Azure Stream ANalytics - Find Most Recent `n` Events Within Time Interval - azure-stream-analytics

I am working with Azure Stream Analytics and, to illustrate my situation, I have streaming events corresponding to buy(+)/sell(-) orders from users of a certain amount. So, key fields in an individual event look like: {UserId: 'u12345', Type: 'Buy', Amt: 14.0}.
I want to write a query which outputs UserId's and the sum of Amt for the most recent (up to) 5 events within a sliding 24 hr period partitioned by UserId.
To clarify:
If there are more than 5 events for a given UserId in the last 24 hours, I only want the sum of Amt for the most recent 5.
If there are fewer than 5 events, I either want the UserId to be omitted or the sum of the Amt of the events that do exist.
I've tried looking at LIMIT DURATION predicates, but there doesn't seem to be a way to limit the number of events as well as filter on time while PARTITION'ing by UserId. Has anyone done something like this?

Considering the comments, I think this should work:
WITH Last5 AS (
System.Timestamp() AS windowEnd,
FROM input1
TIMESTAMP BY EventEnqueuedUtcTime
HAVING COUNT(*) >= 5 --We want at least 5
System.Timestamp() AS ts,
SUM(C.ArrayValue.value.Amt) AS sumAmt
INTO myOutput
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(L.Top5) AS C
System.Timestamp(), --Snapshot window
We use a CTE to first get the sliding window of 24h. In there we both filter to only retain windows of more than 5 records (HAVING COUNT(*) > 5), and collect only the last 5 of them (COLLECTOP(5) OVER...). Note that I had to TIMESTAMP BY and CAST on my own timestamp when testing the query, you may not need that in your case.
Next we need to unpack the collected records, that's done via CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements, and sum them. I use a snapshot window for that, as I don't need time grouping on that one.
Please let me know if you need more details.


How to group timestamps into islands (based on arbitrary gap)?

Consider this list of dates as timestamptz:
I grouped the dates by hand using colors: every group is separated from the next by a gap of at least 2 minutes.
I'm trying to measure how much a given user studied, by looking at when they performed an action (the data is when they finished studying a sentence.) e.g.: on the yellow block, I'd consider the user studied in one sitting, from 14:24 till 14:27, or roughly 3 minutes in a row.
I see how I could group these dates with a programming language by going through all of the dates and looking for the gap between two rows.
My question is: how would go about grouping dates in this way with Postgres?
(Looking for 'gaps' on Google or SO brings too many irrelevant results; I think I'm missing the vocabulary for what I'm trying to do here.)
SELECT done, count(*) FILTER (WHERE step) OVER (ORDER BY done) AS grp
, lag(done) OVER (ORDER BY done) <= done - interval '2 min' AS step
FROM tbl
) sub
ORDER BY done;
The subquery sub returns step = true if the previous row is at least 2 min away - sorted by the timestamp column done itself in this case.
The outer query adds a rolling count of steps, effectively the group number (grp) - combining the aggregate FILTER clause with another window function.
Query to find all timestamps more than a certain interval apart
How to label groups in postgresql when group belonging depends on the preceding line?
Select longest continuous sequence
Grouping or Window
About the aggregate FILTER clause:
Aggregate columns with additional (distinct) filters
Conditional lead/lag function PostgreSQL?
Building up on Erwin's answer, here is the full query for tallying up the amount of time people spent on those sessions/islands:
My data only shows when people finished reviewing something, not when they started, which means we don't know when a session truly started; and some islands only have one timestamp in them (leading to a 0-duration estimate.) I'm accounting for both by calculating the average review time and adding it to the total duration of islands.
This is likely very idiosyncratic to my use case, but I learned a thing or two in the process, so maybe this will help someone down the line.
-- Returns estimated total study time and average time per review, both in seconds
SELECT (EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM logged) + countofislands * avgreviewtime) as totalstudytime, avgreviewtime -- add total logged time to estimate for first-review-in-island and 1-review islands
SELECT -- get the three key values that will let us calculate total time spent
sum(duration) as logged
, count(island) as countofislands
, EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM sum(duration) FILTER (WHERE duration != '00:00:00'::interval) )/( sum(reviews) FILTER (WHERE duration != '00:00:00'::interval) - count(reviews) FILTER (WHERE duration != '00:00:00'::interval)) as avgreviewtime
SELECT island, age( max(done), min(done) ) as duration, count(island) as reviews -- calculate the duration of islands
SELECT done, count(*) FILTER (WHERE step) OVER (ORDER BY done) AS island -- give a unique number to each island
SELECT -- detect the beginning of islands
lag(done) OVER (ORDER BY done) <= done - interval '2 min'
) AS step
FROM review
WHERE clicker_id = 71 AND "done" > '2015-05-13' AND "done" < '2015-05-13 15:00:00' -- keep the queries small and fast for now
) sub
) grouped
GROUP BY island
) sessions
) summary

SQL question: count of occurrence greater than N in any given hour

I'm looking through login logs (in Netezza) and trying to find users who have greater than a certain number of logins in any 1 hour time period (any consecutive 60 minute period, as opposed to strictly a clock hour) since December 1st. I've viewed the following posts, but most seem to address searching within a specific time range, not ANY given time period. Thanks.
Count records per hour within a time span
You could use the analytic function lag to look back in a sorted sequence of time stamps to see whether the record that came 19 entries earlier is within an hour difference:
with cte as (
select user_id,
lag(login_time, 19) over (partition by user_id order by login_time) as lag_time
from userlog
order by user_id,
select user_id,
min(login_time) as login_time
from cte
where extract(epoch from (login_time - lag_time)) < 3600
group by user_id
The output will show the matching users with the first occurrence when they logged a twentieth time within an hour.
I think you might do something like that (I'll use a login table, with user, datetime as single column for the sake of simplicity):
with connections as (
select ua.user
, ua.datetime
from user_logons ua
where ua.datetime >= timestamp'2018-12-01 00:00:00'
select ua.user
, ua.datetime
, (select count(*)
from connections ut
where ut.user = ua.user
and ut.datetime between ua.datetime and (ua.datetime + 1 hour)
) as consecutive_logons
from connections ua
It is up to you to complete with your columns (user, datetime)
It is up to you to find the dateadd facilities (ua.datetime + 1 hour won't work); this is more or less dependent on the DB implementation, for example it is DATE_ADD in mySQL (
Due to the subquery (select count(*) ...), the whole query will not be the fastest because it is a corelative subquery - it needs to be reevaluated for each row.
The with is simply to compute a subset of user_logons to minimize its cost. This might not be useful, however this will lessen the complexity of the query.
You might have better performance using a stored function or a language driven (eg: java, php, ...) function.

Find most recent date of purchase in user day table

I'm trying to put together a query that will fetch the date, purchase amount, and number of transactions of the last time each user made a purchase. I am pulling from a user day table that contains a row for each time a user does anything in the app, purchase or not. Basically all I am trying to get is the most recent date in which the number of transactions field was greater than zero. The below query returns all days of purchase made by a particular user when all I'm looking for is the last purchase so just the 1st row shown in the attached screenshot is what I am trying to get.
screen shot of query and result set
select tuid, max(event_day),
purchases_day_rev as last_dop_rev,
purchases_day_num as last_dop_quantity,
purchases_day_rev/nullif(purchases_day_num,0) as last_dop_spend_pp
(select tuid, event_day,purchases_day_rev,purchases_day_num
where purchases_day_num > 0
and tuid='122d665e-1d71-4319-bb0d-05c7f37a28b0'
group by 1,2,3,4) a
group by 1,3,4,5
I'm not going to comment on the logic of your query... if all you want is the first row of your result set, you can try:
<your query here> ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 1 ;
Where ORDER BY 2 DESC orders the result set on max(event_day) and LIMIT 1 extracts only the first row.
I don't know all of the ins and outs of your data, but I don't understand why you are grouping within the subquery without any aggregate function (sum, average, min, max, etc). With that said, I would try something like this:
select tuid
,purchases_day_rev as last_dop_rev
,purchases_day_num as last_dop_quantity
,purchases_day_rev/nullif(purchases_day_num,0) as last_day_spend_pp
from app.user_day a
inner join
select tuid
,max(event_day) as MAX_DAY
from app.user_day
where purchases_day_num > 0
and tuid='122d665e-1d71-4319-bb0d-05c7f37a28b0'
group by 1
) b
on a.tuid = b.tuid
and a.event_day = b.max_day;

postgres select aggregate timespans

I have a table with the following structure:
timstamp-start, timestamp-stop
i am only interested in continuous timespans e.g. the break between a timestamp-end and the following timestamp-start is less than 3.
How could I get the aggregated covered timespans as a result:
The reason I am considering this is because a user may request a timespan that would need to return several thousand rows. However, most records are continous and using above method could potentially reduce many thousand of rows down to just a dozen. Or is the added computation not worth the savings in bandwith and latency?
You can group the time stamps in three steps:
Add a flag to determine where a new period starts (that is, a gap greater than 3).
Cumulatively sum the flag to assign groupings.
Re-aggregate with the new groupings.
The code looks like:
select min(ts_start) as ts_start, max(ts_end) as ts_end
from (select t.*,
sum(flag) over (order by ts_start) as grouping
from (select t.*,
(coalesce(ts_start - lag(ts_end) over (order by ts_start),0) > 3)::int as flag
from t
) t
) t
group by grouping;

Query to find all timestamps more than a certain interval apart

I'm using postgres to run some analytics on user activity. I have a table of all requests(pageviews) made by every user and the timestamp of the request, and I'm trying to find the number of distinct sessions for every user. For the sake of simplicity, I'm considering every set of requests an hour or more apart from others as a distinct session. The data looks something like this:
id| request_time| user_id
1 2014-01-12 08:57:16.725533 1233
2 2014-01-12 08:57:20.944193 1234
3 2014-01-12 09:15:59.713456 1233
4 2014-01-12 10:58:59.713456 1234
How can I write a query to get the number of sessions per user?
To start a new session after every gap >= 1 hour:
SELECT user_id, count(*) AS distinct_sessions
SELECT user_id
,(lag(request_time, 1, '-infinity') OVER (PARTITION BY user_id
ORDER BY request_time)
<= request_time - '1h'::interval) AS step -- start new session
FROM tbl
) sub
WHERE step
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY user_id;
Assuming request_time NOT NULL.
In subquery sub, check for every row if a new session begins. Using the third parameter of lag() to provide the default -infinity, which is lower than any timestamp and therefore always starts a new session for the first row.
In the outer query count how many times new sessions started. Eliminate step = FALSE and count per user.
Alternative interpretation
If you really wanted to count hours where at least one request happened (I don't think you do, but another answer assumes as much), you would:
SELECT user_id
, count(DISTINCT date_trunc('hour', request_time)) AS hours_with_req
FROM tbl