scrolling not working with Tab in react native - react-native

I have data in flatList. I want to build app for people to use it with external keyboard by connecting keyboard with bluetooth.
But Now Problem is By pressing Tab button from keyboard FlatList Not scrolling till Bottom View Its only select views which present in current scree.
so is there any solution for this. please guide me over this


react native avoid scrollview/flatlist shrinking while keyboard is open

In my react native app, I have a header with a search option and a body with content which is a flatlist and a footer. The flatlist is shrinking when the keyboard is active and my footer is showing above the keyboard.
I don't want to shrink flatlist while the keyboard is active or don't want to show the footer while the keyboard is active. how I can achieve that?
You can use KeyboardAvoidingView from react-native.
Please check your android manifest it should have
something like this(please check this)

Placing a react-native-video inside FlatList then pressing a button to go full screen

Say I have a react native app with a FlatList. Inside the FlatList is a react-native-video component. The video is hosted online. Inside the FlatList the video can be played. What I want is also a button that can be pressed and the video should go full screen. Is this possible to do without having to reload the video?
One solution I can do is when the button is pressed a new screen shows (e.g. in StackNavigator) with the video using flex:1 to fill up the screen. However, because it is a new screen the video needs to load again.
I've seen the Reddit app be able to bring up a video full screen without having to reload it. Of course this might be a native app and harder to do in react native.
Any thoughts on how to achieve this in react native?
EDIT: Added extra info.

React Native Vertical Sticky Sliding Tab Bar/Panel

I need a way to create a tab bar that will vertically bump up the upper text and stick to the top of the page.
I currently am using createMaterialTopTabNavigator and it sits in the vertical center of the screen. I would like such that when a person scrolls on the subpages from the tab navigator for the whole page to scroll with it until the topTabNavigator sticks to the top of the screen.
I am currently using React Native + Expo.
I am open to different options as well. I have tried using a panel and embedding the tab bar in that but it caused weird scrolling issues on Android devices.

Accessibility issues in the react-native app

I am working on the accessibility in the react-native and what issue i m facing is that when the app is run using keyboard, then all the touchable components are focused using tab navigation but they are not getting clicked when any keyboard key like enter is pressed
I tried some of the tips given in the "" but it is still not working.

React Native- Persist keyboard when dialog show

My react native version is 0.55.4 , when modal showing keyboard dismiss , how can show modal without dismissing keyboard.
You need a little hack!
For example you can auto focus on a input in your modal (More info)
Or use a custom modal that not related with native keyboard (You can write this yourself or use some package like this)