How debug Vue3 applications with chrome and native javascript debugger - vue.js

i started a new application with vue3 (created with vue-cli) and I'm not able to exploit native debugger in chrome
I have read that I had to specify the source map in my vue.config.js
module.exports = {
pluginOptions: {
quasar: {
importStrategy: 'kebab',
rtlSupport: false
configureWebpack: {
devtool: 'source-map'
transpileDependencies: [
But I'm still not able to explore my component code with a debugger
the result I have
screenshot not working
and what i want (screen from a vue2 project)
screenshot working

To use the native js debugger in a vue 2 application. You can do something like this:
methods: {
doSomething () {
this.loading = true
// doing something
debugger // native js debugger, in console check => this.loading (= true)
this.loading = false
Hopefully, it works the same way in vue 3.
You may be tempted to use it in the life-cycle hooks such as mounted, created ... but unfortunately, that never worked for me. Once the debugger halts the program, you can test it in the console by seeing what kind of object this identifies as.
When the native js debugger is used in a method enclosed by the methods option, it acts in a helpful and expected way. However, when it is used in a lifecycle hook like created the this object is not what you would expect it to be.
I actually stumbled on this question because I was looking for ways to use the native js debugger in the life cycle hooks. I'm hoping there might be vue 2 life-cycle hooks that support it.


How to use Vue hooks inside a custom plugin?

I am writing custom plugin and need to create CSS custom properties from inside of it. In SPA mode everything is fine, but SSR mode is where the troubles coming. What I need is just to put my method inside of a mounted() hook. Is it possible?
export default {
install(app, options) {
function createCSSVariables(options) {
const root = document.documentElement // this can't be working on server side :('--font-family', options.font_family)'---accent', options.colors.accent)
I am using nuxt and could just use 'client' flag in plugin, but since it is for UI library, this will not help much - in this scenario all the elements would flicker right after mount

Call context in nuxt not working in v-bind

I have question related to using context or prototype in Nuxt
I create a constant for 'modal' name like this:
export default Object.freeze({
I also created constant.js in plugin folder and already added to nuxt config.
import modals from '#/constants/modal';
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
inject('modalName', modals)
In component I can't call value from v-bind, it said : undefined MODAL_SHOWPRO
<Popup :id="$modalName.MODAL_SHOWPRO" />
but I can call it from $emit function something like this:
#click="$nuxt.$emit('showModal', {id: $modalName.MODAL_SHOWPRO})"
Can you let me know why and how to fix it?
Notice: It will work if:
I make data
modal: ''
and add to created:
async created() {
this.modalName = await this.$modalName
Nuxt is a meta-framework aimed at providing an universal app (server then client side). So, you need to think about both server and client.
In your code, you specified ssr: false, this is outdated and should rather be mode: 'client'. But setting so is still false because it means that the ENUM will not be available on the server (hence the error).
Setting it like this is more appropriate (regarding the nature of the plugin) and also fixes the issue
plugins: ['~/plugins/constant.js'],
More on Nuxt plugins:

VueJS and ElectronJS | VueJS stops rendering completely when I import ipcRenderer in a component

So I am coding a VueJS and ElectronJS template which can be found here:
My code works something like this,
Inside of my Vue component I access a global pre constructed class called MainProcessInterface and when it's constructed it first checks if vue is compiled for running in a development server. If it's in a dev server it will connect to the dev socket which electrons main process will host if electron is in dev mode and not compiled. This method seems to be working great, I had to use a socket because vue dev server is being loaded into electron via loadURL and so vue has no clue what ipcRenderer is. Inside the main process interface, if vue is compiled it will instead use the ipcRenderer.send() method. This is were the problem was born.
As soon as Vue runs thought the TS code, it sees ipcRenderer.send and freaks out while printing an error to the electron window console saying fs.existsSync does not exist or is defined.
I can't find a way around this. I though maybe i'll split MainProcessInterface into 2 peices, one for ipc and the other for websockets. Although it isn't a very good way, so before implementing it, I would like to know if there is a better more proper way of doing such.
I had a similar issue with React. Are you importing the ipcRenderer object somewhere in your build process? You might want to make sure it references the correct variable. I tried to drop this in as a comment but it wouldn't fit:
//index.html (index.ejs) for me... This is in the main HTML entry point
var IPC = null;
try {
IPC = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
console.log('IPC IS: ' + IPC)
} catch (err) {
IPC = null;
Then I initialize off that context in React with a startup here:
console.log('----------------HACK FIRED POST REHYDRATE')
(dispatch, getState) => {
const _state = getState()
if(window.IPC) {
if(_state.osc && _state.osc.on) {
dispatch( reconnectToEos() )
} else {
dispatch( updateStatus('[OSC Startup: DISCONNECTED]', ))
} else {
//Shut off OSC
dispatch( updateOscKey('on', false) )
dispatch( updateStatus('[WebApp, OSC disabled]', ))
}, 1000)
Basically I'm using a global variable (window.IPC) to initialize my app so I don't import a bad variable in my build process. I have a fair number of Electron APIs where this alleviates the issues with building via Webpack.
I hope this helps!

How to turn off messages from Nuxt server?

I am running tests and receive unnecessary texts in terminal, I would like to get rid of:
Download the Vue Devtools extension for a better development experience:
at node_modules/vue/dist/
You are running Vue in development mode.
Make sure to turn on production mode when deploying for production.
See more tips at
at node_modules/vue/dist/
const { Nuxt } = require('nuxt')
const nuxtConfig = require('../../../../nuxt.config.js')
let nuxt = null
beforeAll(async () => {
nuxt = new Nuxt({
buildDir: constants.buildDir
await nuxt.server.listen(constants.port, 'localhost')
}, 300000)
I've tried to put vue.config silent property in various places in code above, but also into nuxt.config.js, but I got no luck doing so. I've tried this snippet:
export default {
vue: {
config: {
productionTip: true,
devtools: false
How to turn off messages?
You could right click on the message in your devtools console and go with Hide messages from vue.runtime.esm.js. It will hide it from your console thanks to a filter. Do not solves the real problem, but a nice and quick fix.
Pretty much as here:

“window is not defined” in Nuxt.js

I get an error porting from Vue.js to Nuxt.js.
I am trying to use vue-session in node_modules. It compiles successfully, but in the browser I see the error:
ReferenceError window is not defined
VueSession.install = function(Vue, options) {
if (options && 'persist' in options && options.persist) STORAGE = window.localStorage;
else STORAGE = window.sessionStorage;
Vue.prototype.$session = {
flash: {
parent: function() {
return Vue.prototype.$session;
so, I followed this documentation:
import VueSession from 'vue-session';
if (process.client) {
build: {
vendor: ['vue-session'],
But I still cannot solve this problem.
The Window is not defined error results from nodejs server side scripts not recognising the window object which is native to browsers only.
As of nuxt v2.4 you don't need to add the process.client or process.browser object.
Typically your nuxt plugin directory is structured as below:
import Vue from 'vue';
// your imported custom plugin or in this scenario the 'vue-session' plugin
import VueSession from 'vue-session';
And then in your nuxt.config.js you can now add plugins to your project using the two methods below:
Add the mode property with the value 'client' to your plugin
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/myplugin.js', mode: 'client' }
METHOD 2: (Simpler in my opinion)
Rename your plugin with the extension .client.js and then add it to your plugins in the nuxt.config.js plugins. Nuxt 2.4.x will recognize the plugin extension as to be rendered on the server side .server.js or the client side .client.js depending on the extension used.
NOTE: Adding the file without either the .client.js or .server.js extensions will render the plugin on both the client side and the server side. Read more here.
plugins: ['~/plugins/myplugin.client.js']
There is no window object on the server side rendering side. But the quick fix is to check process.browser.
if (process.browser){
console.log(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
This is a little bit sloppy but it works. Here's a good writeup about how to use plugins to do it better.
Its all covered in nuxt docs and in faq. First you need to make it a plugin. Second you need to make your plugin client side only
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/vue-notifications', mode: 'client' }
Also vendor is not used in nuxt 2.x and your process.client not needed if its in plugin with ssr false
In Nuxt 3 you use process.client like so:
if (process.client) {
If you've tried most of the answers here and it isn't working for you, check this out, I also had the same problem when using Paystack, a payment package. I will use the OP's instances
Create a plugin with .client.js as extension so that it can be rendered on client side only. So in plugins folder,
create a file 'vue-session.client.js' which is the plugin and put in the code below
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueSession from 'vue-session'
//depending on what you need it for
// I needed mine as a component so I did something like this
Vue.component('vue-session', VueSession)
so in nuxt.config.js, Register the plugin depending on your plugin path
{ src: '~/plugins/vue-session.client.js'},
In index.vue or whatever page you want to use the package... import the package on mounted so it is available when the client page mounts...
export default {
mounted() {
if (process.client) {
const VueSession = () => import('vue-session')
You can check if you're running with client side or with the browser. window is not defined from the SSR
const isClientSide: boolean = typeof window !== 'undefined'
Lazy loading worked for me. Lazy loading a component in Vue is as easy as importing the component using dynamic import wrapped in a function. We can lazy load the StepProgress component as follows:
export default {
components: {
StepProgress: () => import('vue-step-progress')
On top of all the answers here, you can also face some other packages that are not compatible with SSR out of the box and that will require some hacks to work properly. Here is my answer in details.
The TLDR is that you'll sometimes need to:
use process.client
use the <client-only> tag
use a dynamic import if needed later on, like const Ace = await import('ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace')
load a component conditionally components: { [process.client && 'VueEditor']: () => import('vue2-editor') }
For me it was the case of using apex-charts in Nuxt, so I had to add ssr: false to nuxt.config.js.