waze deep links - can't build url with multiple stops, is it possible? - waze

I want to use waze deep links to open a route with multiple stops.
One stop, of course, is easy.
But there appears to be nothing in the docs to say if this is possible or not, you can chain params, but I've tried a few combinations and cant seem to make it work.
Can anyone advise?
Equivalent in google maps would be

Sadly, there's no way to achieve this. ATM, Waze only allows 1 stop and beside that, there's no deeplink implemented to do that.
You can check waze official forums for more info. There're several posts about that.


Can I track if someone clicked a link on my Twitter post

I have a private business Twitter account and I would like to know when someone clicks any link inside one of my posts. This solution cannot assume that we know the form of the link being posted.
For example a twitter post like this:
Have you guys heard of this amazing site called google?
I would like to see how many people clicked on this google.com link. I don't need to know any specific information about who they are, just if it was clicked or not.
Ideally I would want this from the API but crawlers and plugins are also possible. I would like to avoid using a paid tool but those would be acceptable.
I think you have multiple choices:
Use google firebase or google analytics
Create your own short link services by python or any other programming languages.
Just search in the google and look for short link generators which gives appropriate service.
Hi using the twitter api you should be able to understand how many clicks a link has.
But to have all this info automated you might need to use a third-party tool.
This should be the most straight forward solution.

YouTube API is it possible to return all of the comments ever made by a user?

I have VERY limited use of the YouTube API.
I am messing about in the sandbox.
But I would really like to know if it's possible to return all of the comments, made by a certain username?
I'd love to be able to track my own comments on YT videos that I have made?
To be able to see which comment was made against which video?
That would be amazing.
I have made a cursory look into the API and the browser options - but there isn't any way to do as far as I know?
I mess around with the API would I be able to find a call that returns what I am looking for?
Any help? I can't be the 1st person to want this?

Wechat : does an SDK / API exists?

I'm online on wechat (an instant messenger, not to be confused with weechat, that is an IRC client) and following a lot of groups for work. I'm searching for an SDK, an API set, to be able to automitize info collecting from groups and or individuals.
But i'm not aware of any way to do it.
Please, this is NOT an 'opinion' question, I'm litterally asking you if you know a way to receive data from weechat, because I cannot find it.
I see the area on weechat website where a company can ask for accces to API, but, really I cannot find other tools.
Edit 1: Chinese DOC, I think: https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showdocument?action=dir_list&t=resource/res_list&verify=1&id=open1419318183&token=&lang=zh_CN
Edit 2: Chinese DOC more similar to a JS api :http://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc#10029/%E5%A4%96%E9%83%A8%E8%81%94%E7%B3%BB%E4%BA%BA%E9%80%89%E4%BA%BA%E6%8E%A5%E5%8F%A3
Obviously, use google translator !
As from my OP, there are some docs, official docs, but the real problem is that to create even a simply Mini Program, we need to subscribe (paid) and also paying at one point a chinese-only page asks by country and the list simply does not include Italy, so I simply cannot subscribe.

Rally API: where can I find DETAILS on EXACTLY what is available?

I have been tasked with creating an internal app that interfaces the Rally API to do various 'legwork' for a speedier day around the office.
I am frustrated because I cannot find documentation on exactly what is available and how to use it. I am scraping and scraping away on different sites, google, etc just to find stuff like 'hierarchicalrequirement' is actually UserStory. so, it seems to me that Rally really doesn't WANT anyone to use their API... quite frustrating.
Their documentation says things like toCreate["Workspace"] = ('1234567')
where it's actually toCreate["Workspace"] = /workspace/1234567
I need an enumeration of what's available and what they're actually named.
It looks like you are trying to use one of their SDKs. Their documentation for their REST API can be found here.
Also, here is the link to their app API,
And their lookback API
And if you want documentation to a specific language SDK, you can look at Github.

How do sites like Hubspot track inbound links?

Are all these types of sites just illegally scraping Google or another search engine?
As far as I can tell ther is no 'legal' way to get this data for a commercial site.. The Yahoo! api ( http://developer.yahoo.com/search/siteexplorer/V1/inlinkData.html ) is only for noncommercial use, Yahoo! Boss does not allow automated queries etc.
Any ideas?
For example, if you wanted to find all the links to Google's homepage, search for
So if you want to find all the inbound links, you can simply traverse your website's tree, and for each item it finds, build a URL. Then query Google for:
And you'll get a collection of all the links that Google has from other websites into your website.
As for the legality of such harvesting, I'm sure it's not-exactly-legal to make a profit from it, but that's never stopped anyone before, has it?
(So I wouldn't bother wondering whether they did it or not. Just assume they do.)
I don't know what hubspot do, but, if you wanted to find out what sites link to your site, and you don't have the hardware to crawl the web, one thing you can do is monitor the HTTP_REFERER of visitors to your site. This is, for example, how Google Analytics (as far as I know) can tell you where your visitors are arriving from. This is not 100% reliable as not all browsers set it, particularly in "Privacy Mode", but you only need one visitor per link to know that it exists!
This is ofter accomplished by embedding a script into each of your webpages (often in a common header or footer). For example, if you examine the source for the page you are currently reading you will find (right down at the bottom) a script that reports back to Google information about your visit.
Now this won't tell you if there are links out there that no one has ever used to get to your site, but let's face it, they are a lot less interesting than the ones people actually use.