i got error with gas limit 1000000 (gas required exceeded limit) - solidity

I am new in smart-contract, following 1 tutorial, he used 1000000 as gas limit which was fine before but today I faced this error (out of gas), after some searched I found and I replaced 1000000 with 3000000,
my question is, why code worked with 3000000 but show the error with 1000000 ??

Gas is the term for the amount of ether (ETH) – the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum – required by the network for a user to interact with the network.
So its simple this time around the interaction you did with blockchain must have been more complicated. So it required more operation as a result more gas fee.
Check out this link to learn more about gas Gas in ethereum

Yeah of course it's the most important thing when you type or code smart contracts, so every function you type in smart contract costs gas, and you can calculate it throw https://wiki.learnblockchain.cn/OPCODE_Gas.pdf , after knowing how much gas costs you will do this Calculation
gas used * gas price * 0.000000001
and you'll know gas price from https://etherscan.io/ .


How does a reference clock "drive" a VCO

Reading the following chapter:
In the beginning, on top of Figure 10.1, the author claims that:
Because the reference clock is stable, the feedback loop in the PLL will drive the output to a stable 400 MHz frequency.
Question: How does a 16MHz clock drive a 400MHz PLL? (I checked the wiki for PLL but didn't understand much)
A bit of background: I don't know much about electronics, and apparently this book doesn't really require students to understand such questions (it focuses on writing C programs for an eval board). I'm just curious.
In simple words: A PLL works by "comparing" the reference frequency with its own frequency. If its frequency is too low, it raises it a bit, and if it's too high, it lowers it a bit. This is what the feedback loop does. (Actually, the phase is used for comparison. That's why it's called a "phase lock[ed] loop".)
So your question boils down to: How can a frequency of 400 MHz be compared with a frequency of 16 MHz?
Well, as such, it cannot. For the comparison in the "Phase/Freq Detector" both frequencies need to be nearly the same. "Nearly" because while not being locked, the VCO's frequency might be "off track".
The solution is to divide the 400 MHz down to 16 MHz, by the value of 25. This is what the block "/m" in the linked page does:
The "programming" aspect in your question: You set up the divisor by choosing the right XTAL from the table.
After division, the detector receives two frequencies in the same range.

How to Make a Manual Program for Support Vector Regression (SVR)?

I am new for studying SVR and also program in Rstudio, to get graduation for my study,
i would make some program to manual SVR. But I am stack, and nobody in website have the manual program of SVR. Please Help! Thankyou.
I have 10000 value data, and 8 (Price in this year, aksesbility, Fasility, the structur of soil, addres in the town, addres in sub distric, large, and type of soil) variables atributte from data time series in 3 years the price .of soil in my town. I should predicted how much the price in the next three years.

Playing a simulation in fast-forward

I am working a simple game where users create structures in a sector, which is a 10x10 grid. Some structures generate resources and some consume resources. The sector itself might contain some resources outside of any structure. The generators and consumers are related. For example, a well might be generating water, then an splitter be consuming water and making hydrogen and oxygen, while a refinery is consuming hydrogen and oxygen and making rocket fuel, etc.
The rate at which they generate or consume resources can vary by structure - I call this the tick rate. Each time a consumer ticks, it will first attempt to extract those resources from the structures that surround it in the sector. If there are not enough, it will try to get them from the sector's storage. If it is still not enough, the structure will stop. Structures hold the resources that they generate up to some maximum. Once they are full, they will not generate more until some are consumed. If a structure is stopped, it will also not generate more resources, but the resources it already has can still be used by another adjacent structure.
It is not uncommon that there are patterns. For example, if the well is very slow, the splitter will turn off when the well runs out of water, and then the refinery will turn off when the splitter runs out of gases. Then when the well generates again, everything will turn back on.
When the user is playing a sector, I tick the sector continuously at the resolution of shortest tick rate of the sector's structures. This works fine. The pseudo-code looks like this:
const numTicks = (Date.now() - lastTickTime) / shortestTickTime;
let currentTickTime = lastTickTime;
for (i = 0; i < numTicks; i++) {
currentTickTime += shortestTickTime;
// check the consumers - all structures that are consumers
for (curConsumer of consumers) {
if (curConsumer.isRunning &&
(currentTickTime - curConsumer.lastTickTime >= curConsumer.tickRate) {
... check surrounding structures for resources
if (curConsumer.stillNeedsResources) {
... check sector for researches
if (curConsumer.stillNeedsResources) {
... no resources available
curConsumer.isRunning = false;
// check the generators - all structures that are generators
for (curGenerator of generators) {
if (curGenerator.isRunning &&
(currentTickTime - curGenerator.lastTickTime >= curGenerator.tickRate) {
... add the generated resources
Now I am dealing with the case of a user coming back to a sector after a long absence - say, a few days - when hundreds or thousands of ticks have passed. If I just naively try to play all of the ticks, it can take several seconds or several minutes to complete.
I am wondering if there are any tips or tricks for simulations of this kind for computing the net change without playing each tick. Or, alternately, if there are changes I can make to the simulation to make this easier to compute. Thanks!
Step 1: Convert the raw data into "graph of nodes" form, where each node represents a machine, and producers are at the bottom and consumers are at the top. For example it might look like:
/ \
/ \
(hydrogen) (oxygen)
\ /
\ /
Note: If a machine has an output buffer (or input buffer/s); then those buffers should be separate nodes. For example, if everything has output buffers it might look like this:
Refinery output buffer
/ \
/ \
(hydrogen) (oxygen)
| |
Hydrogen Oxygen
output output
buffer buffer
| |
(hydrogen) (oxygen)
\ /
\ /
Well output buffer
Step 2: Determine "current steady state average rates" by (initially) working from bottom up (producers to consumers). For example, if a well produces 1 unit of water every 4 ticks then assume it does produce an average of 0.25 water per tick; and if a splitter can convert 1 unit of water into 2 units of hydrogen and 1 unit of oxygen every 3 ticks then that's a max. rate of 0.333 water converted to 0.666 hydrogen and 0.333 oxygen, but you already know the well isn't producing water fast enough and can determine that the splitter will actually consume 0.25 water to produce 0.5 hydrogen and 0.25 oxygen.
Note that if a producer overproduces you will need to backtrack. For example, if a well produces 1 unit of water every 2 ticks then you'd assume it does produce an average of 0.5 water per tick; and if a splitter can convert 1 unit of water into 2 units of hydrogen and 1 unit of oxygen every 3 ticks then you know the well is producing more water than the splitter can consume and have to go back to the well and clamp its output to 0.333 water per tick.
Step 3: Determine when (how many ticks) until the next thing happens that will change the "current steady state average rates". If a resource can become depleted (e.g. the well runs dry) you need to know when that will happen. In the same way, if a "storage vessel" (an output buffer, input buffer, water tank, fuel storage chest, ...) becomes full or empty then you need to know when that will happen too. This is all based on the "current steady state average rates" you have - e.g. if a well's output buffer is empty and gains water (from well) at a rate of 0.5 water per tick and loses water (to splitter) at a rate of 0.33 water per tick; then you can calculate that the quantity it is storing increases at a rate of "0.5 - 0.33 = 0.17 per tick" and (combined with the buffer's capacity) calculate when the output buffer will become full.
Note that "how many ticks until the next thing happens" must also be limited to when you want to stop simulating.
Step 4: Advance time up until the next thing that happens. This mostly means updating the amount of stuff stored in "storage vessels" using the "current steady state average rates" you have; and then modifying any information (e.g. setting a well to "not functioning, ran dry").
Step 5: Repeat the previous steps until you reach the time you want. This is just "if(current_time < stop_time) goto step 2".
Step 6: Update the world with the final state of everything. This is mostly the reverse of step 1 - setting quantities in "storage vessels", marking resources as depleted, etc.
You might need to add "transport" as a type of node. For example, if you have conveyor belts taking water from the well to the splitter then that can be simulated like a "storage vessel" but with lag time (e.g. if belt was empty and items start being put on the belt, then it's going to take "length * speed" time before items arrive at the other end).
If you want; you could add "breakdown" to the game (e.g. maybe there's a small chance that a splitter malfunctions and needs to be repaired). This is just an extra thing to take into account at step 3.
Don't forget that you can modify the game design to make it easier. For a start, I would avoid feedback loops (e.g. if the fuel from the reactor is fed into a generator to create power that is consumed by a splitter that ...) because this makes everything significantly harder. I'd also be tempted to avoid "variable speed" things (e.g. miners travelling between an ore field and a drop off point, where the distance the miners travel increases as closer parts of the ore field are consumed so the "average ore per tick" is increasing and never constant).
Don't forget that it's a game - it doesn't have to be 100% perfectly accurate, and only needs to be convincing enough to fool the player. If it's "slightly wrong" (e.g. an output buffer should have 23 items but only has 21 itmes) it's likely that nobody will ever notice.
Depending on other details; you might (or might not) consider stopping early and switching to "simulate one tick at a time". For example, if you need to simulate 12345600 ticks, then you could use the approach I've described for the first 12345500 ticks, then use the approach you already have to do the last 100 ticks. This can help to make some things (e.g. position of items on a conveyor belt) seem a lot more realistic.

Effective Access Time

I am given the following question:
Now assume the system has no page faults, we are considering adding a TLB that will take
1 nano-second to lookup an address translation. What hit rate (to the nearest 5%) in the TLB is required
to reduce the effective access time to memory by a factor of 2.5?
I am told an average memory access takes 100ns. Since there are 4 memory accesses for a 3 level PT (3 for the page table 1 for physical memory) I deduced that it takes 400ns.
I am then asked to reduce that by a factor of 2.5. So (2/5) *400 = 160ns.
my goal EAT is 160ns. I started setting up the problem and I can't figure out where to go from here.
I am given the following solution but I am just unable to follow it:
Access time = 100 X + (1-x) 400 – 100 ns for hit (read memory), 400ns for
160 = 100 x + 400 – 400x -> x = .8 -> 80% TLB hit rate
Can someone explain to me how they got to this step? I thought EAT was p(time it takes for a hit) + 1-p(time it takes for a miss) where p is the hit rate. isn't the time it takes for a hit 300ns? and then time it takes for a miss is 400ns?
from my logic I tried: p(300) + ((1-p) (400)) but when I went to compute it, I did not get the correct setup as the solution. Can someone explain where my logic is going wrong? Am I wrong about how many memory accesses a hit takes?

what is the meaning of "units of kilobytes * seconds-of-execution"?

I use getrusage api on aix.
I don't understand ru_idrss field.
An integral value of the amount of unshared memory in the data segment of a process (expressed in units of kilobytes * seconds-of-execution).
As you know getrusage is an api to get usage of resources. The description says, in other words, the unit of ru_idrss is calculated like kilobytes multiply seconds-of-execution.
Thank you!