Symfony 6 - CAS Bundle - authentication

I am using Symfony 6 and I should use CAS bundle for my app because we use SSO system. So, can I install the following bundle while I use Symfony 6 because there is no CAS bundle for Symfony6:
I asked Symfony Community and I got recieved this message:
Unfortunately, I've never worked with CAS protocol before, so don't
use those bundles myself. But let me give you some hints. First of
all, I see that the bundle you linked
does not support Symfony 6 yet, though there's an issue about it: - feel free to follow it to know when
that issue is closed. Also, if you have time - feel free to help with
upgrading that bundle and make it compatible with Symfony 6 and send a
PR - that may have a good side effect, because even if the bundle is
slow on reviewing/merging your PR - you will be able to use your
fork in your project while PR is not merged yet. Other options - you
may want to take a look at GitHub search: - probably you will find that is still
maintained. If no luck - you may want to use low-level tools that are
used in those bundles to write the implementation yourself - take a
look at composer.json file to see what libs are used behind the scene
in those bundles that might help you. Or, another option - downgrade
your project to Symfony 5.4. Basically, Symfony 5.4 == 6.0, but in
Symfony 6.0 just dropped all the legacy code since 5.x version.
Though, it might work and you will be able to install that bundle, but
keep in mind that if the bundle is dead and nobody will add Symfony 6
support there - you won't be able to upgrade to the newer version at
some point.
Do you have any idea about this issue?
Thanks all :)

It seems there is a CAS bundle for Symfony 6.
Take a look to


Publish Elm19 package, which first version was published as 18 package at a time Elm19 was already out

Some time after the release of Elm19 I published a library, which I needed for an Elm18 code base: thought2/elm-wikimedia-commons.
This worked well, it's listed in the community driven Elm18 package database:, can be installed and all good. Except the fact that the documentation is not shown in the package details, but that I heard is a known bug there. (But still I think this is very bad)
But the main problem is now, how to migrate the library to Elm 19: The actual migration steps are done and live in the master branch of the repo:
The Elm18 versions proceeded to 1.1.0 in the meanwhile and after the migration there had to be done an API change, so I'd assume the latest version to become 2.0.0. If I add this to elm.json, the command elm publish tells me that this would be the first version and I should change this. Which is not right.
After a bit of research, I found out that the package (among other 18 ones that have been published in the same time period) is not listed in this json: This should contain all packages regardless of versions.
Any ideas what to do? This is really blocking my development, as I'm stuck in both lands now: 18 and 19. Would appreciate a lot if someone has some hints or solutions for me!
You shouldn't need to mess with the version number specified in elm.json.
If you set it back to the version of the package that is already published and run elm bump the elm program will look at the changes you've made to the package's API and set the new version accordingly.
Looking at it doesn't look like any of your upgrade changes were breaking changes to your package API so the version won't be a 2.x.x, it will be a 1.x.x.
You'll need to remove the 2.0.0 git tag as well and instead add a tag for the version that elm bump tells you that your package is.

How to setup MichaelMackus/SyliusSubscriptionBundle in Sylius 1.3

How to setup MichaelMackus/SyliusSubscriptionBundle in Sylius 1.3
I have already setup this repo
but I don't know how to make product subscribable from the admin dashboard.
This implementation is for Sylius v1.0, a lot has been changed now.
I want to see this work for either version of sylius.
I had a look into the bundle once and came to the conclusion that it never worked. I might be wrong but for sure I can say, it will not work for 1.3 because Sylius migrated to Symfony Flex.
It accesses properties which are not there nor will be implemented by the bundle like OrderItem::getSubscription() used here but is not defined.
There is an PR on Github to integrate this bundle into Sylius and takes care of the aforementioned issue but the PR is outdated as well.
I assume you have integrate Subscription on your own.

Upgrading from Glassfish 2.1.1 to Glassfish 4.1

Can someone please enlighten me. I'm trying to upgrade my Glassfish 2.1.1 to Glassfish 4.1. I've decided to do a side by side install as indicated here:
Question are:
(1) What is "as-install"? There's no such directory as-install\bin in my extracted glassfish4 so I assumed it is the installation directory? Is it glassfish4\bin or glassfish4\glassfish\bin?
(2) I can't see the asupgrade.bat file in my glassfish 4.1 so I'm not able to proceed with the steps on the above link. I'm not sure if the version is related since the document specifically says "upgrade to GlassFish Server 3.1". I can see a pkg directory, and there's also an updatetool.bat. I can't run the upgrade tool though since I'm in a closed environment (no internet).
(3) Is it okay to just delete the Sun folder (for Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server v2.1.1) and replace it with the glassfish4 folder (for Glassfish4.1)? Then I will just run my updated installer that supports the new server. Fresh install works, however we also want to try upgrade.
(4) Assuming #3 is not possible, are there any other way?
Sorry to ask this here since I'm not familiar to any Oracle/Sun community. Google search' top results doesn't specifically answer these questions.
UPDATE: Apparently, I found a similar unanswered thread here: Where is the Glassfish 4 upgrade tool . Same issue, upgradetool is no where to be found. Also, tried to connecting to internet and I still can't update it via updatetool.bat.
UPDATE2: Apparently, updatetool.bat doesn't work for Glassfish4.1. I tried running it/installing it so that the upgradetool might be visible but it seems it can't download the application packages.

Update OSGi Bundle in Apache Geronimo

I am an absolute novice with Apache Geronimo, so my forgive my obvious ignorance.
Apache Geronimo ships with older versions of the HTTPCore and HTTPClient libraries. The current version of OpenID requires at least v4.1 of both HTTPCore and HTTPClient. I have found the OSGi Bundle page in the Geronimo Console, and see how to use this to install a new bundle. I also see that existing bundles have an "update" option, although this does not seem to update either of these bundles to the latest version.
Is there an easy magical way to just update these? If I need to download bundles for the appropriate version, where, exactly, would I go to download them? I've located and downloaded JARs for these two libraries, and have included them in my project and been able to package it with Maven, but this doesn't (apparently) deploy the updated versions into Geronimo (i.e., it loads the old versions and I get runtime errors).
If I had bundles for the later version, the UI is pretty obvious as to how to install them - will that replace the existing version, or will I then have both versions installed? Will this present a runtime issue? If so, how do I remove the exiting bundle (I see no way via the UI to accomplish this).
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
David Mullin

what changed in play framework 2.x

doesn't play framework 2.0.4 support some consoles?
when i was using 1.x, i could use the console "play eclipsify"
and "play dependencies" to fbconnect and fbgraph modules
but from when i chaged the version, it's not working.
then how can i connect those modules? i've no idea to do that
i think the new version doesn't support those consoles for modules
is it correct?
is the way totally different? if then please let me know.
also juz awhile ago i checked the 1.2.5 version
and there is no dependencies.yml and module folder
would you let me know what changed and how can i apply and adjust?
Thank you for your time
check this out
and i wanna tell you some people who evaluate my question
what if there is no begginer who really want to learn and ask, how developing survives?
i hate reputations!
Yes, it's TOTALY different, although some ideas are the same, Play 2.x is quite new product (as stated in many topics and questions since many months), there's (fortunately) no backward compatibility between Play 1.x and 2.x!
When you'll visit Play 1.x (only) modules page the first thing you'll see will be that disclaimer:
These modules are for the Play 1.x series only. Play 2.0 modules can be hosted anywhere on any Ivy, Maven or Git repository. We will add a directory for them here shortly.
Thanx to Pere Villega you can also search for Play 2.0 for Java or Scala modules on site, however you need carefully choose between Play 1.x and Play 2.x series.
For working with eclipse, check the Play's 2.0 IDE documentation.