Improved / efficient code for multiple if - React Native - react-native

I´m a technical project manager coordinating developers. My coding skills are limited and so I align with my devs on logical structure. For a mobile app (React Native to serve Android and iOS) we are currently developing user current location logic. Turned out we have specific Android and iOS settings, what may require native developmetn for location service handling.
I´m currently reviewing the following pseudocode and, besides others, concerned about the MULTIPLE IF statements and thinking if there is a more efficient way, as here we seem to jump into every IF, even when location is set already before.
I think there can be something like "until", "break" or similar .. and maybe relevant to consider the specific dev language, React Native in that case?
Any help, as pseudocode or if possible to make it specific already considering React Native, is very much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!
////Central Location Service to get current location.
var currentLocation;
var locationType
if Android {
} else id iOS {
DEFINED_ACCURACY = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters
function startLocationService(){
var locationservice = LocationService()
locationservcie.accuracy = DEFINED_ACCURACY
locationservcie.distance = DEFINED_DISTANCE
locationservcie.startListnertoLocationUpdate() {
cacheData(location, currentTime);
currentLocation = location
function getLocationFromLocationService() {
if locationServcieEnabled == false
return NULL;
if locationPermissionGranted == false
return NULL;
return currentLocation;
function getCurrentLocation() {
var lcoation = NULL;
var accuracy = Not_defined;
lcoation = getLocationFromLocationService() //GPS, network
locationType = locationService
if lcoation == NULL {
locationdata == getLastKnownLocation()
if locationdata.Age < DEFINED_DURATION {
location = locationdata.location
locationType = locationService
if location == NULL {
location == getCachedLocationWithin24Hour()
locationType = locationService
if location == NULL {
location = getLocationfromTelephony()
locationType = other
if location == NULL {
if permissionToUseBilling == false {
location = getLocationFromBillimg()
accuracy = other
if location == NULL {
location = getLocationOfDEfaultCountry()
accuracy = other
return location, Other

I think you can use switches to cover different cases from javascript.
Probably your dev team knows, but did not want to bring it into pseudo code?
const location = getLocationFromLocationService() ;
switch (location) {
case 'NULL':
case 'New York':
// No break leads to run also into the next case
case 'Bern':
console.log('I love nice cities.');
console.log(`Sorry, we are out of ${location}.`);
Interestingly you seem to have multiple times the same if case?
Maybe you will to nest it or have to use a switch with multiple expressions.
case ("Bern" && "ANOTHERExpression to be true"):
Link to switch documentation
Please don't underestimate your dev team. ;-)


why it is showing project name as "Default" in sitefinity dashboard portal once I run it

I am new to Sitefinity. But I followed steps from tutorial and created the one project named as "SFcmsDemo" and when I run this project and Sitefinity dashboard appears on localhost it is showing name as "Default" instead of "SFcmsDemo", The tutorial I read is showing the correct name in that but when I tried it is showing as "Default". Can anyone please help me find out the root cause and solution for this. I am attaching some screenshot which will help to understand more. Thanks.
Default can be easily changed if you click on it and then Manage Site.
From the decompiled Telerik.Sitefinity.dll (v.12.2):
internal static Site GetOrCreateDefaultSite()
Site site;
string str = "CreateDefaultSite";
MultisiteManager manager = MultisiteManager.GetManager(null, str);
using (ElevatedModeRegion elevatedModeRegion = new ElevatedModeRegion(manager))
ProjectConfig projectConfig = Config.Get<ProjectConfig>();
Guid siteMapRootNodeId = projectConfig.DefaultSite.SiteMapRootNodeId;
Site site = (
from s in manager.GetSites()
where s.SiteMapRootNodeId == siteMapRootNodeId
select s).FirstOrDefault<Site>();
if (site == null)
site = (projectConfig.DefaultSite.Id == Guid.Empty ? manager.CreateSite() : manager.CreateSite(projectConfig.DefaultSite.Id));
site.IsDefault = true;
site.IsOffline = false; =;
site.SiteMapRootNodeId = siteMapRootNodeId;
site.Name = (projectConfig.ProjectName != "/" ? projectConfig.ProjectName : "Default");
Note in the last line how it looks in the projectConfig.ProjectName value and if it is equal to "/" then it sets it to "Default"
Now, if we look at the ProjectConfig there is this:
[ConfigurationProperty("projectName", DefaultValue="/")]
[ObjectInfo(typeof(ConfigDescriptions), Title="ProjectNameTitle", Description="ProjectNameDescription")]
public string ProjectName
return (string)this["projectName"];
internal set
this["projectName"] = value;
So, default value is indeed "/", so that's why when the site is created it has a name of Default.

SQLite database isn't holding multiple values under primary key in my Discord.js bot

To start off, here's my main bot.js code (Sorry if it seems like code spaghetti. I'm not the best with javascript):
const fs = require('fs');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const auth = require('./auth.json');
const pack = require('./package.json');
const SQLite = require('better-sqlite3');
const sql = new SQLite('./scores.sqlite');
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(, command);
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(` Bot: ${client.user.tag}
Version: ${pack.version}
Logged in and clear for takeoff.`);
client.on("ready", () => {
const battle_leaderboard = sql.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name = 'scores';").get();
if (!battle_leaderboard['count(*)']) {
sql.prepare("CREATE TABLE scores (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, user TEXT, guild TEXT, points INTEGER;").run();
sql.prepare("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_scores_id ON scores (id);").run();
sql.pragma("synchronous = 1");
sql.pragma("journal_mode = wal");
client.getScore = sql.prepare("SELECT * FROM scores WHERE user = ? AND guild = ?");
client.setScore = sql.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO scores (id, user, guild, points) VALUES (#id, #user, #guild, #points);");
client.removeScore = sql.prepare("DELETE FROM scores WHERE user=?");
client.on('message', message => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(auth.prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(auth.prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
switch (command) {
case 'ping':
client.commands.get('ping').execute(message, args);
case 'mimic':
client.commands.get('mimic').execute(message, args);
case 'add_role':
client.commands.get('add_role').execute(message, args);
case 'remove_role':
client.commands.get('remove_role').execute(message, args);
case 'bl_add_point':
if (message.member.roles.some(r=>["Fight Officiator"])) {
let score;
let member = message.mentions.members.first() || client.members.get(args[0]);
score = client.getScore.get(,;
if (!score) {
score = { id: `${}-${}`, user: member.username, guild:, points: 0}
score.points ++;;`Looks like ${member} got a win! Good one.`);
} else {`Sorry, this is only usable by GFOs.`);
case '!bl_delete':
if (message.member.roles.some(r=>["Fight Officiator"])) {
let member = message.mentions.users.first();`${}-${}`)`${member} has been set to zero on the leaderboard!`);
} else {`Sorry, this is only usable by GFOs.`);
case 'bl':
const top5 = sql.prepare("SELECT * FROM scores WHERE guild = ? ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT 5;").all(;
const battleleaderboard = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle('The Battle Leaderboard - Current Rankings')
.setDescription('The top fighters are displayed here.')
.setFooter(`DM a Gang Fight Officiator to set up a spar with another member and possibly get your name registered onto RankBot's leaderboard!`);
for (const data of top5) {
battleleaderboard.addField(client.users.get(data.user), `${data.points} Win(s)`);
I'm creating a bot that should be pretty simple:
The bot is a RankBot (at least that's what i dubbed it as), which is supposed to track the amount of wins in battles (since this is for a discord about a fighting game) using a special role that manually increments those wins with a command, then being able to pull up a leaderboard embed showing the people with the most wins. I'm testing it in a discord separate from the one it's for with a friend, and it seemingly worked until we commanded the bot to open the leaderboard. Nothing was shown. We thought it was strange, since it worked before when only one user was in the database, and I went to the PowerShell Command Line to see if there was an error message, and this showed up.
battleleaderboard.addField(client.users.get(data.user).tag || client.members.get(data.user).tag, `${data.points} Win(s)`);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'tag' of undefined
We were confused by what happened, so I removed the tag part of the command and used it again. The embed showed up this time, but it looked like this.
I assumed that what went wrong was that since they both had the same number of wins listed, the part of the bl command that sorts the users was confused. I then went and used bl_add_point on me and tried again. The near exact same embed was shown.
My guess as to what went wrong was that I messed up at some point when setting up the bl_add_point command, but I'm not sure how to fix the issue.
This isn't part of the main problem, but I can't seem to get bl_delete working either. No errors are shown when I use it. In fact, seemingly nothing happens. I'm not sure if these issues are connected, but I really only need the main issue fixed.
Thanks in advance.
edit: I found out partially what happened with the bl_delete issue, which was I simply put the prefix into the case when the prefix was already defined. Now when I put in the command, the PowerShell responds with:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined

Read 'hidden' input for CLI Dart app

What's the best way to receive 'hidden' input from a command-line Dart application? For example, in Bash, this is accomplished with:
read -s SOME_VAR
Set io.stdin.echoMode to false:
import 'dart:io' as io;
void main() {
io.stdin.echoMode = false;
String input = io.stdin.readLineSync();
// or
var input;
while(input != 32) {
input = io.stdin.readByteSync();
if(input != 10) print(input);
// restore echoMode
io.stdin.echoMode = true;
This is a slightly extended version, key differences are that it uses a finally block to ensure the mode is reset if an exception is thrown whilst the code is executing.
The code also uses a waitFor call (only available in dart cli apps) to turn this code into a synchronous call. Given this is a cli command there is no need for the complications that futures bring to the table.
The code also does the classic output of '*' as you type.
If you are doing much cli work the below code is from the dart package I'm working on called dcli. Have a look at the 'ask' method.
String readHidden() {
var line = <int>[];
try {
stdin.echoMode = false;
stdin.lineMode = false;
int char;
do {
char = stdin.readByteSync();
if (char != 10) {
// we must wait for flush as only one flush can be outstanding at a time.
} while (char != 10);
} finally {
stdin.echoMode = true;
stdin.lineMode = true;
// output a newline as we have suppressed it.
return Encoding.getByName('utf-8').decode(line);

How to use ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file correctly?

I am writing nginx module which construct nginx chain then write this chain buffer to nginx temporary file to use it later (just after write happen). I've been searching every page and the only solution come up is the one bellow:
// Create temp file to test
ngx_temp_file_t *tf;
tf = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof (ngx_temp_file_t));
if (tf == NULL) {
tf->file.fd = NGX_INVALID_FILE;
tf->file.log = nlog;
tf->path = clcf->client_body_temp_path;
tf->pool = r->pool;
tf->log_level = r->request_body_file_log_level;
tf->persistent = r->request_body_in_persistent_file;
tf->clean = r->request_body_in_clean_file;
// if (r->request_body_file_group_access) {
// tf->access = 0660;
// }
if (ngx_create_temp_file(&tf->file, tf->path, tf->pool, tf->persistent, tf->clean, tf->access) != NGX_OK) {
if (ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file(tf, bucket->first) == NGX_ERROR) {
This code does not return NGX_ERROR, is this meant nginx successful write temporary file into client_body_temporay_path? It the answer is yes, after that, I use fopen to open file, the file is not exist?
Can anyone please give me the right solution to handle ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file?
I find myself the solution
ngx_temp_file_t *tf;
tf = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof (ngx_temp_file_t));
tf->file.fd = NGX_INVALID_FILE;
tf->file.log = nlog;
tf->path = clcf->client_body_temp_path;
tf->pool = r->pool;
tf->persistent = 1;
rc = ngx_create_temp_file(&tf->file, tf->path, tf->pool, tf->persistent, tf->clean, tf->access);
//ngx_write_chain_to_file(&tf->file, bucket->first, bucket->content_length, r->pool);
ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file(tf, bucket->first);
The only thing I cannot understand is if I set tf->persistentto false (0), after the file created, I cannot read from it even if I've not passed response to output_filter yet.

Calling a Metro based Security Token Service from an Axis2 STS Client

I want to call a Security Token Service which was created and deployed using Metro 2.2 framework from an Axis 2 STS Client. I'm trying to do the same but getting issues like the one below: -
java.lang.RuntimeException:Incorrect inclusion value: -1
I went deep into the source code and saw that in SecureConversationTokenBuilder class code is wriiten something like this:-
String inclusionValue = attribute.getAttributeValue().trim();
then I went into the SP11Constants.getInclusionFromAttributeValue(inclusionValue) and saw the following piece of code:-
public static int getInclusionFromAttributeValue(String value ) {
if (INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(value)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(value)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_NEVER.equals(value)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_ONCE.equals(value)) {
return SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE;
} else {
return -1;
as INCLUDE_ALWAYS = "" which is not equal to what is defined by metro in policy.xml like
Therefore the above code always return -1 and in turn throws a runtime exception as below:-
public void setInclusion(int inclusion) {
if(SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS == inclusion ||
SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_NEVER == inclusion ||
SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE == inclusion ) {
this.inclusion = inclusion;
} else {
//TODO replace this with a proper (WSSPolicyException) exception
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect inclusion value: " + inclusion);
Just wanted to know whether it is possible to get token from Security Token Service (STS) created in Metro Framework invoked from an Axis2 based STS Client.Please advise as I'm stuck in between.
Thanks in advance.