drilldown in splunk dashboard stats table - splunk

I have a stats table on a dashboard in Splunk.
How can I implement a drilldown that works on a single column? Ideally, it will open another search in target window.

There are several ways to do drilldowns in Splunk, but to highlight the value of the clicked field (which is how your question sounds to me), set the following using the Drilldown Editor:
Change the "On Click" action
Choose the right App & Dashboard name. Under Advanced, set the target Dashboard's token(s) to the relevant value(s) from your starting point. Note the potions to select various elements from the starting panel on your dashboard. In your specific case, you'll want to assign $click.value2$ to a target token. You may also need to pass other values (either tokens you've created, or inbuilt ones from Splunk). For every additional (or hard-coded value) you need to pass to the target, click the "➕Add New", and repeat the process.
Here's an example final format (be sure to use the correct target and source token names)


Track clicks on a button based on preceding button clicks

I need to track clicks on a button at the end of a sequence of selections. As shown in the image, there are five different business plans (circled in red), and each plan can be for three different years (highlighted in blue). The user will checkbox a business plan type (e.g., market trend) and click a year (e.g., 2017), then click the PDF button (highlighted in black) to download that particular plan (market trend for 2017 in this case).
So instead of counting the total clicks of PDF downloads, the task is to count how many times a particular plan is downloaded based on the plan type and year.
The PDF button, the checkbox for each plan type, and the click button for each year all can be tracked individually. They are also all on the same URL.
GTM and GA are used for tracking. Can anyone share some thoughts of how to achieve this type of tracking?
If you are using google tag manager you can use dataLayer.push() to push to an array which can be used to differentiate the clicks based on the interaction.
Approach is described here
Google Analytics custom dimensions
In your particular case you could have the dataLayer configured to add the different key / values for the different report components and then the trigger will be configured to fire when the download button is clicked.
For example on each of the check boxes you could have:
<input type="checkbox" onclick="dataLayer.push({'plan_component': 'Market Trends'});">
You'd probably better having an array to store this info.
The resultant data can be viewed or aggregated via a custom report download. Described here.
Custom Dimensions and Metrics
It can be a bit tricky to understand and you'll need to change the site so that the dataLayer gets populated with the requisite data but this is the way to go. Best of luck.

icCube - MDX - How can I create a filter in a Histogram using a button named "MONTH"

I need to create a filter between some buttons named and a histogram, so for example when I click on "Mois" the histogram will change automatically to show us the Months.
Not sure to understand your question. Each widgets has a set of events that can be generated (Event tab, 'on Row Click', 'on Cell Click ...).
Once the event has been defined with a name, 'histogram-click', in can be used mainly everywhere with #{eventName!defaultValue}. This will be replaced by icCube once the event changes. Check here for a little more documentation.
Also, in Configuration/Report Javascript you can add some code that is called on event generation for more dynamic behavior (e.g. using jquery to change the page).
hope it helps

How to add crawl rule to the SharePoint 2010 fast search

We have one Document Library with some set of columns like Type, Name, Active.
We have already configured the SharePoint Fast Search to search the content in the site.
When I am searching with any particular keyword that showing the result as expected.
We got requirement that need to exclude the content form the doc library when the column “Active” is set to ”No”.
Could you please suggest me how can I add crawl rule for the particular doc library.
You are asking to fulfill this requirement using crawl rule. But crawl rule is generic for the content source and it will effect all the content source which is not recommended(and also not possible) for excluding some result depending on item values. So I like to solve this using scope which is described below.
For excluding that, first of all you need to add new managed property for the column "Active".
For that go to search service application-> Managed Property-> New managed property. Give property name and map it to the field "Active". Also select the type of the field "Active". Tick the box for allow this property to be used in scopes.
Then go to corresponding scope-> new rule-> choose property query
then choose from "Add property restriction" corresponding managed property name(property name given by you during managed property creation) and "=" "No"(please use exact field value of the document library), then choose Exclude and click "ok".
Add this scope in the search page and run full crawl in the central admin.
I hope this will fulfill your requirement.

Setting up recycle bin functionality in Archer GRC

When deleting records within the platform, this action is not reversible via the front end. Is there a way to allow users to remove a record from their view without actually deleting the record?
You can simulate recycle bin functionality within Archer GRC by adding a record permission field that grants read access to "Everyone". If read access is no longer required then an editor of the record can go in and change "Everyone" to a group called "Recycle Bin."
Please note that if there are other record permission fields in the application, users or groups may still have access if they are selected in those fields. Perhaps You can set up a dropdown status field for the user to select "Recycle Bin" and use this condition for automatic record permissions to revoke permission to the record depending on the requirements or workflow of the application.
Solution shared by Igritte might be somewhat confusing for end users.
End user will see greyed out "Delete" button in the top toolbar, but he has to select "Recycle Bin" in the form. This solution was not accepted by my business owner at some point.
As a work around for "Soft delete", I wrote a custom object overriding "Delete" button functionality.
1. User doesn't have delete access to the record, so JavaScript code will make "Delete" button look like active and available.
2. Once the button is clicked, custom object will populate value in the
hidden value list and simulate the click on the "Save" button.
Update: Note that Custom object needs to hide the value list first once the page is loaded. Here you will need to use a JavaScript and do the following: [a] locate the value list DOM object and [b] set display attribute to none. I used jQuery library to do both. This way your value list is not displayed, but you still can use it to control data driven events.
3. With hidden value populated and submitted, record permission will hide this record from the end user.
Note that custom object hides one value list on the layout as well.
If for some reason JavaScript doesn't load properly, user simply will not be able to click on the grayed out "Delete" button.
Update: Hidden value list can be populated by custom object using JavaScript code as well. You need to identify the form tag "input" in HTML code of the page and set attribute "value" to the desired state. I used jQuery library to do this as well.
I have this solution in production working fine with IE11, FF and Chrome.
I can't share the code, but with WC3Schools JavaScript guides and 4 hours you can write and test it yourself with very little JavaScript skills.
Sometimes you have to use custom objects when you want to get a user-friendly solution of not available functionality.
Good luck!

Linking two dashboards based on a table selection in Qlikview

In the past, I have used Tableau, another Data Visualization tool just like Qlikview where I could link a selection on a table or graph (or really an worksheet on a dashboard) to another dashboard by setting a source and destination dashboard/sheet. I did this using 'Action Filters'.
I am trying to do the same thing in Qlikview where I want to link two dashboards and transfer the selection in the source dashboard as a filter to the destination dashboard. Any idea if this is possible? And if yes, how can I implement this?
If you are using a trigger, say, on a button which opens a new QlikView Document, there are options to transfer state. This will carry over your current selection criteria. However, the fields in the destination document must have the same name.
See button properties -> Actions -> Add -> Action type external: Open QlikView Document. You will return to the Actions tab with options available to the newly added action.
Try to solve it with the data-model behind these two dashboard. If they use the same data resp. the data-tables are connected this works out of the box in QlikView because of the so called associative data-model in QlikView.
No need to connect the dashboards manually, zero configuration ...