Suggestions to backup - backup

I use git to keep track of certain directories modifications, and to avoid file duplication or file inconsistencies. For backup, I store these directories on Github. Now, these directories are over 1GB, and I am thinking of taking them out of Github, but I don't know what is the best way to back up these files and still keep track of file duplication or file inconsistency.
I thought of creating a git server where I store all my repos. I thought of using complex scripts for rsync, or even using borg.
Do you have any suggestions?


Methods to deploy an npm project to a remote server

I'm trying to find a good cross-platform way to deploy an npm project to a remote server over ssh (or another method). I'm specifically looking for something that copies over the files, while respecting the .gitignore (not copying files that are in .gitignore, and preserving files in .gitignore on the remote server, while pruning spare files.
Notably as a consequence of this requirement, this should neither copy node_modules nor clobber remote node_modules.
The idea is to get the source code to the server this way, and then execute commands over ssh to build it on the server, copy the dist into the appropriate location on the server, and run any other deploy steps.
I already have something that works fairly well. I set up a git repo on my server that I have a remote to locally, and I push my local changes to that remote. A post-recieve hook then takes effect and copies the source to where I need it, similar to what this describes.
This works pretty nicely, but it kind of falls apart when I want to deploy without fully committing everything, and it also feels somewhat fragile. I use a fairly complex local script to checkout a new branch, commit all working changes, and push it, but it fails on certain cases like having untracked files.
Pardon the lengthy context. tl;dr; I'm looking for other options to do this sort of deploy. It seems like rsync would be a natural candidate and I've looked into the npm rsync package, but its Windows support doesn't seem great, requiring cygwin. I've also considered copying manually with scp and leveraging a library to parse the .gitignore, but I'd like to preserve node_modules on the server (so it doesn't have to redownload everything), so I can't just overwrite the directory.
Any ideas?

Where do I put .mdf and .ldf files to share an SQL script through git

I am attempting to share a file that builds and populates an SQL database through git, but it won't create the DB on my team members' machines because the .mdf and .ldf files are located on my machine. How can I rectify this?
If you want to share a SQL script, you don't have to share the database with it!
What is generally done (best practice) is that you have the script needed to create the database (and eventually populate it with static/test data) in git, and then the user will launch that script to build the database.
git is here to keep track of your source code and the changes made to it, you shouldn't put in it any generated file, and .mdf / .ldf files are typically part of what should not be in your git. For generated files within your folder, there are ways to configure git to ignore them.
The value of git is to record differences between files, if you want to share your software, git is definitely not the good tool. Put those file on a shared folder (NAS), on dropbox, give them through an USB key or whatever.
However, if you really want to do this (bad idea), I guess you can add your files in your repository and either configure SQL Server to find them here or create a symbolic link.

How to hash the (possibly recursive) contents of a directory

What I'm trying to do is know what particular subdirectories have changed after pulling from a git repository. I was thinking I could compute the hash of all the subdirectories in the root directory, then pull git, then compute the hashes again. If the hashes don't match, then I know which directories have changed.
Is there a common way to compute the hash of a directory tree? I feel like this is pretty much what git does internally to track its files.
I would prefer a C, or better yet, objective-c api to do this, but i'd settle for a unix command to do it.
thanks for any tips.
Computing a hash of a directory hierarchy is expensive, especially in a large git repository.
You should look at the API provided by git. There may be a way to ask git to tell you what it is changing.
You should look at OS X's file system events API. This can send your app a notification when something in a directory hierarchy changes.

Working around unneeded subdirs with git-svn in order to save space

I've started using git-svn for an SVN-based project, so that I can make local commits.
However, the SVN repository contains a lot of directories that I don't need to work with. When I solely used SVN, I was able to partly check-out stuff with:
svn co <repos-url> --depth empty
and then update the needed directories:
svn up <repos-dir>/<subdir>
As far as I've understood, partly checking out a project isn't an option with Git, so I'm looking for alternative way of saving some space. Any suggestions?
Edit: what I am thinking myself is something in the lines of creating a branch thatonly contains the files I need. I'd then want to be able to push the changes to these files without pushing any removal of the files I don't need. But I am not too deply into the way Git works to figure out if this is possible?
Are the extra directories really that big? One advantage of Git is that you do most of your work from your local harddrive (you commit to your own branch, not to the server) so it's fast even when there are many files.

Tortoise SVN Repo-Browser

I was wondering if I right click on a file in the SVN repo browser, does it get permanently deleted? can it be recovered?
This question/answer from the SVN FAQ might interest you :
How do I completely remove a file from the repository's history?
There are special cases where you
might want to destroy all evidence of
a file or commit. (Perhaps somebody
accidentally committed a confidential
document.) This isn't so easy, because
Subversion is deliberately designed to
never lose information. Revisions are
immutable trees which build upon one
another. Removing a revision from
history would cause a domino effect,
creating chaos in all subsequent
revisions and possibly invalidating
all working copies.
The project has plans, however, to
someday implement an svnadmin obliterate command which would
accomplish the task of permanently
deleting information. (See issue 516.)
In the meantime, your only recourse is
to svnadmin dump your repository, then
pipe the dumpfile through
svndumpfilter (excluding the bad path)
into an svnadmin load command.
If it's that hard, there are little chances it can be done easily from Tortoise SVN...
(And it's not the goal of Source Control...)
You'll find that you can only delete from the Repo Browser when you are viewing the HEAD revision. This is identical to deleting a file from your working copy and then checking in the delete. In both cases, you'll be able to restore from the previous revision.
Deleting a file via the repo-browser context menu basically creates a new global revision where just that file was deleted, so it appears in the log as such - you can always revert to that revision to get the file back, or you can just pull it directly from the repository into your working copy.
No... Deleting a file (even using the repo browser) only affects working copies. It would be a pretty lousy revision control system if you couldn't recover a file from the past. It is actually pretty difficult to modify files in a committed revision, even if you have root access to the server.
Doesn't right-click just bring up some sort of menu? And with SVN is that you can always revert anyways.
I deleted a top level directory from Repo Browser by accident and the only way to get it back was the following:
Export the top level folder from a previous version history
Make a new folder in the repository to replace the one deleted.
Add the exported files back to the new directory (same name as previous)
Update the working copy, it will delete and then re-add the same files.
Its annoying but at least the working and repo will be back in sync. The "Revert Changes from this Revision" didnt work for undoing repo deletes, it only reverts in working directory not the "Undo" the delete to the repository.