JamVM version 2.0.0 - jamvm

I got system with installed jamvm onboard. Output of jamvm -version command :
java version "1.5.0"
JamVM version 2.0.0
Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Robert Lougher <rob#jamvm.org.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Build information:
Execution Engine: direct-threaded interpreter with stack-caching
Compiled with: gcc 4.8.5
Boot Library Path: /usr/lib/classpath
Boot Class Path: /usr/share/jamvm/classes.zip:/usr/share/classpath/glibj.zip
I have downloaded from official site and installed jamvm on my Ubuntu.
java version "1.5.0"
JamVM version 1.5.4
Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Robert Lougher <rob#jamvm.org.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Build information:
Execution Engine: inline-threaded interpreter
Compiled with: gcc 9.3.0
Boot Library Path: /usr/local/classpath/lib/classpath
Boot Class Path: /usr/local/jamvm/share/jamvm/classes.zip:/usr/local/classpath/share/classpath/glibj.zip
Why my installed system has JamVM version 2.0.0 while Ubuntu JamVM version 1.5.4 ? Where to get JamVM version 2.0.0 ?


Can we install OpenJDK-11 in Redhat Enterprise Linux-7.x O/S version

I am currently running my Java based applications with OpenJDK1.8 and RHEL [Redhat Enterprise Linux] - 7.9. I am planning to upgrade few of the Java native libraries into higher versions whereas I need to upgrade my Java version to OpenJDK11 in that case.
Can anyone suggest whether OpenJDK11 compatible with RHEL-7.9 ? I don't have a plan to upgrade my RHEL version into RHEL-8.x.

How can I install devtoolset on the workstation edition of RHEL7

I would like to know how to install devtoolset on RHEL7 workstation.
I found instructions for RHEL7 server which I have failed to adjust correctly for the workstation edition.
I also found instructions for CentOS7 which work for CentOS7:
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install devtoolset-7-gcc*
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
which gcc
gcc --version
I cannot find devtoolset in any of the repos for RHEL7 workstation
i.e. using:
>yum search --enablerepo=\* devtoolset
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
Warning: No matches found for: devtoolset
No matches found
>yum search --enablerepo=\* scl
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
scl-utils.x86_64 : Utilities for alternative packaging
scl-utils installs the scl tool but not the devtoolset software collection itself.
Context: I need to install gcc5 or later for template parameter support. However, I want to use the standard libstdc++ and ABI.
In fact I have had later versions of gcc self-compiled for RHEL7 for many years. These however use a later version of libstdc++ and the 'new' ABI (see Forcing or preventing use of a particular minor version of libstdc++). I do not wish to do that for this case and I want to follow proper 'vendor' instructions rather than compiling from source.
This issue in this case is RedHat subscription channels.
Though the subscription and software are free (provided you have an active subscription already), for some reason you have to make a 'special request' to RedHat as per:
You can automate this by visiting:
(when logged into the support portal).
This should automatically be approved after which you can attach a new subscription.
Identify the pool id using:
subscription-manager list --available --all
To find the pool id:
Subscription Name: Software Collections and Developer Toolset
Provides: Red Hat Developer Tools (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Tools Beta (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Tools Beta (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Toolset (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Client)
Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Developer Toolset (for RHEL Server)
Red Hat Developer Tools (for RHEL Workstation)
Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Client)
SKU: foobar
Contract: 1234 Pool ID: XXXXXXXXXX
Then attach this and enable the newly available repos:
>subscription-manager attach --pool=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Successfully attached a subscription for: Software Collections and Developer Toolset
>subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-workstation-rhscl-7-rpms
Repository 'rhel-workstation-rhscl-7-rpms' is enabled for this system.
>subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-workstation-devtools-rpms
Repository 'rhel-7-workstation-devtools-rpms' is enabled for this system.
You can now install freely:
>yum update -y
>yum install -y devtoolset-7-gcc-c++
Quite why they make you jump through so many hoops is explained by RedHat as follows:
-If you have a 2013 RHEL SKU with Standard or Premium service level, there should be no action on your part, and your subscription should
have full access to RHSCL.
-If you have a 2010 or older RHEL SKU with Standard or Premium service level, you should contact Red Hat Customer Service to request the
RHSCL SKU (and all related content) added to your account.
NOTE: Developer Toolset is now included as part of Red Hat Software
Collections. This change was made on May 29, 2014.
As you had Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation, Standard subscription
which is older RHEL SKU with Standard service level, you had to
initiate a special request for it

where i could find latest binary distribution of jss7

I try to install mobicents-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7
but - found many src distributions, i don't want to go down the road - compiling the whole src tree.
Many docs point some urls - that i should look mobicents-Restcomm-JBoss-AS7-*-zip.
On github jss7-8.0.0-179 is a source distrib.
any working link with binary?
going with source build - is a little pain to do a proof of concept...
if it matters:
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
java version "1.7.0_221"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u221-b02)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.221-b02, mixed mode)
Seems all the binary have been removed from repo. You might to get binaries if you have it installed before now.

Buildroot toolchain for BBB: gclib version error

I was trying to cross-compile from a Debian PC for a BeagleBone Black, and i was able to build an "hello-world" sample, and build the wxWidgets, but when i compiled a wxWidgets app (the "minimal" sample) i failed, 'cause i've not been able to find how to get and link the needed libraries for armhf (GTK+, X11, etc... see my question here)
I've found a page explaining how to use BuildRoot to compile for a Raspberry, so i took that route and i was able to configure and make a "host" which compiled the wxWidgets first, and the "minimal" sample app next.
Problem is that on my BBB it does'nt run 'cause different gclib version
debian#beaglebone:~$ ./minimal
./minimal: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by ./minimal)
debian#beaglebone:~$ ldd --version
ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.24-11+deb9u3) 2.24
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Roland McGrath and Ulrich Drepper.
So, i'm again bashing my head against a wall.
What options should i use in BuildRoot to be able to use the same gcc (and all the required libraries, which i don't know to what should i look) that are present in my BBB?
Linux version 4.9.88-ti-r111 (root#b9-am57xx-beagle-x15-2gb) (gcc version 6.3.0 20170516 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Apr 22 08:04:34 UTC 2018
gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516
It sounds like you are building with one environment and running in a different environment.
That's akin to compiling on one distro and trying to run on another distro.
Or even compiling on one distro release and using another to run - e.g. Debian Jessie vs. Stretch.
Further evidence is that you mention:
BuildRoot as your build environment
debian#beaglebone and ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.24-11+deb9u3) 2.24
The fundamental version conflict is that BuildRoot and Debian 9 use different versions of libc (and other libraries)
The proper way to address this is by building inside a matching environment. In this case that would be Debian 9 - either as distro proper or at least as a chroot. The package that you should install is: crossbuild-essential-armhf
That will get you the necessary tool-chains and dependencies.

Which webkit qt version compiles on kubuntu 11.10

I previously compiled webkit-qt on kubuntu 11.10 from their svn sources. I remember that it worked well with the kubuntu konqueror and rekonq packages, while their webkit packages are useless (very unstable). I had to export QTDIR and to pick an older svn revision because the current one didn't compile. Now I have to reinstall webkit but I do not remember which svn revision I used. Which of their svn revisions compile with --qt?
The current svn revision (114036) of webkit compiles on ubuntu 11.10 with kde 4.8 and all current updates from the backport ppa.
It is sufficient to checkout the Source and Tools subdirectories (the overall repository is very large)
Compilation is with
./Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --qt
sudo make install
Segmentation faults may be due to lack of RAM. Possibly the option --no-svg to drop the support can save memory compilation time.
Note that this will install in the default directories replacing present installations. On my system rekonq and konqueror run well with (while the outdated ubuntu webkit packages cause frequent crashes).