i need to get "Key: Data" from the OSM Database. For that i read, that I need the Overpass API to access and then pull Data i like.
Is this correct?
How can I access OSM Data in Kotlin(Android)
Exactly I want to gain Data from - Key:traffic_sign - via Kotlin
Please help!
Good Day,
Is it possible to GET data into a content set for ArcGIS online? I am new to ArcGIS online. Was wondering how I can call (GET) an endpoint in json format (with some lat and lon) to dynamically update the data set when a new object is entered.
Thank you all
Sure, you can use GET to query a Feature Service: documentation (example). To edit or add data, you'll want to use ApplyEdits - that is POST only, as you can see in the documentation.
You can do that using Rest API and many other Languages.
Here are the list of all the tutorials with different languages.
Its very helpful and well guided.
All the tutorials with Rest API : https://developers.arcgis.com/labs/?product=rest-api&topic=any
Add/Update/Remove feature with Rest API and Json formats : https://developers.arcgis.com/labs/rest/add-edit-and-remove-features/
I'm trying to get back pagemap data when I call the google site search api, and it's not currently present.
The sample response here leads me to believe it is possible ( there is a pagemap field )
Can anyone confirm that the structured data tool reads PageMap data? I've tried using it to verify my pagemap data is correct, but finds nothing.
If it doesn't, does the Site search API only return pagemap attributes maybe at the paid level?
Answering below question:
If it doesn't, does the Site search API only return pagemap attributes maybe at the paid level?
Yes. It gives you a pagemap object which itself is sub-divided in other data objects. For instance the book:isbn was provided as Schema.org data, whereas the og: stuff as Open Graph Data.
Yep, newbie question here, but it's bothering me for some days now, trying to read all the docs on google developer site, but I'm spinning in circles.
I've created a Fusion Table and set the access to 'public' and got an ID.
According to Goolge I should have an API key to access the data from a REST-call. Google suggests:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth. Next, click APIs. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the Fusion Tables API.
In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
I can do that all I've got an API-key, but how does this relates to the Fusion Table I've created? Can I use that API key for
this is really simple API key give the ability to do the most of mysql request type SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE using GET and POST also PUT request , for GET you can use the navigator for that but the most effective way for your case is the use of curl librairie for php or jaira for java ... so you can send post or put request with a simple script.
So, what you can do with fusion table is automating the process of manipulating data and the option to share those data with someone else.
Edit: procedures changed since this post. Your mileage may vary
Head to the Google Developers Console
Create a project
Under Explore other services click "Enable APIs and get credentials like keys"
Search for Fusion Tables
Enable Fusion Tables API as a service under APIs & Auth --> APIs
You probably want the browser key. Grab the API key.
Happy Mapping...
API-keys are not related to specific Fusion Tables, they are related to projects.
You may use the key to request data from any public and downloadable FusionTable(not only your own Tables ), the key basically is used to identify your project(google-account) .
So when you have problems with requesting data from a public table, check if the table is downloadable too(click on the table-name on top-left->reuse access->allow downloads ).
What would the best approach for hitting every company that is listed on AngelList? My first guess would be to query all the numbers up until 250k, the number of companies on angelList, using this endpoint https://api.angel.co/1/startups/45435
There surely has to be a better way of doing this though.
Yes it is possible via their API. And the API endpoint that you have mentioned in your question is the correct one. I have written a PHP component to achieve this. You can use this exporter application to download the start-ups data for each country into a CSV file : AngelList Data Exporter
I hope this helps you.
Angel.co does not expose its api anymore. So you have to parse the website to get any data.
Also a quick google search would give you a few websites which have different datasets from angel.co website.
I have been working on twitter api and found it easy to get json/xml feed from an url like
similarly i wanted to know if there is a way to get OSM json/xml data from an url and use that and use it on an OSM map....
There is possibilities to read data in specific bounding box (however not too much).