what is Boundary Value Analysis? - testing

In an eCommerce website, the first name text field accepts a maximum of 30 characters, What are the BVA values?

Boundary values are the thresholds where a program behaves differently.
For instance, suppose I am sending messages. Each message must be split into packets of between 1 and 100 bytes. If the message is 100 bytes then one packet should be sent. If the message is 101 bytes then two packets should be sent. There is a boundary between 100 and 101 bytes. Both lengths should be tested.
Bugs typically happen at boundary values because that is where off-by-one errors and similar problems exist. In the message example above, you might find that a 100 byte message gets sent as two packets, or a 101 byte message drops the last byte, because of some subtle bug in the packet logic. This might happen even though shorter or longer messages get sent correctly, which is why it is important to concentrate on boundary values when testing.
Boundary Value Analysis is the process of identifying boundary values, both by inspecting the specification and inspecting the code. Look for conditions on things like length and range. For instance, if a field must be all letters then check values like 'a' (0x61), '`' (backtick, 0x60), 'z' (0x7a) and '{' (0x7b). If a field must not be more than 30 characters, check 30 and 31. And so on.
(Also, don't forget that Unicode is a thing: check non-English and non-Latin characters too).


DEFLATE: how to handle "no distance codes" case?

I mostly get RFC 1951, however I'm not too clear on how to manage the case where (when using dynamic Huffman tables) no distance codes are needed or present. For example, let's take the input:
where no backreference is possible since there are no repetitions of length >= 3.
According to RFC 1951, at least one distance code must be present regardless, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to encode HDIST - 1. I understand, according to the reference, that such code should be of zero bits to signal "no distance codes".
One distance code of zero bits means that there are no distance codes
used at all (the data is all literals).
In infgen symbols, I'd expect to see a dist 0 0.
Analyzing what gzip does with infgen, however, I see that TWO distance codes are emitted (each 1 bit long) for the above input (even though none is actually used then):
! infgen 2.4 output
litlen 48 6
litlen 49 6
litlen 50 6
litlen 121 6
litlen 122 6
litlen 256 6
dist 0 1
dist 1 1
literal 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890987654321Z
literal 'YXWVUTSR
So what's the correct behavior in these cases?
If there are no matches in the deflate block, there will be no lengths from the length/literal code, and so the decoder will never look for a distance code. In that case, what would make the most sense is to provide no information at all about a distance code.
However the format does not permit that, since the 5-bit HDIST value in the header is interpreted as 1 to 32 distance codes, for which lengths must be provided for in the header. You must provide at least one distance code length in the header, even though it will never be used.
There are several valid things you can do in that case. RFC 1951 notes you can provide a single distance code (HDIST == 0, meaning one length), with length zero, which would be just one zero in the list of lengths.
It is also permitted to provide a single code of length one, or you could do as zlib is doing, which is to provide two codes of length one. You can actually put any valid distance code description you like there, and it will still be accepted.
As to why zlib's deflate is choosing to define two codes there, I can only guess that Jean-loup was being conservative, writing something he knew that even an over-simplified inflator would have to accept. Both gzip and zopfli do the same thing. They all do the same thing when there is only one distance code used. They could emit just the single one-bit distance code, per the RFC, but they emit two single-bit distance codes, one of which is never used.
Really the right thing to do would be to write a single zero length as noted in the RFC, which would take the fewest number of bits in the header. I will consider updating zlib to do that, to eke out a few more bits of compression.

emv tag 0x9F37 unpredictable numbers length

I have noticed that in some of the cases in emv transactions, the tag 9f37(TAG_UNPREDICTABLE_NUMBER) length is not 4 bytes, It is a read only tag so I cannot set it. Please someone explain me is it must be 4 bytes or it can be of any length upto 4 bytes. And also please guide me how this number is generated and what can cause its length.
As the name denotes it should not be predictable by any means and you can use any random number generation algorithm to create a value whether you developing a card application or terminal app as explained below.
Unpredictable number is used during Offline Enciphered PIN verification to ensure
that PIN block generated is different at all times. This is
generated by the chip and length is 8 bytes(image 1). This unpredictable
number you will not see at host and you will need a tool like FIME
Smartspy or Keolab Nomadlab to get the value.
Another is Unpredictable number generated by Terminal which is used
in cryptogram generation ensuring a different cryptogram is
generated every time even when all other CDOL elements are same. Its
length is 4 bytes(image 2)
image 2

How to predict size for output of SslEncryptPacket

Usually Win32 API can tell what is the length of output buffer required. One need just pass 0 as buffer length and API returns error BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and number of bytes required.
But it is not the same with SslEncryptPacket. It just returns error about small buffer and that's all.
There is also SslLookupCipherLengths which I suppose should be used for that, but documentation gives no clue about how to calculate output buffer having that info.
Maybe you can tell ? Usually I would reserve + kilobyte , but in my situation I need to know exactly.
You probably already know that in order to go through the TLS/SSL handshake, you repeatedly call SSPI->InitializeSecurityContext (on the client side) or SSPI->AcceptSecurityContext (on the server side).
Once the function returns SEC_E_OK, you should call SSPI->QueryContextAttributes with SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES to determine the sizes of the header and trailer. It also tells you the number of SecBuffers to use for the SSPI->EncryptMessage function, and it tells you the maximum size of the message that you can pass to EncryptMessage.
As I understand, the values that are returned may vary depending on the type of encryption that the OS chooses for the connection. I'm not intimately familiar with TLS/SSL but I think it uses 5 bytes for the header, 36 for the footer and 16384 for the maximum message length. You mileage may vary, so that's why you should call QueryContextAttribute(... SECPKG_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES ...).

Analysis of pgpdump output

I have used pgpdump on an encrypted file (via BouncyCastle) to get more information about it and found several lines about partial start, partial continue and partial end.
So I was wondering what exactly this was describing. Is it some sort of fragmentation of plain text?
Furthermore what does the bit count stand for after the RSA algorithm? In this case it's 1022 bits, but I've seen files with 1023 and 1024bits.
Partial body lengths are pretty well explained by this tumblr post. OpenPGP messages are composed of packets of a given length. Sometimes for large outputs (or in the case of packets from GnuPG, short messages), there will be partial body lengths that specify that another header will show up that tell the reader to continue reading From the post:
A partial body length tells the parser: “I know there are at least N more bytes in this packet. After N more bytes, there will be another header to tell if how many more bytes to read.” The idea being, I guess, that you can encrypt a stream of data as it comes in without having to know when it ends. Maybe you are PGP encrypting a speech, or some off-the-air TV. I don’t know. It can be infinite length — you can just keep throwing more partial body length headers in there, each one can handle up to a gigabyte in length. Every gigabyte it informs the parser: “yeah, there’s more coming!”
So in the case of your screenshot, pgpdump reads 8192 bytes, then encounters another header that says to read another 2048 bytes. after that 2k bytes, it hits another header for 1037 bytes, so on and so forth until the last continue header. 489 bytes after that is the end of the message
The 1022 bits, is the length of the public modulus. It is always going to be close to 1024 (if you have a 1024-bit key) but it can end up being slightly shorter than that given the initial selection of the RSA parameters. They are still called "1024-bit keys" though, even though they are slightly shorter than that.

Reading Packet Id from Byte

I have a packet that I need to send to a client with an ID of 255. I've had no problems sending packets with IDs of 0, 1, and 2. The ID has to be 255. For some reason, after the translation has happened, both me with my server, and the client, get "63" for any Id greater than 127.
This is the code I am using:
Now, This is an overly complicated version of what the server does. You may consider this a bit unnecessary but the inverse functions performed are for your viewing reasons only.
Where it says "255" is the Packet Id I need sent in the format above. As I said, anything larger than 127 returns "63". Very annoying.
Any help is appreciated.
Taken from here:
ASCIIEncoding corresponds to the Windows code page 20127. Because ASCII is a 7-bit encoding, ASCII characters are limited to the lowest 128 Unicode characters, from U+0000 to U+007F.
So you can't use that technique, because 255 is not a valid ASCII character.