Is there a way to automatically assign an issue in JIRA when DONE to the user who changed the status to WIP? - automation

I am looking for a smart value for Jira automation, that would auto-assign an issue when its status is changed to DONE to the user, who worked on this issue - a user who moved the issue from sprint backlog and changed the status to Work In Progress.
Any advice would be highly appreciated.
I tried smart value {{initiator.displayName}}
I hoped it would assign the issue once DONE to the user who moved the issue to WIP, but it returned an error after the first test
Assign issue
Error assigning issues
ISSUE NUMBER: (Specified user does not exist or you do not have required permissions)
I do have the permissions as it is not my first automation rule in the given project.

I think you should create new custom field 'Developer' (or any other name you like) and store there a user, who changed the status of the issue to Work In Progress. Once you triggered 'status changed' event to DONE, assign the issue to the user stored in 'Developer' field.


How to know the mac address of inserted changeset?

There is an employee whom the team leader suspected him to check in changesets from other employees' TFS accounts, to the Azure TFS.
I thought that knowing the mac address of each changeset will give a clue. How to know the mac address of it?
Please advice if there is a better approach to resolve such issue.
Sorry, there is no such kind of info for a changeset.
You could use changeset command to list the detail info of a changeset. Which will return something as below:
c:\projects>tf changeset 8675309 /noprompt
Changeset: 8675309
User: DOMAIN\JohnG
Date: 01/21/2019 21:03:45
Comment: This check-in fixes issues in several features. I also refactored some items in buf.c into a new file named bif.c because buf.c was too hard to parse.
$/baz/proj/bif.c Added
$/baz/proj/buf.c Modified, Renamed
Work Items:
34527 The "Access Denied" message is not descriptive enough.
35628 The UI flickers when I press the '8', 'y', 'Ctrl', and 'End' buttons at the same time.
Check-in Notes:
Code Reviewer: ShellM
Performance Reviewer: ShellM
Security Reviewer: ShellM
This will return the checked in account and checked in time. According to these info, you could ask team leader directly confirm with the account user if he had done the check-in at that time.
But it's not help to directly point out which employee do this.
A possibility the account user used to use his account to login another machine's Visual Studio. Then account info be cached in Visual Studio/Windows.
If so, just need to ask him to remove account info which stored in Credential Manager (Control Panel-All Control Panel Items-Credential Manager-Windows Manager)

Zapier update In podio says i don't have permission but clearly I do

Also checked box in podio app to allow users to update and modify items.
Put still get this error in zapier when trying to update
"The app returned "The user with id 1653273 does
not have the right update on item with id 6". It looks like your
connected account doesn't have permission to complete this step. You
should contact the administrator for your account and make sure you
have the needed permissions."
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
That looks like an issue on the Podio end that Zapier is surfacing. I'd try reconnecting the account in Zapier (maybe you need a fresh token to pick up the permission changes?). If that doesn't work, Podio support is probably your best bet for getting an answer. They'll have the tools to troubleshoot your issue.
Pavlo here, from Podio team :)
Something is wrong with your config, I'm 100500% sure that item with id 6 is not yours and you don't have rights to update it :) Please debug your flow and ensure that you are trying to modify correct item.
i didn't realize item id was a universal id within podio and not just something that would reference in that app. so id 6 seemed reasonable from that perspective as that app only had a couple items in it to test. so i have not gotten the right value from the zapier item look up go to to the zapier item update and it worked flawlessly.

Why Invoice state goes directly to paid instead of open from draft?

I am trying to make invoices in Odoo v10. When I am logged in as Administrator and make invoice, the invoice go from draft to open state. But when i am logged in as some other user, invoice state goes from draft to paid state directly without going into paid state.
What could be the reason for this??
using the above form
Found the error. Actually I made a mistake. While adding an invoice line I added a account of type receivable. So, it was going directly to paid state.
Receivable/payable account types in invoice lines
will take the invoice to paid state directly while other types will take it to open state.
So, I just changed the account type and it worked.
I'm going to suppose that you are modifying this module or it's behavior, so you probably are messing with some of the basic methods. For example
The basic behavior of validate for account_invoice is here, you can see that it returns a open state
A couple of questions:
what button is giving you this behavior?
are you modifying a method?
can you share more information, a video maybe?
if you are modifying explain what method and what does it do please

Referral Credits not being recorded

I have set up two referral credit rules.
All acting users get 7 default credits every time they trigger the event mq_app_open
Referred acting users get 10 default credits every time they trigger the event mq_app_open
mq_app_open is a custom event that I am recording on app open.
I can see that rule 1 is getting applied but can never get rule 2 to be applied.
What actually does "Referred acting users" actually mean?
I think the issue probably relates to the fact that when I open the app from a (universal) deeplink I see two events
For each of Session Referring Branch Link ID, Session Referring Click ID and Session Referring Link URL are all null.
Oddly, when I let the app go into the background and then the foreground again I see the following events
referred session
For these two events Session Referring Branch Link ID, Session Referring Click ID have values but Session Referring Link URL is null.
I am not sure why any of these values are null when it would seem they should all reference back to the link url that was clicked on.
Alex from here:
Referred acting users is a rather confusing way to say 'users who take action and open the app after clicking on a Branch link'. We should probably adjust our terminology to make this a bit clearer. For most purposes, you can think of this as Referred users.
I am actually not certain why rule 1 is working but rule 2 is not. Possibly there is some conflict with having two rules applying to the same user from the same event — you could try refactoring the rules so that Referring users get 7 points and Referred users get 17.
Those session parameters should be coming back with values, assuming a link was clicked. We probably need to do a bit more debugging to see what's going on — would you mind submitting a ticket to the Branch integrations team so that we can dig into the code and the backend config of your specific app?

YouTrack: How to set user's email notification for any activity in any project

How can I set up a saved search on which I can make a user receive notifications for any type of status change on items in any project, or if that's not possible, in any project in which he's simply a member (doesn't need to have reported the item, or have had it assigned to him)?
The 'for:' and 'by:' filters don't seem to give me the capability to set up something like this. Is this possible, to have a sort of 'Super-Watcher' that gets email updates on everything?
I'm self-hosting the free version of YouTrack (4.2.4, build #6055 [24-Jun-2013 20:37]).
Create a saved search with a query like
State:Open or State:-Open
This query will match any issue in any project that's visible to the user.