Can we change marker color in dynamically in reactnative map - react-native-maps

when coordinate move then the marker show green color and when it stops some location then I want to show a red marker is it possible to do that in the react-native map?


Is there anyway to change the background color of the equations in react-native-mathJax

I'm using react-native-mathjax to render some equations inside a green color view, but math equations displays with white color background, is there any way to change its back ground color ?

react native allowing users to apply color using different svg paths with animation and blend on top of a background image

I have an original svg image (like an interior of a room) and different svg paths (walls,ceiling in a room) which are positioned on top of the original image. OnPress of different svg paths color is applied.
Challenge is it does not get blend with the backgroung image.
Second while the color is applied on the path not able to animate the color fill something like starting from center and then applying to the entire path withTiming.
Packages used are react-native-svg and react-native-reanimated
Is there any other way to approach this in react native? Is such animation possible , if yes how can it be achieved.

How to put a stroke in a text?

What should I do to the component Text from react-native, create a like this I draw on figma:
This text has a background white and a stroke black around...

How to move map after marker was selected

I want to create animation: after click on marker, center of map should move to that marker and verticaly to a fixed point from bottom (I have some semi-transparent views on top and bottom of a map and want always to see whole callout after marker was clicked). How to acheve that? I saw I can move map to region and to map coordinate, but is it possible to move to point on screen?

How to Display Color With colorWithHue: in Objective-C

I have a color on the Mac color wheel and I want to display that color programmatically in my program in Xcode 5.
How do I do so with the colorWithHue: method of UIColor? How do I find the Hue, Saturation, and Brightness of the color?
P.S. My color isn't the one on the image.
After you pick color in color wheel switch to "Color sliders" tab and choose "HSB sliders" option
You should be able to see values for each color component on that screen