PrestaShop Call to undefined method FrontController::parseCMSContent() after update to - prestashop

I created some custom shortcodes for my PrestaShop by creating a file (override/classes/controller/FrontController.php) with a method like :
public static function parseCMSContent($content)
And in my module and cms smarty templates I changed:
{$cms.content nofilter}
{FrontController::parseCMSContent($cms.content) nofilter}
Everything was working fine with Prestashop, but the update to broke the whole thing.
I get a 500 error saying :
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method FrontController::parseCMSContent() ... .module.pscustomtextpscustomtext. ...
It's still working fine with debug mode enabled though..
I can't find anything about the function being deprecated, any idea on how I could get this working again please?

In case this can help anyone, I fixed this by moving my override into a new smarty plugin.
I created a file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/function.get_shortcoded_content.php
I added my shortcodes in:
function smarty_function_get_shortcoded_content($params, &$smarty)
And in my smarty files I called:
{get_shortcoded_content content=$cms.content}
instead of:
{$cms.content nofilter}
It seems to work all fine again.


Vue.js including non-npm JavaScript library

I'm a total beginner with Vue.js and struggling to find the answer to what I feel is a fairly basic need.
I have a JavaScript library that cannot be installed locally and must be imported via script tag in the index.html file in the old-fashioned way:
<script src=""></script>
This library has a bunch of methods in it that I need to use in various spots throughout my app, so it's not going to be a problem to load it globally. The issue I'm facing is that it's loading fine, but the methods are not being recognised in components.
I can use the methods and whatnot if I put them all in a script tag in the index.html however doing that rather defeats the whole point of having components.
Can anyone help me with the step that I'm missing to register all of the methods in this loaded js file so my components don't get mad?
Specifically, the script contains require.js and a collection of other things including JQuery.
Including the library makes the method 'require' available, which is used to load other modules on demand - the example being "js/qlik" in the below snippet. "js/qlik" loads JQuery and a stack of stuff associated with "qlik".
//async login method here. not relevant to this problem
login().then(() => {
(config.isSecure ? "https://" : "http://") + +
(config.port ? ":" + config.port : "") +
config.prefix +
webIntegrationId: config.webIntegrationId,
//Load js/qlik after authentication is successful
require(["js/qlik"], function (qlik) {
qlik.on("error", function (error) {
$("#popupText").append(error.message + "<br>");
$("#closePopup").click(function () {
var app = qlik.openApp("caa866be-c8e1-44c8-b67b-dac9d24421fa", config);
The problem I have is that if I load this library in the index.html file and then try to execute the methods in the snippet above in any component, it does not know that the methods are available.
I see:
'Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'js/qlik'
66:11 error '$' is not defined
which indicates that the components are unaware of the methods because they're not registered like they would be if I were importing a packaged afterinstalling it locally via NPM
i.e. Your original js code: function abc(){// sth...}
What you need: = ()=>{// sth...}
Even if you want it in Vue dom.
You should add = ()=>{//sth...}

Dynamically add json content with vue-if and other vue attributes

I am working chrome extension which uses vue. I have found that google can take a while to publish updates, so there is some content that I would like to be able to edit with a json that is called by the extension via a $.getJSON https request. So far, that has worked pretty well for getting raw text. But I have problems when I try to add a span tag with a v-if statement such as the following:
Thank you for meeting. We have prepared the following <span v-if='docCount.length > 0'>documents</span><span v-else>document</span> for you today:
What happens is that it just says "prepared the following 'documentsdDocuments'" as if it takes all to be true.
I have gotten this result after putting the above JSON text in a v-html as follows:
<p v-html="coverLetterContent['p1']"></p>
I have gotten the same result after trying the following:
.bind(this)).then( function (result){
I also tried creating a dynamic component as follows but was getting an error and nothing was rendered:
dynamicComponent: function() {
return {
template: `<p>${coverLetterContent["p1"]}</p>`,
methods: {
someAction() {
The error I got on this was: "ReferenceError: coverLetterContent is not defined." coverLetterContent is defined in the vue app data and is accessible via the v-html call described above.

How and where to instantiate a custom class that extends the WP_REST_Controller

I have a plugin that I created and I want to use the WP rest api controller pattern in order to extend the api.
* Plugin Name: myplugin
* Plugin URI: h...
* Description: A simple plugin ...
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Kamran ...
* Author ....
* License: GPL2
function myplugin_register_endpoints(){
require_once 'server/controllers/my_ctrl.php';
$items=new items();
I created a class a folder called server/controllers and inside it my_ctrl.php file with a class that extends WP_REST_Controller that looks like this
// server/controllers/my_ctrl.php
class items extends WP_REST_Controller {
* Register the routes for the objects of the controller.
public function register_routes() {
However I am receiving the following error in sublime xdebuge call stack:
[Fatal error] Class 'myplugin\WP_REST_Controller' not found
I am not sure how to solve this issue, where to put the files for my custom controller, where to create the instance of the custom class etc?
Stumbled upon this and thought I'd provide my solution in case someone else encounters this.
The idea is to postpone the instantiation of the class extending WP_REST_Controller by not instantiating it until the actual rest_api_init hook is called.
Code example:
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
require_once(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/VideoImageApi.php');
Note the require_once from within the callback.
I have manged to solve the issue,
I checked the wp-content\plugins folder and I couldn't find the \rest-api folder and although I found the folder inside \wp-includes\rest-api it seems that this folder that integrates the "wp rest api" into core doesn't include all the classes that the api can expose (it includes only 3 php files), So it didn't include \wp-content\plugins\rest-api\lib\endpoints\class-wp-rest-controller.php . I installed the "wp rest api" plugin and it was added to wp-content\plugins and now I don't have the error anymore. (It was strange because I don't know when it was deleted from my project)
Thank you Dan your comments really helped me to recheck everything and scan the folders included in my wordpress and realize that the plugin is missing and that the folder \wp-includes\rest-api doesnt contain all the needed classes.

Protractor and Typescript: Class defined in different file but the same module causes 'declaration exception'

I am completely confused what I am doing wrong here.
Say I have a test file 'SimpleTest.ts' containing the following:
/// <reference path="../otherdir/simpleclass.ts" />
module MyModule.SubModule {
describe("this test", () => {
var myObject: SimpleClass = new SimpleClass("");
it("doesn't even get here!", () => {
The class here is defined in a different file, but in the same module, like this:
module MyModule.SubModule {
export class SimpleClass {
constructor(private myMember: string) {}
So both definitions reside in the same module. Typescript compiles fine, everything looks OK.
But when I start protractor (yes, I have configured 'specs:' path to the files correctly), it stops with the error
this test
encountered a declaration exception - fail
I know that I could get it to work by using module.export and require, but this is not a good solution.
First, I loose the type checking of typescript, when I use javascript 'require', and the type checking is one of the reasons why I'm using it in the first place.
Second, I think this is bad style to mix plain javascript into typescript code.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
Stop using internal modules.
It honestly helped me a lot when trying to understand TypeScript.
My experiences with internal TypeScript modules are answered here
You can read the article of Steve Fenton here for more details.
I hope this is of any help still to you.

Controller Not Found When Defined with module.controller() Method

My controller is not being found when I create the controller using module.controller(). I get the following exception:
Error: Argument 'HelpCtrl' is not a function, got undefined
I am refactoring my controllers.js file, breaking out each controller into its own separate file. I'm doing this by doing the following:
A typical controller
'use strict';
.controller('HelpCtrl', function(){
//insert awesome controlling code here
My application.js's bootstrap module is the same as the module name above' idalinkApp:
var idalinkModule = angular.module('idalinkApp', [ 'idalinkResources', 'idalinkFilters',
'idalinkDirectives', 'ngSanitize','ui','memberService', 'formStatusService' ]);...
And here's my ng-app declaration in my index.html page:
... <body id="ng-app" data-ng-app="idalinkApp" class=" login idalink-todo idalink-hide idalink-altnav releaseOne"> ...
I've also confirmed that the help.js file containing my HelpCtrl is being loaded in the browser.
Any ideas?