How can i create custom cursor? In this example no cursor(aim) in center of camera
Hi :) I'm wondering how to define a certain View as a dropzone or how to create on hover reaction of View while dragging over.
The only solution that I found was to define the dropzone as a static area with respect to global coordinates of the screen. The Problem is that in my case I need to drop the element on one of the many dropzones Views inside a ScrollableView.
It would be also nice to fire an event on a Dropzone View during PanResponder Drag Gesture over this View. Thanks!
I am new to React-Native and I have been following this tutorial, along with this How to make draggable remember it's location in React Native , which create a draggable image that remember the current location.
I want to know if it is possible to create a draggable image with a pinch gesture for zooming in and out (that doesn't goes back to the original size or position).
I am creating the app like VSCO Cam, so I imported AVFoundation framework to my project and used AVCaptureSession to create the custom camera.I also need to create the custom filters as same as VSCO Cam.
Now I want to add the gridlines on the camera by clicking a button.I searched for more tutorials, but I couldn't sort it out.I tried drawing grid lines using AVCaptureManager by seeing this link how to draw grid lines when camera is open avcapturemanager, But I cannot overlay the view with camera view.I'm a new bee to development.
Thanks in advance.
Yes.Create a tranparent UIView and place it on top of the camera preview. Then you can draw what ever you like in that view or you can append the image.
I tried to create a rotation left transition for winrt, but i can't find any documentation of to create custom transition for winrt like entrancethemetransition.
So how do i create a custom transition for winrt?
I need to figure out how in the world do I create object instances (an image) and place them on the screen and have it draggable. I know how to draw an image (png) onto the screen, but how do I make it draggable?
Create sublclasses of UIView where you override the touchesEnded method. Inside this method alter the coordinates of the view to match those of the most recent UITouch, and that will give you basic draggable views.