Xtensa xt-xcc license issue - xtensa

I am trying to use Xtensa cross compiler to build a simple embedded application.
And I got 2 mysterious issues.
The first issue is probably a license issue:
The Xtensa toolchain always reports below error:
License checkout failed: No such feature exists.
License path: 84300#xtensa03p.xxx.xxx.com:/root/xtensa/XtDevTools/install/tools/RG-2019.12-linux/XtensaTools/Tools/lic/license.dat:
FLEXnet Licensing error:-5,147
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.macrovision.com".
This looks like a license issue.
According to here, the -5 error code means No such feature exists. But I didn't find what 147 means. And I am not sure about how FLEXnet works. It seems to be a popular licensing mechanism.
But I can ping through the xtensa03p.xxx.xxx.com server. So I think the license server is alive.
The second issue:
When I try to check the cross compiler xt-xcc version:
/root/xtensa/XtDevTools/install/tools/RG-2019.12-linux/XtensaTools/bin/xt-xcc --version
I got below warning:
Warning: The location of this program does not match the Xtensa Tools
location specified in the Xtensa registry entry:
program prefix: /root/xtensa/XtDevTools/install/tools/RG-2019.12-linux/XtensaTools/bin/..
registry value: /root/xtensa/XtDevTools/install/tools/RI-2021.7-linux/XtensaTools
Either the current Xtensa configuration is not properly installed or you
are using Xtensa Tools from a different location than you specified when
installing the configuration.
xt-xcc version 12.0.12
Thread model: single
I don't know where the Xtensa registry entry is. Should I modify it to match my xt-xcc installation path?
Could anyone shed some light?


WHMCS add on module Product::pricing() error logged

I've taken over a company that is currently running WHMCS 8.4.1 and has a custom built add-on module.
I want to upgrade WHMCS to 8.5.1 so I set up a dev environment and installed the add-on files to it.
As soon as I try to open the add-on I get the following error:
Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Declaration of ProductExtended\Core\Models\WHMCS\Product::pricing() must be compatible with WHMCS\Product\Product::pricing($currency = ): WHMCS\Product\Pricing in /Users/steph/Sites/localhost/whmcs/modules/addons/ProductExtended/Core/Models/WHMCS/Product.php:22
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/steph/Sites/localhost/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Utility/Error/Run.php(0): WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleError(64, 'Declaration of ...', '/Users/steph/Si...', 22)
#1 [internal function]: WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleShutdown()
#2 {main}
I've never done any WHMCS coding before, but based on the error I would assume that there have been changes in the core way that
is coded.
All the main files are encrypted so impossible to look at those to see what differs to version 8.4.1
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might find some resources to help resolve this, and likely other changes that could affect the add-on?
I have looked at the 8.5.1 Realease Notes, Changelog and What's New documents, but found nothing specifically related to code changes.
Check to see whether /Users/steph/Sites/localhost/whmcs/modules/addons/ProductExtended/Core/Models/WHMCS/Product.php is coded by ioncube (the default WHMCS PHP encoder)
If you do not have access to the source code of the module, there's nothing you can do to fix the issue. You would need to contact the developer to have the module updated to support the version of WHMCS that you need.
If the module code is encoded, there's no way (at least legally) that you can decode it.

Icinga2 object ApiUser is unknown

I need help understanding an error why I'm seeing an error.
The feature api is already enabled with the correct ApiListener object, and Api logs are being updated in /var/lib/icinga2/api/log/current .
But I'm getting this error when I restart icinga2:
Error: Error while evaluating expression: The type 'ApiUser' is unknown: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf: 1:0-1:20
I'm running version r2.3.10-1 of Icinga2 on Ubuntu.
Can someone explain what the problem is?
You are probably mixing the current snapshot packages with the released stable versions. The 'ApiUser' object is part of the upcoming Icinga 2 v2.4 release and only available in git master (and therefore snapshot packages as well as docs). The stable 2.3.x tree does not have that kind of configuration object type and therefore bails out with an error.
Remove that file or its content, you don't need it for 2.3.x.

Couchapp - default template not found when running `couchapp generate ...` on Windows

After thorough browsing I decided to post here as I could not find a working prompt on the problem.
I installed CouchDB and Couchapp (in version 1.0.0, freshest one on Github) on Win8 machine and when I try to run couchapp generate app contacts I get:
2014-11-21 22:01:00 [ERROR] couchapp error: Can't create a CouchApp in C:\Users\
Michal\Desktop\contacts: default template not found.
I have not so far dug deeper into the Couchapp code to see if I can fix it. Fixes applied by Couchapp creator, Benoit, don't work for me.
All advice/constructive criticism much appreciated.
OK, I got it working - all that was needed was to include an environment variable for couchapp.exe. So, if you are installing a standalone version of Couchapp from the downloads section ( https://github.com/downloads/couchapp/couchapp/couchapp-1.0.0-win.zip, e.g. ) you NEED TO MAKE SURE that you first of all execute the installer and then point you environment variables Path to it, that's all. Hope it helps.

How to not require MSBuild package signing (APPX0101)

My app uses MSBuild 12.0 to build our samples in batch. I'm getting error APPX0101 that states, in part, "A signing key is required in order to package this project."
I can specifically filter out this error message by filtering out any error with the APPX0101 substring in it.
My question is, what is the "correct" way to suppress this error message or - better yet - specify that the project being built is not supposed to be signed?
With no details about your project is really difficult to provide an answer...
Have a look at this answer on MSDN forums regarding Metro-style applications: they are suggesting to configure a signing certificate to your package.
Assuming it is your case, you can verify the issue by opening your project with a text editor. The following lines should be present and not empty:
<PackageCertificateThumbprint><some thumbprint></PackageCertificateThumbprint>
Hope it helps

Flash Builder - Platform conversion failed error during release build

This is a very annoying problem while generating release build files. Here is the steps I did while building:
Select Project > Export Release Build
Select Signed Native Installer
Import certificate
Click Next.
I always got the following error:
Platform conversion failed. Process exited with error 5. Output was
"[ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
text="Unhandled exception Error: EndUpdateResource: Windows Error #5"
I have the following setup:
OS: Windows 8.1
System type: 64-bit
Flash Builder Version: 4.6 Premium
Installed FB: FlashBuilder_4_6_LS10.exe
Please help. This is giving me a lot of headaches for a couple of days now.
Additionally, here's the stack trace:
java.io.IOException: Platform conversion failed. Process exited with
error 5. Output was "[ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false
cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error:
EndUpdateResource: Windows Error #5" errorID=0] " at
nstallerPackager.java:129) at
portReleaseVersionManager.java:586) at
I also suspect this is because of the following settings:
-startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar
--launcher_library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.100.v20110502.jar
Notice that the plugin used is not intended for x64 processors.
#ActionScript3030 is correct, for anyone finding this later on, if you re-link your Library Paths (even if they look correct) this should rectify your issue.
The issue is caused by the links not being able to resolve to their GUID counterparts in your AppData/Local folder. This happens quite commonly when you create a new user profile and try to copy over your old user profiles information.
I already figured this out. I created a virtual machine with windows 7 32bit operating system and I'm happy now :)
If you initially created your project on a different system then try to compile it in another system, the class source and swc paths may not match. These paths could be there but not being implemented in code, so you will not get any run time errors while debugging, but it will give you the error 5 during compilation.
Remove the idle paths not directly in use in your code. You can identify them by simply checking the path.
Found the same issue when trying to use Microsoft Essential Security on my Windows 7 x32. When i uinstall it - problem gone. So try to check your firewall settings if stucking the same problem.
Just to add an alternative solution (I'm on an x64 Windows and want to keep build exported for x64), in my case the error popped up when building the project with the AIR SDK defined in the app.xml (an older one, 3.9) and went away when I explicitly used a newer SDK (19).
(Disclaimer: I used the command line adt tool from the SDK to build, not Flash Builder).
A little late, but might possibly help someone.
I had the same error recently with FlashDevelop. Figured out that the my path was too long. When I renamed some long folder and file names, the error disappeared.
Try to disable UAC on Windows 8. Change it to "Never notify". The problem