What does the Bigquery error "Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects" mean? - google-bigquery

We've started to get an error while querying
error = {
"message":"Quota exceeded: Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects. For more information, see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/troubleshooting-errors",
But I can't find any info about "quota for free storage"
What exactly is this quota about?

The message is clear -- you're approaching the limits of the free quota, likely because you are working in the bigquery sandbox without a billing account configured.
Thus, you are subject to the free tier limits, in particular, 10 GB of active storage and 1TB of processing for queries.
Google has a guide for upgrading from the sandbox but the key will be to enable billing for your account so that you can access more storage.


Graph API for monitoring storage capacity of Power platform environments from a third party monitoring tool

Is there any API to retrieve the storage capacity usage of different environments in Tenant so that we could alert to users if storage capacity exceeds certain threshold.
We are using a third party monitoring tool and would like to send alerts for the same.
I could not find any API details to get the storage capacity information from Power Platform?
Can someone please help on this?
Storage has exceeded 80% of capacity and would like to retrieve the capacity usage information

Firebase Crashlytics Integration with BigQuery

Our integration of BigQuery with our Firebase Crashlytics stopped working, citing that the "Quota exceeded: Your project exceeded quota for free storage for projects."
However, on both the Firebase side, and the BigQuery side, it displays our quota as 0/10gb. All of the tables in the dataset are empty so I am not sure where our data is exceeding.
We have had the same setup for the past year without issue and it only just recently stopped working. The default table expiration has always 60 days. Is there any tips to resolve this or do we just need to wait for a month to pass?

Here Maps - What HTTP status code does it return when API Quota was exceeded?

I am developing an app which uses the distance calculation of HERE maps API...
I am preparing for the case when the API doesn't return what my app expects (correct response including distance infos). So I want to be prepared for the case the API Request Quota was exceeded...
What HTTP status code does it return when API Quota was exceeded?
Does it return a 200 with some JSON which explains that and error occurred because of quota?
You should also get a 429 error from the API, with a message "Limit Exceeded".
If you exceed the Location Services 250,000 Transactions or Data Hub 2.5GB Data transfer or 5GB Database storage included for free in the Freemium plan, you'll receive an email telling you to add payment details to your account.
You'll have some "wiggle room" above your limits to help ensure your access is not unintentionally shut down. However, it's possible to exceed the threshold, including "wiggle room", which would result in account deactivation, even before we can notify you.
for detail please check the FAQ section with question
"12. What happens if I exceed limits on my Freemium plan?"

Google Pub/Sub API limits

Are there any limits on retrieval/update APIs provided?
I was able to find these docs:
https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/quotas :
This contains info about throughputs and limits on the number of topics, subscriptions, and messages creation.
https://cloud.google.com/free/docs/gcp-free-tier :
This just says 10GB of messages per month.
What about the limits on retrieval/update APIs?
For Example:
Retrieving Topic with its name,
Updating a subscription.
In the quota page that you mentioned, you have this
All the administrative operation (list, get, update, delete,...) have a quotas to 100 ops/s

Google Service Account Limit

We built a system where we can access all our clients google analytics. I use Google service accounts to do server calls to google Analytics API and grant access to that service account as a user. Some how there is a limitation where each service account reaches a limit to be added in user accounts. (we have more than 2000 clients).
As of now, I am creating multiple service accounts when ever the previous reaches its limit. What is the solution for this?
Thank You,
The Core Reporting API has a quota limit of of 10,000 requests per view (profile) per day.
I suspect what you are doing is trying to display your Google Analytics data to all of your customers. Which isnt really going to work because of the quoat limit. I recomend that you use your service account to download your data into your own system and then display the stored data to your users.
There is no way to increase this quota limit.