Accessibility issues in the react-native app - react-native

I am working on the accessibility in the react-native and what issue i m facing is that when the app is run using keyboard, then all the touchable components are focused using tab navigation but they are not getting clicked when any keyboard key like enter is pressed
I tried some of the tips given in the "" but it is still not working.


Navigating back from react native page to native: how?

I'm working on a native app that I want to display some pages in using React Native. I'm using react-navigation to handle a stack, and launching that in an Android activity (built according to the documentation for integrating React Native code into native apps) and from the similar instructions for iOS.
Once I enter the stack, I can navigate around it just fine - back navigation works with both an on-screen button calling navigation.goBack()/navigation.pop() and the Android hardware back button. The problem comes when I reach the top of the RN stack - I'd expect another attempt to pop from the stack or another press of the hardware back button to exit the app, but it doesn't; instead nothing happens when pressing the back button, and the on-screen button gives an error like:
The action 'GO_BACK' was not handled by any navigator.
and doesn't do anything.
How can I make back navigation from the top level of my React Native content seamlessly return me to the native app on both iOS and Android?

react-native-modalfy keyboard issue on iOS

I created a modal using react-native-modalfy(because of its universal usage) that has an input field. On android everything is working as expected(i.e., modal moving up when keyboard aperars) but on the iOS, whenever I try to type something the keyboard appears on the modal UI and doesn't allow me to see anything that happens on the modal UI. Is there any workaround to get past this issue?enter image description here

scrolling not working with Tab in react native

I have data in flatList. I want to build app for people to use it with external keyboard by connecting keyboard with bluetooth.
But Now Problem is By pressing Tab button from keyboard FlatList Not scrolling till Bottom View Its only select views which present in current scree.
so is there any solution for this. please guide me over this

Dialog Box opens on screen randomly when clicking anywhere on screen on iOS - React Native

When clicking somewhere on the screen, a dialog box or something similar seems to open on the screen. This issue does not occur on any other iOS or Android device. Only happens on an iPhone 11 running iOS 15.3.1.
This is occurring on React Native. The radio buttons are just Touchable Opacity, and not a package. There are no buttons or onClick events triggers anywhere else on the screen.
Here is a link to the video:
Any ideas what may be triggering it?

How to hide the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView) in WebView in React native? (iOS)

I use WebView in react native and when clicking input and the keyboard open i get with the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView)
how i can hide this line? or control on this part, like change "done" text?
just referred the issues in react-native-webview and found an ios only props called hideKeyboardAccessoryView which may resolve this issue. following links are the way i find-out it and the source code reference . this feature available version 2.3.0 or greater