is it possible to multiply two Gurobi linear expressions? - gurobi

I want to perform the following operation in Gurobi for Java:
Create the summatory terms is easy through GRBLinExpr but I donwt know hot to multiply those two GRBLinExpr. is it possible?

No, but you can do this by adding intermediate variables for the sums, e.g. sx = sum(x[i]) and sy = sum(y[i]); then you can replace the product of the linear expressions by the product sx * sy.


Projection of fisheye camera model by Scaramuzza

I am trying to understand the fisheye model by Scaramuzza, which is implemented in Matlab, see
The backprojection (uv to xyz) seems fairly straightforward according to the following equation:
, where rho=sqrt(u^2 +v^2)
However, how does the projection (from xyz to uv) work?! In my understanding we get a rather complex set of equations. Unfortunately, I don't find any details on that....
Okay, I believe I understand it now fully after analyzing the functions of the (windows) calibration toolbox by Scaramuzza, see
Method 1 found in file "world2cam.m"
For the projection, use the same equation above. In the projection case, the equation has three known (x,y,z) and three unknown variables (u,v and lambda). We first substitute lambda with rho by realizing that
u = x/lambda
v = y/lambda
rho=sqrt(u^2+v^2) = 1/lambda * sqrt(x^2+y^2) --> lambda = sqrt(x^2+y^2) / rho
After that, we have the unknown variables (u,v and rho)
u = x/lambda = x / sqrt(x^2+y^2) * rho
v = y/lambda = y / sqrt(x^2+y^2) * rho
z / lambda = z /sqrt(x^2+y^2) * rho = a0 + a2*rho^2 + a3*rho^3 + a4*rho^4
As you can see, the last equation now has only one unknown, namely rho. Thus, we can solve it easily using e.g. the roots function in matlab. However, the result does not always exist nor is it necessarily unique. After solving the unknown variable rho, calculating uv is very simple using the equation above.
This procedure needs to be performed for each point (x,y,z) separately and is thus rather computationally expensive for an image.
Method 2 found in file "world2cam_fast.m"
The last equation has the form rho(x,y,z). However, if we define m = z / sqrt(x^2+y^2) = tan(90°-theta), it only depends on one variable, namely rho(m).
Instead of solving this equation rho(m) for every new m, the authors "plot" the function for several values of m and fit an 8th order polynomial to these points. Using this polynomial they can calculate an approximate value for rho(m) much quicker in the following.
This becomes clear, because "world2cam_fast.m" makes use of ocam_model.pol, which is calculated in "undistort.m". "undistort.m" in turn makes use of "findinvpoly.m".

Confused by random.randn()

I am a bit confused by the numpy function random.randn() which returns random values from the standard normal distribution in an array in the size of your choosing.
My question is that I have no idea when this would ever be useful in applied practices.
For reference about me I am a complete programming noob but studied math (mostly stats related courses) as an undergraduate.
The Python function randn is incredibly useful for adding in a random noise element into a dataset that you create for initial testing of a machine learning model. Say for example that you want to create a million point dataset that is roughly linear for testing a regression algorithm. You create a million data points using
x_data = np.linspace(0.0,10.0,1000000)
You generate a million random noise values using randn
noise = np.random.randn(len(x_data))
To create your linear data set you follow the formula
y = mx + b + noise_levels with the following code (setting b = 5, m = 0.5 in this example)
y_data = (0.5 * x_data ) + 5 + noise
Finally the dataset is created with
my_data = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data=x_data,columns=['X Data']),pd.DataFrame(data=y_data,columns=['Y'])],axis=1)
This could be used in 3D programming to generate non-overlapping random values. This would be useful for optimization of graphical effects.
Another possible use for statistical applications would be applying a formula in order to test against spacial factors affecting a given constant. Such as if you were measuring a span of time with some formula doing something but then needing to know what the effectiveness would be given various spans of time. This would return a statistic measuring for example that your formula is more effective in the shorter intervals or longer intervals, etc.
np.random.randn(d0, d1, ..., dn) Return a sample (or samples) from the “standard normal” distribution(mu=0, stdev=1).
For random samples from , use:
sigma * np.random.randn(...) + mu
This is because if Z is a standard normal deviate, then will have a normal distribution with expected value and standard deviation .

does eigen have self transpose multiply optimization like H.transpose()*H

I have browsed the tutorial of eigen at
it said
"Note: for BLAS users worried about performance, expressions such as c.noalias() -= 2 * a.adjoint() * b; are fully optimized and trigger a single gemm-like function call."
but how about computation like H.transpose() * H , because it's result is a symmetric matrix so it should only need half time as normal A*B, but in my test, H.transpose() * H spend same time as H.transpose() * B. does eigen have special optimization for this situation , like opencv, it has similar function.
I know symmetric optimization will break the vectorization , I just want to know if eigen have solution which could provide both symmetric optimization and vectorization
You are right, you need to tell Eigen that the result is symmetric this way:
Eigen::MatrixXd H = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(m,n);
Eigen::MatrixXd Z = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(n,n);
Z.template selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>().rankUpdate(H.transpose());
The last line computes Z += H * H^T within the lower triangular part. The upper part is left unchanged. You want a full matrix, then copy the lower part to the upper one:
Z.template triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() = Z.transpose();
This rankUpdate routine is fully vectorized and comparable to the BLAS equivalent. For small matrices, better perform the full product.
See also the respective doc.

How to filter elements with identical indices in GAMS?

I have a GAMS model where I have
Set i / 1*6 /;
Alias (i,ip,il) ;
x(i,ip) ;
And I want to generate equations which operates on the scalar products of all vectors in x, excluding the product of the same vector. Something like:
sum(ip,x(i,ip)x(i,il)) =e= someConstant;
However this does not exclude the product of identical vectors. How to add this? Can I do it with a dollar statement somehow? There's probably a few bugs in that statement anyway, I didn't try it because I think the exclusion I want is missing.
so what I wanted to do is this:
i / 1*13 /
ii(i,i) diagonal elements / #i:#i /
ij(i,i) all elements / #i.#i /
get all combinations without the diagonal elements:
ij_wo_ii(i,j) = ij(i,j) - ii(i,j);
and then I use it in an equation like this:
sum(i,x(i,j)*x(i,k)$ij_wo_ii(j,k)) =l= 1;
This does something similar to orthogonality, except that the product of vectors in a matrix must be smaller than some value and not necessarily 0. don't know if there is a term for this. Hope it will be of use to someone else as well.

Optimize MATLAB code (nested for loop to compute similarity matrix)

I am computing a similarity matrix based on Euclidean distance in MATLAB. My code is as follows:
for i=1:N % M,N is the size of the matrix x for whose elements I am computing similarity matrix
for j=1:N
D(i,j) = sqrt(sum(x(:,i)-x(:,j)).^2)); % D is the similarity matrix
Can any help with optimizing this = reducing the for loops as my matrix x is of dimension 256x30000.
Thanks a lot!
The function to do so in matlab is called pdist. Unfortunately it is painfully slow and doesnt take Matlabs vectorization abilities into account.
The following is code I wrote for a project. Let me know what kind of speed up you get.
Note though that this will only work if your data points are in the rows and your dimensions the columns. So for example lets say I have 256 data points and 100000 dimensions then on my mac using x=rand(256,100000) and the above code produces a 256x256 matrix in about half a second.
There's probably a better way to do it, but the first thing I noticed was that you could cut the runtime in half by exploiting the symmetry D(i,j)==D(i,j)
You can also use the function norm(x(:,i)-x(:,j),2)
I think this is what you're looking for.
jIndx=repmat(1:N,N,1);iIndx=jIndx'; %'# fix SO's syntax highlighting
Here, I have assumed that the distance vector, x is initalized as an NxM array, where M is the number of dimensions of the system and N is the number of points. So if your ordering is different, you'll have to make changes accordingly.
To start with, you are computing twice as much as you need to here, because D will be symmetric. You don't need to calculate the (i,j) entry and the (j,i) entry separately. Change your inner loop to for j=1:i, and add in the body of that loop D(j,i)=D(i,j);
After that, there's really not much redundancy left in what that code does, so your only room left for improvement is to parallelize it: if you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox, convert your outer loop to a parfor and before you run it, say matlabpool(n), where n is the number of threads to use.