Is the ddd() helper not working in Laravel 9? - laravel-9

I upgraded to Laravel 9 the other day, and now the ddd() helper is failing with the error Call to undefined function ddd(). I found this post on the Laracasts forum, but at time of writing there is only a single reply that states that the facade/ignition was replaced with spatie/laravel-ignition. I did not see anything in the documentation for the new package that mentions anything changing with ddd(), is there an additional configuration or something that is needed to re-enable ddd()?

Take a look at this
jasonvarga deleted the ddd branch 2 years ago
And you are right about not seeing any documentation about it in changelogs as well.
I heard this ddd() helper for the first time from you, so thax for that.
Please do check out the documentation of both of the packages.
Here facade / ignition and spatie / laravel-ignition
Both packages saying the same thing that
spatie/laravel-ignition works for Laravel 8 and 9 applications running
on PHP 8.0 and above. Looking for Ignition for Laravel 5.x, 6.x or 7.x
or old PHP versions? facade/ignition is still compatible.

In spatie/laravel-ignition version 1.2.0, ddd() was added back in! If you are not able to use ddd(), first check your composer.json file to make sure that your spatie/laravel-ignition version is 1.2.0 or above.
"require-dev": {
"spatie/laravel-ignition": "^1.2.3"


Lcobucci\JWT\Parser is not instantiable while building LaravelPassport AccessTokenController after upgrading to Passport 10 Lcobucci JWT4.1

Just upgraded to Laravel 8 / Laravel Passport 10.1 and Locbucci JWT 4.1. I'm getting this error:
Target [Lcobucci\JWT\Parser] is not instantiable while building [Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AccessTokenController]
This error makes sense since Parser is an interface, if I remove it from the AccessTokenController everything works as expected. As far as I can tell these packages should work together. Am I missing something here?
This is an error caused by the version of Laravel/passport, to solve this problem you must update to a new version of the package
execute this command, good luck
composer update laravel/passport

Apache Ofbiz 13 remove a hot-deploy component

So I'm started using Apache Ofbiz (13) and I came across their beginners tutorial here. Within the tutorial they mention a command:
ant create-component
Which is used to create a component in hot-deploy, so my question is what is the command to delete a component which you have created?
I've tried:
ant remove-component <component_name>
ant delete-component <component_name>
I can't find any documentation in regards to it.
There is no corresponding Ant target to remove a component. Just delete the component folder and the entry in the hot-deply ofbiz-component.xml.
If you start with OFBiz, I recommend to use trunk or the 16.11 release. Release 13 is not supported and maintained anymore.

Protractor/Jasmine showing different versions - what am I doing wrong?

When I do this:
console.log('jasmine-version:' + jasmine.getEnv().versionString());
it prints: jasmine-version:1.3.1 revision 1354556913
When I run 'npm list jasmine-core' it prints:
server#0.0.1 /Users/xx/Desktop/workingDirectory
└── jasmine-core#2.1.3
Why is one showing 2.1.3 and another showing 1.3.1?
I don't seem to have the features in 2.1.3, so it's running 1.3.1. How do I fix this?
You have to specify that you want to use jasmine2 in the conf file. Please read the docs here:
Protractor supports both jasmine 1.3 and 2.x, and it's up to you to specify the version of jasmine you want to use. (Side note, 2.x is provided via jasmine-core, while 1.3 is provided via minijasminenode)
EDIT: another side note, protractor support for 2.x is not released until protractor 1.6 or if you use master
This is my issue
Looks like Jasmine2 was only checked in a few days ago.

jsf myfaces 2.2 failure

I think I have found an error with the current (snapshot) JSF 2.0 Myfaces 2.2 Version; I think I am not the only one having this issue:
when I want to create a link with the following style:
<h:link outcome="../../test" />
I get following error:
PM org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.OutcomeTargetUtils
getOutcomeTargetHref Warning: Could not determine NavigationCase for
UIOutcomeTarget component {Component-Path : [Class:
javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: ..
When i try it with an old snapshop version (e.g. 2013-04-24), the links are created correctly, also when the outcome-site is in the same folder as the linking file.
anyone else having this problem or is there a way to fix this? I dont't want to switch back to the old version because it has much more serious problems than this link issue
It is a bug caused by the new JSF 2.2 spec, which enforces the use of ResourceHandler.createViewResource(...), and that code internally has a check to avoid ../ or ./ in the resourceName. It has been fixed on MYFACES-3839.

Dotless failing to compile ; in Bootstrap 3 less source

I use dotless compiling less-files. This worked fine with bootstrap 2.x, but after switching to bootstrap 3.0.0 (downloaded the source from here:, I suddenly get this error:
Expected ')' but found ' ' on line 47 in file 'mixins.less': [46]: //
Sizing shortcuts [47]: .size(#width; #height) {
------------^ [48]: width: #width;
Seems that having a ; as seperator between parameters is not valid less. The original source in the mixins.less looks like this:
// Sizing shortcuts
.size(#width; #height) {
width: #width;
height: #height;
Do I have to use an updated less compiler? Or did bootstrap release buggy less source?
UPDATE 1: I can see, that a pull request for dotless exists, fixing the problem with ;
"Fixes for ; not supported in mixin parameter lists #319 #320"
I will go using the css files until this has been fixed in dotless.
If you check out bootstrap's getting started page, you'll find that they state:
LESS compilation
If you download the original files, you need to compile Bootstrap's
LESS files into usable CSS. To do that, Bootstrap only officially
supports Recess, Twitter's CSS hinter built on top of less.js.
Though not using dotless, I followed a similar path that you did using lessc, and then found that using recess resolved my issue. Perhaps using recess would be an option for you too?
As an example, I have a file called tmpfl.less with the following contents:
#import "mixins.less";
#import "variables.less";
.wrapper {
.content-main {
.content-secondary {
If I run lessc on it, I get the following result:
lessc tmpfl.less
NameError: .size is undefined in mixins.less:47:0
46 // Sizing shortcuts
47 .size(#width; #height) {
48 width: #width;
Now, I successfully use recess as follows:
recess --compile tmpfl.less > tmpfl.css
In order to utilize Recess in a .Net environment, specifically in Visual Studio, one can follow these instructions for details on installing. Those instructions provide an overview, but perhaps leave out some details on getting Node.js installed. Microsoft has some brief words about it and they link to a GitHub project which might be helpful depending on your version of Visual Studio.
If you don't go down the Node.js-in-Visual Studio route, then really the main goal is to have Node.js installed somewhere, and then ultimately npm, the package manager for Node.js so you can install Recess. That can be achieved on Windows by going to the Node.js download, and installing the Windows version. Installing npm is highlighted in this stackoverflow discussion. Once installed, you just need to run npm to install Recess as follows:
npm install recess -g
That is also discussed in the first link of this update.
One of my colleagues that uses dotless has had a few fixes for Bootstrap 3 issues merged. Apparently Bootstrap3 will now compile with the latest code :)
I expect an updated NuGet package will be available soon (based on this tweet)
After spending hours on getting this to work myself i found that dotless is quite useless at this time.
but here is where you can impliment Less and Bootstrap 3 Less in your mvc ASP.Net Project
This guy just won an internets in my book and if you can track down his stack exchange account for me let me know.
I have put together an httphandler which will compile less using lessjs.
It's more of a proof of concept than production quality code, however it may be useful for some people as a starting point.
You can find the source here:
In case anyone is interested in trying to do this using jurassic, you can find my attempt here:
I don't recommend Jurassic for this because
it required a few bug fixes to the library which are not currently
integrated into the main project My changes are now in the master branch of Jurassic so this is no longer an issue (though the latest release does not currently include them)
it is very slow, hence the
reason I tried clearscript