How to know the mac address of inserted changeset? - authentication

There is an employee whom the team leader suspected him to check in changesets from other employees' TFS accounts, to the Azure TFS.
I thought that knowing the mac address of each changeset will give a clue. How to know the mac address of it?
Please advice if there is a better approach to resolve such issue.

Sorry, there is no such kind of info for a changeset.
You could use changeset command to list the detail info of a changeset. Which will return something as below:
c:\projects>tf changeset 8675309 /noprompt
Changeset: 8675309
User: DOMAIN\JohnG
Date: 01/21/2019 21:03:45
Comment: This check-in fixes issues in several features. I also refactored some items in buf.c into a new file named bif.c because buf.c was too hard to parse.
$/baz/proj/bif.c Added
$/baz/proj/buf.c Modified, Renamed
Work Items:
34527 The "Access Denied" message is not descriptive enough.
35628 The UI flickers when I press the '8', 'y', 'Ctrl', and 'End' buttons at the same time.
Check-in Notes:
Code Reviewer: ShellM
Performance Reviewer: ShellM
Security Reviewer: ShellM
This will return the checked in account and checked in time. According to these info, you could ask team leader directly confirm with the account user if he had done the check-in at that time.
But it's not help to directly point out which employee do this.
A possibility the account user used to use his account to login another machine's Visual Studio. Then account info be cached in Visual Studio/Windows.
If so, just need to ask him to remove account info which stored in Credential Manager (Control Panel-All Control Panel Items-Credential Manager-Windows Manager)


Is there a way to automatically assign an issue in JIRA when DONE to the user who changed the status to WIP?

I am looking for a smart value for Jira automation, that would auto-assign an issue when its status is changed to DONE to the user, who worked on this issue - a user who moved the issue from sprint backlog and changed the status to Work In Progress.
Any advice would be highly appreciated.
I tried smart value {{initiator.displayName}}
I hoped it would assign the issue once DONE to the user who moved the issue to WIP, but it returned an error after the first test
Assign issue
Error assigning issues
ISSUE NUMBER: (Specified user does not exist or you do not have required permissions)
I do have the permissions as it is not my first automation rule in the given project.
I think you should create new custom field 'Developer' (or any other name you like) and store there a user, who changed the status of the issue to Work In Progress. Once you triggered 'status changed' event to DONE, assign the issue to the user stored in 'Developer' field.

Netsuite Timsheet feature not enabled error even though it should be enabled

I'm trying to create a timesheet in Netsuite programmatically through API calls but I get "Timesheet featured is not enabled" error even though I checked possibly all timesheet related checkbox features under Setup-->Company-->Enable feature are checked. Anyone has seen this before?
Process of enabling Timesheets feature
Published 04/22/2014 11:20 AM | Updated 01/29/2015 12:41 PM | Answer Id: 38014
1) Customer requests enabling of Timesheets feature via technical support ('Two Administrators' or an 'Administrator and a Primary contact' or an 'Administrator and a Decision Maker' should sign off in writing that they understood the repercussion of enabling this feature. And they would want this feature to be enabled on their account.)
2) Checkbox for Timesheets is available on Enable features page
3) Customer (Admin) enables the feature
- Notification appears with checking of the box:
4) Customer saves the preferences
5) While migration takes place, Time Tracking box is checked
- It is not possible to change feature setup during migration, following notification pops up if someone tries to do so:
6) When migration is complete
a) Timesheets box is checked
b) E-mail is delivered once migration is successfully complete
Subject: The Timesheet feature has been enabled
Body: The Timesheet feature has been enabled and the system has finished updating your Time Tracking custom fields and time transactions.
- if migration fails, e-mail is also sent, notifying admin about failure
As for the estimated time, it depends on amount of data that are migrated. To give you at least some rough estimate, we are talking about hours here. Small customers can be migrated within hour, larger ones couple of hours. If the process of enabling/disabling the feature takes 2 days or more, please contact NetSuite Support.

How to remove business process flow

Accordint to this blog one can hide the business process flows. I'm trying to follow it but there's no flows defined for my opportunity (according to the list).
I'd like to "delete" the flow for Opportunity entity (or at least affect it somehow to display different steps/different number of steps). The reason is that we'll be migrating from an older version and they've got a picklist with percentages of the deal being done. Not sure how to map it onto the Opportunity in 2013 and even if, I'm not sure the client'd like it.
Is it at all possible to remove business process flow from Opportunity in CRM 2013?
When I do follow the guide and fool around with all flows, I get to remove the one for Opportunity but then I'm shown the error message as in the image below. So I'm assuming that it's not the correct approach. Or did the blogger referred to in the first paragraph cheat and took his screenshot after closing the warning? :)
The blogger in the blog is using the earlier version of Dynamics CRM than yours. Newer versions of Dynamics CRM will show the above warning.
Beside one way in the blog, there are a couple of way to show/hide Business Process Flow:
use Javascript to set the display attribute of process bar element:
function hideBusinessProcessFlow()
document.getElementById('header_process_d').style.display = "none";
function showBusinessProcessFlow()
document.getElementById('header_process_d').style.display = "block";
Please note that this is unsupported customization.
Update processid and stageid fields of the record. Use update these fields with Javascript or writing a plugin/workflow to do this.
Have a look at this solution:
In your case, you just need to update processid and stageid fields to null, then the annoying warning will disappear.
Good luck!
Are you looking at the complete list of Processes under Customisations? If you're looking at an unmanaged solution it won't appear unless it's been added to that solution. It's in there OOB and called Opportunity Sales Process, I just deactivated it on a clean org. No need to delete it, just deactivate it or edit as required.
There are two things that can be done for any business process flow in MS CRM:
Deactivate BPF
Delete BPF
In order to remove Business Process Flow (BPF) from existing records, it is not enough to just deactivate BPF. Even when we deactivate BPF, records that are associated with it will still show BPF with warning message that it is deactivated.
It is true, if you delete BPF from Processes in MS Dynamics CRM, they will be removed (not showed) from the records that were associated with that BPF. However, what if you do not want to delete default BPFs, like those related to sales process on system entities (Leads, Opportunities and Accounts)? What if you want to hide these default system BPF from default system entity (i.e. Opportunity)?
In this case you need to write plugin/workflow activity to remove association of the entity record from BPF.
See my GitHub example how to do this
This MS CRM community post is also useful:
Remove business Process Flow from Account

SharePoint 2010: Tag profile not showing all tagged items

After tagging some items, I go to the tag profile and can´t see the items that were tagged, neither choosing “all” or “popular in the last 60 days”.
These are the things I verified:
1) I’m making sure these two jobs run every minute,
User Profile Service Application - Social Data Maintenance Job Minutes
User Profile Service Application - Social Rating Synchronization Job
2) Tried full and incremental crawls, same result.
3) Don’t have any columns chosen in the “searchable columns” excluded columns list.
Any idea? Other job that collects this info, something I’m missing?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: After a day, I see the items being tagged. Which means, there are some services, along with full crawling, that are causing this info to appear. Which are those services/jobs?
I found the solution to this issue. Two conditions must be met:
Search service account must have "Retrieve people data for search crawlers" permission
Job “User Profile Service Application - Social Data Maintenance Job” must be run.

TRAC: Help needed to start with trac

i'm new with "Trac" and i need to start managing a project with it, but i don't how and where to begin.
What i need is to understand the way to approach "Trac", any suggestions?
milestones----> assign ticket to users----> users process tickets----> milestone----> project done!
Is this passages correct?
Thanks a lot ;)
I based my Trac system off of the system that the open-source project Haiku OS uses. See for a well-written description of the ticket process.
As for my system, I have a milestone named "unscheduled" that all tickets default to. When they get reviewed by a triager, they get re-assigned to a particular milestone or to a pseudo-milestone ("wishlist", "decision pending", etc). When all of the tickets for a milestone are closed, we declare that milestone complete and start putting together a release.
The best way to manage a Trac system is to first be a Trac user. Find a public Trac system (like Trac's homepage,, etc), make yourself an account, and start using it. Discover what works and what doesn't and adapt your own methods accordingly.