How to search and replace across multiple word documents in the same folder? - vba

I've tried to use the below code which I found on this conversation How To Search And Replace Across Multiple Files In Word? supplied by Charles Kenyon. However, it doesn't seem to work for me. I've enabled macros on my word and added the below code as a new module in Macros. When I go to replace all, it'll replace the text as per normal, but after doing this, when I open up the other macros enabled word doc, I find that the same text is still in these docs, without being replaced. Am I doing something wrong? Namely, I also wish to add a wildcard entry into my replace all, will the below code work or can someone suggest a better alternative? I have tested the below code with and without wildcard entries to no avail. I've also tried the code on this page in my macros but it also didn't work How to find and replace a text in multiple Word documents using VBAThanks for any help!
Option Explicit
Public Sub BatchReplaceAll()
Dim FirstLoop As Boolean
Dim myFile As String
Dim PathToUse As String
Dim myDoc As Document
Dim Response As Long
PathToUse = "C:\Test\"
'Error handler to handle error generated whenever
'the FindReplace dialog is closed
On Error Resume Next
'Close all open documents before beginning
Documents.Close SaveChanges:=wdPromptToSaveChanges
'Boolean expression to test whether first loop
'This is used so that the FindReplace dialog will
'only be displayed for the first document
FirstLoop = True
'Set the directory and type of file to batch process
myFile = Dir$(PathToUse & "*.doc")
While myFile <> ""
'Open document
Set myDoc = Documents.Open(PathToUse & myFile)
If FirstLoop Then
'Display dialog on first loop only
FirstLoop = False
Response = MsgBox("Do you want to process " & _
"the rest of the files in this folder", vbYesNo)
If Response = vbNo Then Exit Sub
'On subsequent loops (files), a ReplaceAll is
'executed with the original settings and without
'displaying the dialog box again
With Dialogs(wdDialogEditReplace)
.ReplaceAll = 1
End With
End If
'Close the modified document after saving changes
myDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges
'Next file in folder
myFile = Dir$()
End Sub


Printing pdf through automating word with VB net without showing dialog

I've finally encountered a problem, where I didn't already find the answer here or anywhere else on the web:
My program grabs some measurement values from an instrument (I cannot directly control it so I have to wait until the measurement was done by the user and parse the report), calculates some derived values and shall put these values back into the pdf report, which was automatically generated by the instrument control software.
It all works until I come to the line where the printout is started. It always opens the word print dialog instead of silently overwriting my file. I actually don't understand what I am doing wrong when calling PrintOut.
Here is the example code:
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Module Example
Private Sub PrintReport()
Dim intAnswer As Integer
Dim strReportFileName As String = ""
Dim appWord As New Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document
dim strPPF as string = "0.5" 'For testing, normally a parameter
dim strFolder as string = "C:\UVVis-Data" 'For testing, normally a parameter
'Find and open the PDF file of the report:
strReportFileName = (From fi As IO.FileInfo In (New IO.DirectoryInfo(strFolder.GetFiles("*.pdf")) Order By fi.LastWriteTime Descending Select fi)(0).FullName 'It will be always the newest file in that folder
appWord.Visible = False 'hide word from the user
wdDoc = appWord.Documents.Open(strReportFileName) 'open the PDF report
'Replace the placeholders which were defined in the report template earlier:
With appWord.Selection.Find
.Text = "#PPF#"
.Replacement.Text = strPPF
End With
'Print out the modified report:
'wdDoc.PrintOut(False, False,, strReportFileName,,,,,,, True) 'this was my first approach
wdDoc.PrintOut(Background:=False, Append:=False, OutputFileName:=strReportFileName, PrintToFile:=True) 'this also doesn't work as intended
'Close the file and restore word to it's normal state:
appWord.Visible = True
End Sub
end Module
Use the Document.ExportAsFixedFormat method which saves a document as PDF or XPS format.
Public Sub ExportAsFixedFormat_Example()
wdDoc.ExportAsFixedFormat pbFixedFormatTypePDF, "pathandfilename.pdf"
End Sub
Thank you for the input.
I found a second problem with my code: I cannot overwrite the original document once it is open in word.
I solved this by first moving the pdf to a temporary folder, opening that temporary file in word and deleting it after word is closed.

How to open a document with VBA on a Mac?

I'm trying to write a Macro to batch process a bunch of Word docs. I need to set the page size to "Legal" for more than 200 files. The code I've written is pretty simple and seems like it should work, but I can't get the Documents.Open command to execute successfully. Every time I get this result:
Run-time error '5174': This file could not be found.
(et cetera) -- even when I hard-code the filename. The file definitely does exist. Here's what I've got so far:
Public Sub MassFormatLegal()
Dim vDirPath As String
Dim vFile As String
Dim vFileName As String
Dim oDoc As Document
vDirPath = "MacMiniHD:Users:atc:Documents:TEST:"
vFile = Dir(vDirPath)
Do While vFile <> ""
vFileName = vDirPath & vFile
'* display the filename to verify that it's correct
MsgBox "vFileName: " + vFileName
'* open file
Set oDoc = Documents.Open("MacMiniHD:Users:atc:Documents:TEST:AAFILE.doc")
'* I also tried the following, all resulting in the same error
'*Set oDoc = Documents.Open(vFileName)
'*Set oDoc = Documents.Open(fileName:=vFileName)
'*Set oDoc = Application.Documents.Open(fileName:=vDirPath & vFile)
'* change paper size
oDoc.PageSetup.PaperSize = wdPaperLegal
'* save and close the document
oDoc.Close wdSaveChanges
'* get next file
vFile = Dir
MsgBox "Finished"
End Sub
Any suggestions? I've tried a lot of different approaches and am realizing that there are serious limitations of VBScript for Mac, but surely this kind of basic file handling is possible?!?

Why won't this loop to add CustomDocumentProperties work?

I'm trying to add a few custom document properties to a folder of word documents.
I know that the loop itself works fine, because I used the same loop with different code to modify and then update pre-existing custom document properties.
The code to add custom document properties also works, I tested it by running it in it's own macro for a single document, which worked fine.
Since the loop works and the code within the loop also works, I just can't figure out what's wrong with it.
Here's the code:
Sub add_custom_docproperties()
Dim file
Dim path As String
Dim filepath As Variant
filepath = InputBox("Please enter the filepath for the files you want to
update.", "Input Filepath", "Copy filepath here...")
Select Case StrPtr(response)
Case 0
endednotification = MsgBox("The macro has been ended.", , "Notification")
Exit Sub
Case Else
End Select
path = filepath & "\"
file = Dir(path & "*.*")
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Do While file <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=path & file
Check = MsgBox(path & file, , "Check")
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="firstdocprop",
_LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="The First One"
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="seconddocprop",
_LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Second"
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="thirddocprop",
_LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="Third"
'original example from:
'set file to next in Dir
file = Dir()
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "The macro is complete."
End Sub
As you can see I have a comment there with the first example I tried from msdn, which I modified.
Thanks in advance for any help, even if you could just point me to a resource explaining where I've gone wrong or something like that.
Word does not recognise the changes to the CustomDocumentProperties as being sufficiently important to actually save the document when you execute the Save command - unless you had made other changes it just decides to ignore the Save.
You can force a save by telling Word that the document has not been saved since it was last changed:
ActiveDocument.Saved = False

VBA excel: how to add text to all files on a folder

I need to add text string to all files on a folder, as a footer
For example, on the folder on the path and called C:\mobatchscripts\
I have a random number of txt files, with text.
I want to add a line for example "text" on each of the text files on the folder
I have little knowledge of vba programming, but for what I have read I can use append, but I need something that loop on the files on the folder, and modify them.
So far I tried this:
Sub footer()
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
FolderPath = "C:\mobatchscripts\"
FileName = Dir(FolderPath)
Do While FileName <> ""
Open FileName For Append As #1
Print #1, "test"
Close #1
FileName = Dir
End Sub
But seems that its not looking into the files, or appending the text.
On the assumption that you're writing to text files (I see "batchscripts" in the path), you need a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (Within the VBE you'll find it in Tools, References)
Option Explicit
Public Sub AppendTextToFiles(strFolderPath As String, _
strAppendText As String, _
blnAddLine As Boolean)
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject
Dim fldOutput As Folder
Dim filCurrent As File
Dim txsOutput As TextStream
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
If objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderPath) Then
Set fldOutput = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
For Each filCurrent In fldOutput.Files
Set txsOutput = filCurrent.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending)
If blnAddLine Then
txsOutput.WriteLine strAppendText
txsOutput.Write strAppendText
End If
MsgBox "Wrote text to " & fldOutput.Files.Count & " files", vbInformation
MsgBox "Path not found", vbExclamation, "Invalid path"
End If
End Sub
I'd recommend adding error handling as well and possibly a check for the file extension to ensure that you're writing only to those files that you want to.
To add a line it would be called like this:
AppendTextToFiles "C:\mobatchscripts", "Test", True
To just add text to the file - no new line:
AppendTextToFiles "C:\mobatchscripts", "Test", False
Alternatively, forget the params and convert them to constants at the beginning of the proc. Next time I'd recommend working on the wording of your question as it's not really very clear what you're trying to achieve.

Removing internal link to Word-templates via VBA

I'm trying to create a small VB-application that removes the internal link in Word Documents, to their templates.
I have found this guide
and am trying to modify it, to use with VBA instead of Macro programming inside of Office.
However, I'm getting stuck on how to get the Document.Open to work. Any help is appreciated.
This is supposed to run as a free-standing application, and not runt from within Word.
I'm looking for a way to perform what the Macro does, but not from within Word.
There are two pieces of bad news to give here.
1) A document has to have a template. You cannot remove it, only change it to something else.
2) Changing a template does nothing anyway. See this page.
I am wonder if the problem with the Open method is that you are trying to open ".doc" extension files, not the modern ".docx" extension files. The VBA subroutine you linked to only does ".doc" files. This VBA code does both:
Function StringEndsWith( _
ByVal strValue As String, _
CheckFor As String) As Boolean
Dim sCompare As String
Dim lLen As Long
lLen = Len(CheckFor)
If lLen > Len(strValue) Then Exit Function
sCompare = Right(strValue, lLen)
StringEndsWith = StrComp(sCompare, CheckFor, vbTextCompare) = 0
End Function
Sub ChangeTemplates()
Dim strDocPath As String
Dim strTemplateB As String
Dim strCurDoc As String
Dim docCurDoc As Document
' set document folder path and template strings
strDocPath = "C:\tmp\"
' get first doc - only time need to provide file spec
strCurDoc = Dir(strDocPath & "*.doc*")
' ready to loop (for as long as file found)
Do While strCurDoc <> ""
If (StringEndsWith(strCurDoc, ".doc") Or StringEndsWith(strCurDoc, ".docx")) Then
' open file
Set docCurDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strDocPath & strCurDoc)
' change the template back to Normal
docCurDoc.AttachedTemplate = ""
' save and close
docCurDoc.Close wdSaveChanges
End If
' get next file name
strCurDoc = Dir
MsgBox "Finished"
End Sub
long time between answers but may be useful to others. If you have access to the VBE of the Word document [Alt F11], and you want to remove the reference then go to "Tools/References" [top menu] and deselect it from the list of reference files. I had a similar issue where template no longer existed, but it was still being 'referenced' in the Project window, so I did the above.