app which uses the distance calculation of HERE maps API...
I am preparing for the case when the API doesn't return what my app expects (correct response including distance infos). So I want to be prepared for the case the API Request Quota was exceeded...
What HTTP status code does it return when API Quota was exceeded?
Does it return a 200 with some JSON which explains that and error occurred because of quota?
You should also get a 429 error from the API, with a message "Limit Exceeded".
If you exceed the Location Services 250,000 Transactions or Data Hub 2.5GB Data transfer or 5GB Database storage included for free in the Freemium plan, you'll receive an email telling you to add payment details to your account.
You'll have some "wiggle room" above your limits to help ensure your access is not unintentionally shut down. However, it's possible to exceed the threshold, including "wiggle room", which would result in account deactivation, even before we can notify you.
for detail please check the FAQ section with question
"12. What happens if I exceed limits on my Freemium plan?"

What does the Bigquery error "Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects" mean?

We've started to get an error while querying
error = {
"message":"Quota exceeded: Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects. For more information, see",
But I can't find any info about "quota for free storage"
What exactly is this quota about?
The message is clear -- you're approaching the limits of the free quota, likely because you are working in the bigquery sandbox without a billing account configured.
Thus, you are subject to the free tier limits, in particular, 10 GB of active storage and 1TB of processing for queries.
Google has a guide for upgrading from the sandbox but the key will be to enable billing for your account so that you can access more storage.

Discrepancy in active usage Fabric vs Firebase

For an Android application, I am tracking active usage on both Fabric and Firebase. Since the most recent release I am noticing significant discrepancies between the number of daily active users.
From the Fabric docs I understand that active usage is defined as:
The number of unique app installations across all devices that were
active on a specific day. Note: Foreground activity must happen for a
device to be active.
Firebase groups active users based on user engagement with a minimal session duration of X seconds (typically 10 secs):
An active user has engaged with an app in the device foreground, and
has logged a user_engagement event.
A possible reason for the discrepancy could be that firebase triggers a first_open event when an app is updated which would mean that users are added that have only updated but not engaged with the app.
However, looking at user_engagement and first_open in bigquery
I can see that they provide different estimates (user_engagement exceeding first_open events). In this case filtering on user_engagement is equal to the number of active users in the firebase dashboard.
Did anybody experience similar discrepancies? I have had contact with both Firebase and Fabric but this did not resolve my issue. Importantly, it is not within a small margin of error, Firebase active users are 4-5 times bigger compared to Fabric.

How to get more quota for creating projects for Data API v3 in YouTube?

I was making my 24 or 25 Windows App and the next message appeared:
You have reached your account's quota limit for creating projects. To request more quota, submit this <a href="" target="_blank>request form</a>.
So I wonder submit this to where, to whom and by which way or tool?
Could you please help me?